24-25 S2 SCI302 Chemistry - Johnson
Section outline
Chemistry students ALWAYS forget how to enter things in properly on their calculator! This shows you how to:
1) enter in values in scientific notation
2) do longer calculations with multi-step conversions (proper use of parenthesis)
This website does offer tutorials for solving all types of common high school chemistry problems. Mr. Johnson has his own video tutorials for everything, but this site does have a catalog of tutorials and examples that might prove useful if students need a different source for seeking help.
The flame test lab shows the energy released in a wavelength of light (color) as an atom's electrons return to their GROUND STATE, the normal position around the atom's nucleus. You are to watch this video, take note of the observations from each of the metals; then, there are two unknown metals to identify. You will enter your values, along with your identification of the unknown metal in the form below.
This lab is due for those that miss class on Thursday/Friday.
PDF of textbook chapter
Page 524 (1-9)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Page 526 (10-26)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Page 539 (34 & 35)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____. We will have a quiz on _____ over gas solubility calculations, molarity, dilutions, and molality!
Mole fraction discussion & example
Page 541 (36 & 37, 44 & 45)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Page 543 (38-41, 46)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
If you are finding that your answers do not match the options, check for the freezing point constant (water is 1.86, but benzene is 5.12) and also go back and check your multiplier for the dissociation particles. Remember that molecular compounds (nonvolatile) act as only 1 particle, the ionic compounds are the only ones that split up and act as separate particles. Refer to the video tutorial for more in-depth learning on that - starts at 50 seconds in. You can resubmit your homework if you messed it up the first time!
Page 548 (53, 55 A & B, 58, 59, 60 B & D, 61 A & B, 62B, 63 B, 70, 71 A & B, 73 A, 77, 82, 83)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This document contains the questions; submit your answers in the form below
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____. The test is _____.
PDF of textbook chapter
Watch this video, along with part 2 video & assignment on _____.
This exercise comes in two parts. Watch this video first, then complete the first 7 Lewis structures on your sheet. Then move on to the 2nd video so you know what to do with the bottom half of the sheet, problems 1-18. -
AFTER watching the part 1 video and 1-7, then watch this video on _____.
Once you have completed step 1, watch this video to see how to proceed on to step 2. It will walk you through a couple of examples, then your assignment is to do the remaining problems. It won't be pretty, but don't worry: this is how we do it in class as well. The notes for this chapter will be based off of the things you had to do to complete the 1-18 problems on the bottom half of your sheet. -
You WILL need to have these memorized for the test!
Draw, give the name of the shape & angles, and comment on the polarity of the following problems
Assignment: Click on this link to model each of the molecules from the assignment so you can visualize the shapes and angles that are created.
This video serves as the notes we traditionally take in class for this chapter. I typically use the work done from the problems 1-18 to generate an understanding of terminology and/or concepts for this chapter. Be sure to have completed the work for the introductory problems 1-18 before taking notes from this chapter! The lecture is broken up into 3 parts: this first part covers problems 9-16. Be sure to take notes on these key terms/concepts!
This is the final set of notes for this chapter, which includes notes and terminology for describing hydrocarbons. Includes the classes of alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes. You will need to know the names and meanings of the prefixes and suffixes.
This worksheet needs to be completed by _____.
The assignment is just to draw out every problem and use every bit of terminology and concepts that is covered throughout this unit. If you can do these problems and utilize the terminology appropriately, you are test ready!
This is a video that runs through the chapter review worksheet: how to solve the different problems, the terms that applies, etc.
PDF of textbook chapter
Use this chart to evaluate the ionic/covalent characters - these values will be provided for you on the test, but you will need to use this chart to do the homework.
PDF of textbook chapter
This video tutorial covers all of the notes for this chapter
Page 182 (18-25)
Page 249 (29, 30, 31); Pages 186-187 (38, 40, 41, 43-45, 48, 52, 54)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
PDF of textbook chapter
P. 652 (3, 4, 6, 8, 53, 56, 57, 84, 85, 88, 89)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Page 673 (35-38, 41, 73)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Page 655 (10 & 11)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Beginning page 657 (12-17, 22, 24, 63-65, 86)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____. The chapter test is _____.
