24-25 S2 SCI312 Anatomy_Physiology - Johnson_new
Section outline
Please fill out this form to check out a textbook for this class.
You will use this 3-page glossary throughout the entire year.
Prior to enrolling in any dual credit course, students must apply to BSC. It is recommended for Bismarck students to apply through the PowerSchool app to autofill fields and automatically submit transcripts; details for that can be found through the link provided below (taken from this site as well).
Correlates with chapter 15
This quiz is on Wednesday March 5th. 13 points.
All 4 practice quizzes combined. Keep in mind that the 4 X 4 quiz is only 4 of each category, so this is pretty over the top.
Quiz is on Monday March 10th. Â 4 upper vein, 4 upper artery, 4 lower vein, 4 lower artery for 16 points total.
Circulatory system lab practical make-up exam URL
Put the slide show in present mode to see full-sized pictures
Urinary: chapter 20; Respiratory: chapter 19; Reproductive: Â chapter 22; Brain chapter 11
Know every structure from this list (front and back) AND their functions - you will find the functions embedded in the videos. Two parts to this test: name and function. You will also need to be able to list the cranial nerves - in order! - and list their functions. That is found on the 2nd document.
Updated video! Watch and take notes on functions.
This version of the brain discussion is shorter and follows the order of your checklist. Functions of each part are also included here.
Pages 389 - 442
PDF of textbook chapter
This is the reading guide for the chapter. You will enter your answers using the assignment form below.
This reading guide quiz is due _____. You may use YOUR reading guide to fill it out.
This document contains the outline of notes that are covered in this chapter for easier reference.
A copy of the PowerPoint used for lecture for your reference
Part 1 of this video series on the nervous system.
This video section just walks you through what I would like you to do for pages 2-4 of your notes outline as well as the brain diagram.
This diagram will be on the test and you will need to label the parts
The third video tutorial for this chapter
Pages 487 - 524
PDF of textbook chapter
Growth hormones, general metabolism hormones, & calcium regulation hormones
Hormone secretions responsible for egg/sperm production, day/night cycling, specific metabolism of sodium/potassium, carbohydrates, & adrenal sex hormones. Also includes a practice quiz that models the type of questions to be prepared for on this unit test.
Hormones that control overall immunity, sugar regulation (raising and lowering blood sugar levels), and the adrenaline response.
In case the review game PowerPoint doesn't open, here is a link to Google Slides with the questions. Might not work the same as the game, but at least you have the questions for review!
Pages 443 - 486
PDF of textbook chapter
This is the reading guide for the chapter. You will enter your answers using the assignment form below.
This video walks you through everything you need to know for this chapter:
Lecture notes
This assignment is due the start of period 2 on _____.
2nd semester final review
The lab practical portion contains questions from each system dissected: muscles, digestive, circulatory (including heart), reproductive, urinary, respiratory, and the brain. This practice quiz helps you identify structures from all systems. There are more slides here than you will find on the final itself, but it does review all items covered on the final.
Correlates with chapters 7 & 9 - This lab practical test will be on _____. Keep in mind that the questions will have three components: external structures, skeletal system, and muscles. Functions & o/a/i will be included.
Students are to watch and take notes on their own. There are several questions on the test regarding regions and structures, along with their respective functions.
A through G on the checklist
H through K on the checklist
L through Q on the checklist
This is a quick, online quiz on _____.  12 questions. Â
R through X on the checklist
Y through KK on the checklist
Upper arms and legs - don't forget to keep practicing from #1!
Quiz is at the beginning of class on _____. Â 20 questions.
LL through PP on the checklist
The entire muscle checklist is reviewed
I am attempting to load all possible 87 structure, bone, and muscle questions from above quizzes and have this review randomly select 60 questions for your practice. Hopefully it will be a different quiz each time.
Correlates with chapter 17 - This lab practical test will be on _____. Keep in mind that the questions will have two parts: name the structure AND give its function.
This quiz will be on _____. It covers #1-5 on the checklist. 15 points.
