Topic outline

    • LearnBPS iconWhat is LearnBPS?

      LearnBPS is the portal to our online learning management system (LMS). It contains both student courses, and professional learning opportunities for teachers and staff.

  • FAQs Manuals

    • (click icons below to learn more)

      How do I access LearnBPS? It's simple as 1-2-3

      If already logged in Chrome, the easiest way to access LearnBPS is through the BPS district website Learner Login to BPSapps. The process was made easier for K-2 students, why not take advantage of this simple 2 click method.

      Step 1: Click on Learner Login.
      Step 2: Click on LearnBPS button

      LearnBPS Log In from District Learner Login to BPSapps screenshotThe button will automatically open LearnBPS and log you in using Single Sign On (SSO)

      You could also login using InsideBPS, but you would need to add two more steps.

      Already logged into PowerSchool Teacher?
      In the TopNav there is an Applications button that opens a pop out drawer with a Learnbps SSO link that will automatically log you into LearnBPS.  
      PowerSchool LogInEasy as 1-2

      How do I find HELP on LearnBPS?

      Take a Tour

      Get help immediately!
      Use the step-by-step instructions to guide new users around the interface, to introduce new features, highlight important information, and more ...

      user guide

      Click on this page's User Tour icon to learn how to navigate this course.

      How do I  Find My Way Around on LearnBPS?

       About the Dashboard

      The Dashboard is a customizable page for providing users with details of their progress and upcoming deadlines. In the center is the Course overview block which allows students and teachers to easily track required activities and filter courses.

      Note: LearnBPS uses a different theme than the YouTube, however the functionality is the same.

      My Dashboard

      The Dashboard provides timely reminders of students’ upcoming assignments, topics they may have forgotten or missed, their next topic to learn, and any unfinished work, helping them stay on track.

      How do I personalize My Profile on LearnBPS?

      Step 1:
      From the User menu (your name and profile picture, top right), click Profile. The Profile page opens.
      Step 2:
      On your Profile page under User details, click Edit profile. The Edit profile page opens.
      Step 3:
      On the Edit profile page, we recommend you consider the following settings:
      • From the Email display drop-down menu choose between:
        • Hide my email address from non-privileged users: Privileged users such as teachers and managers will always be able to see your email address. Students cannot hide emails from teachers, but this will hide your email from other students. Hiding your email address does not prevent LearnBPS from sending you emails; it prevents other LearnBPS users from seeing your email address. Messages sent by you through LearnBPS will display your name and have a reply-to address of <> . Please note that the information displayed in the "From" field varies on the email client of the email recipient.
        • Allow everyone (in LearnBPS) to see my email address: This can't really happen, but the setting is there. It is essentially the same as the next option (Allow only people in your courses to see my email address).
        • Allow only other course participants to see my email address (default).
      • To display a personal avatar that will display in discussion posts, click the User Picture heading to expand the page and upload an image file.
        Drop image
      Step 4:
      To save changes to settings, click Update profile. You'll be returned to your Profile page.

      How do I get a course on LearnBPS?


      Log in to PowerTeacher, and follow the simple steps at right to automatically create Learnbps course shells from your powerschool schedule (it takes about a day).

      Learnbps students are enrolled into courses from PowerSchool, so if you are teaching a class and have students enrolled in your PowerTeacher gradebook, then the same students will automatically be enrolled in your Learnbps class.

      Each semester, new Learnbps courses will be created from your PowerSchool schedule, until you choose to switch this off. It is also school specific, so if you teach at multiple schools and would like courses created at each school, change your school and follow the same steps below.

      PowerSchool LMS Preferences