The actual final will have more problems to work, but this shorter packet does provide a basic review of all the skills assessed on the final exam. Do these problems alongside the "checklist" of what is on the final for a comprehensive list.
PDF of textbook chapter
We will be starting this lab on _____, finishing on _____.
Starting on page 349 (1-6, 9-11)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Page 359 (12-23, 37-43)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This lab walks you through all 12 reactions so you can take note of the observations, then complete and balance the equations. Be sure to have the below lab sheet handy when going through this video.
You will be filling in ONLY the prediction line (write and balance the equation) and reaction type line on Friday December 22nd. Leave the actual equation line blank until you perform the experiments after the holiday break!
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____ - the day of the quiz.
This video walks you through the purpose, procedure, and results of the below lab. You will then fill out the lab sheets and submit.
Page 371 (25 & 26, 31-33)
This assignment is due _____ - turn in paper copy, not online!
Page 377 (46-52)
This assignment is due _____ - turn in paper copy, not online!
This assignment is due _____ - turn in paper copy, not online! THIS IS THE DAY OF OUR TEST AS WELL, SO IF YOU WANT TO CHECK ANSWERS, COME IN AND DO THAT PRIOR TO THE START OF CLASS!!
PDF of textbook chapter
Page 391 (11-14)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Page 395 (15-20, 23)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Enter your answers to these questions in the form below.
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____. Â
Page 406 (31, 32, 33, YOU CAN SKIP #37, 38, 61 – 63)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This PowerPoint contains 3 different phases to the lab: introduction & procedure, the results and identification of the excess remaining, and finally how to perform the calculations for determining the amount of excess remaining. You will then fill out the lab sheet and submit it in the form below.
Page 412 (53, 54, 56, 58, 60, 69) *Be sure to calculate the amount of excess remaining as well - when applicable*
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Page 413 (55, 61-64, 66-68)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____ - this is the day of the test.
Section 4 only
PDF of textbook chapter
Page 567 (14, 15, 20, 21, 59, 82)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Page 561 (3, 4, 12, 13, 51, 53, 69, 74, 81)
This assignment is due the END of period 8 on _____.
PDF of textbook chapter
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Page 457 (9-16, 22, 50-58, 60-61)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
After watching this video demonstration of the lab:
1) calculate the theoretical mass of butane produced
2) calculate the % yield of the experiment based on the data provided
Page 480-481 (65-72)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This lab goes through the procedure, the data collected, and how to process the data to answer the analysis questions on the below lab sheet to determine the percent error.
If you are absent _____, use the data from the above video to complete the lab and calculations. Write your answers using this form (you received a paper copy before you left as well) and bring it to class Monday to turn in.
This assignment is due by the start of period 8 on _____.Â
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____ - this is the day of the test.
This part of the video goes through the procedure for determining the value of absolute zero based on data collected in lab.
This video walks you through the data collected and how to interpret & graph it to find the value of absolute zero through experimental means.
In order to complete this lab, you will need to print off this sheet, along with graph paper; then watch the two above videos to get a sense of how the lab is performed and what data was collected.
This lab, along with the graph, is due _____.
PDF of textbook chapter
This video walks you through the entire lecture PowerPoint, including some examples to illustrate some of the points of emphasis. From there you will be practicing the skills based on the concepts.
This quiz is at the beginning of class on _____. It is just putting the appropriate symbol (watch your capital letters!) and name of element (watch your spelling!) with the corresponding atomic number. **The full list of elements to know (number, symbol, and name) is: 1-32, 35, 47, 50, 79, 80, & 82**
This online quiz is on _____. You will type in the name of the element, then the symbol for that element. Watch your capital lettering on symbols! There is a password to open the quiz, which I will announce at the start of the class. **The full list of elements to know (number, symbol, and name) is: 1-32, 35, 47, 50, 79, 80, & 82**
This lab will be performed on _____ after the 1-20 elements quiz. It is a partner lab that will take 2 days to perform. The writeup and analysis is due by the start of class on _____!
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This two-day lab to investigate the physical separation of a solid-liquid mixture begins on _____. Unknowns are on _____ and will be turned in that day.
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Elements 1-32, 35, 47, 50, 79, 80, 82. This quiz will be done in class on _____.