The above link to this dissection still works, but YouTube put an age restriction on it (now must be 18 or older). Use this link instead, but I don't the ability to have the text boxes pop up and have bookmarks intact.
Digestive system lab practical URL
For those that missed the lab practical day, use this link to view the stations. Put the slideshow in present mode and zoom in as needed.
Pages 694 - 729
PDF of textbook chapter
PDF of textbook chapter
Use this link to find the calories of various foods (other sites may work better for you, but this one is pretty good!).
This link provides alphabetical references to common foods
Type in the activity to look up calories burned.
Search common activities to find calories burned
Pages 11-58
PDF of textbook chapter
Each student needs to submit TWO measurements each, one from a student in class (August 25th) and one from a student in the commons (August 28th). Afterwards, I will display the class average to complete questions 9 through 12.
I will talk about how to fill out the back side of the guide in class on Wednesday. This quiz is at the beginning of class on _____, where I will give you that password for your specific period.  You may use YOUR reading guide notes.
Select the terms that match the corresponding number on your worksheet. This assignment is due the start of period 2 on _____.
The Study Guide is due the beginning of period 2 on _____. There will be no official test on this chapter. Be sure to practice up your checklist, for we will be using these terms in all future chapters!
Pages 151-179
PDF of textbook chapter
This first quiz is on _____. You can use YOUR guided reading notes and it only goes up through page 160 (introduction and epithelials).
Epithelials are discussed, also includes endothelials, endocrine & exocrine tissues
You can practice naming epithelial tissues here as many times as you want. No guarantees that these specific images are used on the test, but you will get feedback on your progress as you practice using this quiz. You MUST have received a passing score (minimum 15 out of 24) on this epithelials practice quiz prior to the start of period 1 on _____ before the actual quiz can open up!!
Epithelial tissues quiz - slide identificationThis quiz is on _____. It tests your ability to identify epithelial tissues from a set of microscope slides - fill in the blank. It will NOT be available for you if you have not received at least a 15 out of 24 on the above practice quiz. If it is not available by class time, you will receive a zero for lack of preparation for the quiz. 14 points.
This quiz is on _____. Â You can use YOUR guided reading notes and it covers pages 161 through 174.
All types of connective tissues discussed here.
You can practice naming connective, muscle, and nervous tissues here as many times as you want. No guarantees that these specific images are used on the test, but you will get feedback on your progress as you practice using this quiz.
You can practice naming ALL the types of tissues here as many times as you want. No guarantees that these specific images are used on the test, but you will get feedback on your progress as you practice using this quiz.
We will do this in class on _____.
We will do this in class on _____.
Mrs. Reid does a great job going through the entire histology unit on her video.
The chapter 5 study guide is due by the start of period 2 on _____. After that time, the assignment will close and the correct answers will be visible for your ability to review.
The test is going to be taken in-class on _____. This is the lab practical portion, where you will simply write in the name of the tissues on your test paper. Do NOT type in your answers on this test - it will NOT be scored electronically. This is to avoid automatically scoring wrong items that require a judgment call.
Pages 179-200
PDF of textbook chapter
This reading guide quiz is on _____. You may use YOUR reading guide notes.
Enter your answers from the chapter 6 study guide into this form. This assignment is due by the beginning of period 2 on _____.
This is a pencil/paper test to be taken in class. The test for this chapter is on _____.
Pages 213 - 268
Powerpoints used to guide your learning while you are in lab
PDF of textbook chapter
All boldfaced terms are names of bones, then anything following are specific structures on each bone that you need to know. If there is an asterisk (*) you will need to identify if it is the right or left bone as well. This test is 100% lab practical!
This 1st quiz on the skull bones is on _____. Â 20 questions
Practice away! No limit on time, number of attempts, and you get instantaneous feedback upon submitting your answers.
This quiz is on _____.  22 questions Â
The lab practical (fully hands-on) test is on _____.
All bones and structures are indexed from your checklist for easy reference.
Practice away! No limit on time, number of attempts, and you get instantaneous feedback upon submitting your answers.
