Chapter 7: Anatomy of the Skeletal System
Section outline
Pages 213 - 268
Powerpoints used to guide your learning while you are in lab
PDF of textbook chapter
All boldfaced terms are names of bones, then anything following are specific structures on each bone that you need to know. If there is an asterisk (*) you will need to identify if it is the right or left bone as well. This test is 100% lab practical!
This 1st quiz on the skull bones is on _____. 20 questions
Practice away! No limit on time, number of attempts, and you get instantaneous feedback upon submitting your answers.
This quiz is on _____. 22 questions
The lab practical (fully hands-on) test is on _____.
All bones and structures are indexed from your checklist for easy reference.
Practice away! No limit on time, number of attempts, and you get instantaneous feedback upon submitting your answers.
Okay, so this is a bit over the top, but it is exactly the same type of format as our hands-on lab practical. Here is a HUGE quiz that incorporates every single type of bone and structure from our checklist: skull, axial, AND appendicular. Practice away, but don't forget that the final test on this is ALL hands-on and you need to be skilled at working with the real thing! Enjoy!