Pages 55 & 56 (40, 43-45, 48-50, 52, 53, 57, 62, 72, 73, 75)
We will work in this assignment in class on _____. It is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This assignment is due by the beginning of period 8 on _____ - this is the day of the chapter 2 test.
This test is on _____ - it will be pencil/paper!
Sections 1 & 2
PDF of textbook chapter
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This video discusses the following questions: How do we measure items in science? When we see numbers, what kinds of information does that communicate? What are significant figures all about?
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This PowerPoint walks you through the instructions & an overview of the analysis questions, then a screen capture of each station to record your measurement. You will need to fill out the lab sheet and send me a copy of your answers for grading.
This assignment is due by the start of 8th period on _____.
We are working on this in class on _____. This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
We will work on this in class on _____. This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____ (the day of the test).
Chapter overview - It's long because it goes over everything. Use the bookmarks tab to go to the sections you need, and know that I go into more depth with significant figures, doing math in scientific notation, and metric system conversions in other videos above. Turn to those for a better, specific understanding of those concepts.
This PENCIL & PAPER TEST will be on _____.
Section 3
PDF of textbook chapter
Pages 86-90 (36-47; skip #39 & #44)
Watch your significant figures!
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Use the conversion factors printed on the back page of this worksheet to arrive at the correct answer. Be sure to round your answers to the correct number of significant figures, or the problem will be marked wrong! Some problems require as few as two steps; others will require up to 8 steps. (And no, you will NOT need to know these conversions on the test. This is just an exercise to get used to the "feel" of how we approach conversions using a dimensional analysis technique)
This worksheet is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Watch your significant figures!
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Watch your significant figures!
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____- the day of the test.
This PENCIL & PAPER TEST will be taken in class on _____.
PDF of textbook chapter
Pages 113-114 (16-19)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Pages 118-119 (22-34)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Pages 122-123 (37, 39, 46-51, 53, 61, 64, 67)
Page 186 (26, 28, 29, 32, 35, 50)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This short video walks you through how to do the below lab on calculating average atomic masses with isotopes.
Omit section 4.1 #1; section 4.2 #1 & #2
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____ - the day of the test.
This pencil/paper test will be taken during class _____.
Chapter 5: Quantum Theory - electron configurations, orbital diagrams, quantum numbers, Lewis diagrams
PDF of textbook chapter
Page 152 (33-38, 56, 58; skip 35 & 37); identify element for (3, 2, 0, -1/2) & (5, 3, 2, -1/2); give quantum numbers for elements #15 & #75
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Do this worksheet - for the bottom portion, only do B, C, E, F, G, & I
This assignment is due by the start of period 8 on _____- this is the day of the test.
PDF of textbook chapter
To be best prepared for balancing equations and determining amount of matter, you will need to have these memorized. On the front side of a notecard, list the polyatomic ion name; on the back, the symbol for the ion and its charge
Your pencil/paper polyatomic ions quiz is _____. This practice quiz asks you to name the ion when given the formula, then switches things around by asking the formula when given the name of the ion.
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Page 273 (10 - 17)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____ - NOT submitted online.
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
We will be going over this in class on _____ (don't submit online, bring to class).
Only do the select questions from each section:
9.1: #2, 4; 9.2: #1, 3, 4, 6; 9.3: #1, 2; 9.4: #1, 2; 9.5: #1, 2, 3
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Pages 298-299 (75,76, 80-85)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
We will do this in class as a final review for chapter 9 on _____. The test is _____!
Use this link if the above file won't open for you.
Use this link if the above file won't open for you.
PDF of textbook chapter
Page 309 (3-6, 13-15) Page 338 (51, 52, 54-57)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Page 318 (16-23, 26-31).
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
Page 326 (33-38).
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This lab will be done in class on _____.
This assignment is due by the start of period 8 on _____, as this is the day of the test.
Page 331, 339 (39, 40, 75-77)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
We will be doing this lab on _____.
Page 333, 339 (41, 42, 49, 79, 88, 89)
This assignment is due the start of period 8 on _____.
This assignment is due by the start of period 8 on _____. The quiz on empirical and molecular formulas is on _____!
A listing of topics covered 1st semester