Okay, so this is a bit over the top, but it is exactly the same type of format as our hands-on lab practical. Here is a HUGE quiz that incorporates every single type of bone and structure from our checklist: skull, axial, AND appendicular. Practice away, but don't forget that the final test on this is ALL hands-on and you need to be skilled at working with the real thing! Enjoy!
Pages 201-212; 269-291
PDF of textbook chapter
Digital scan of textbook
This reading guide quiz is on _____. You may use YOUR reading guide notes.Â
This is the same lab we did in-class on _____, and you can practice this as many times as you wish to develop your skills and confidence to get ready for the lab practical portion on the test!
Enter your answers from the above study guide into this form. This study guide is due by the start of period 2 on ______.
Enter your answers from the review packet into this form. It is due the beginning of period 2 on _____ - the same day as the chapter test. The test will be on _____.
Pages 292 - 312
PDF of textbook chapter
Because this chapter is concept-heavy, I am handing out the outline of the notes for students so they can better focus on the meaning behind the terminology.
Using the diagram provided in class, each structure is explained.
This is the diagram used for the video tutorial and will be used for the quiz on Tuesday November 22nd. You will need to identify the structures/components for the quiz.
The audio isn't great on the above video, so this link uses a bit different format to better hear/see the structures of skeletal muscle.
This quiz is on _____. (10 points)
This lecture covers material other than muscle structures, sarcomeres, and sliding filament theory
Enter your answers from the above study guide into this form. It is due by the start of period 2 on _____. The test is on _____.
Pages 313 - 360
PDF of textbook chapter
Use this list to label up your diagram sheet.
Practice naming facial muscles along with their origin, action, and insertions.
This quiz is on _____. 20 points
This quiz is on _____. On this quiz of the muscles from the waist up, be sure to practice the name of the muscle along with the appropriate origin, action, and insertion for that muscle. This will be a paper & pencil test. Don't worry! This quiz will be worth approximately 26 points - not 105! I've included every option (o/a/i) possible for each muscle.
All muscles from the 3-page packet; no o/a/i questions. Don't forget to practice those as well!
From page 2 of the diagram packet - does not include the facial muscles.
All of the muscles from page 3 of your muscle o/a/i packet.
This one is over the top with questions, but it contains practice for every single muscle AND each muscle's action. It is probably not the most efficient way to practice, but students in the past have requested having one practice opportunity with every question available.
This pencil & paper test is on _____. I would say this practice is NOT the best/most efficient way to go about getting ready for the test, but it does give feedback...
Every single muscle, every single o/a/i question possible.
Pages 525 - 553
Use the above reference sheet - along with the tutorial video - to fill in the vital information regarding each type of white blood cell (leukocyte). Remember: on the test you need to list each type and 1) describe the nucleus appearance, 2) talk about its "normal" function(s) in the body, 3) list the normal range of % in the blood, and 4) what it might mean (a couple of items, not just one) if you have a higher than normal % (called a differential count).
This site is a good alternative to the work we actually do in working up a WBC differential count. Open the link, maximize the screen by clicking on the show/hide arrows, then click the area to zoom in and use your arrows to move the slide to view the entire sample. As you go, make a chart that keeps a record of each WBC you identify (yes, you have to identify them all!). When you are done, count up how many of each type you have, then divide each category by the total number of WBCs present - that will give you your % present. Once you have completed the task of finding each %, refer to your normal % ranges for each type and make a diagnosis/statement regarding the patient's condition based upon the evidence. You will turn in your count sheet along with a writeup of your findings and conclusion based upon the evidence. Remember that this needs to be a thorough writeup; science supports its conclusions through evidence, so no "I think" statements or unsubstantiated claims!
Use this site to practice the skills of interpreting the sights and sounds of taking one's blood pressure.
A good review and visualization of the antigen/antibody complexes, plus reviews compatibility for blood donation. Scenario changes with each new try.
1st semester final
copy of the document handed out in class
There are 3 main sections to the lab practical: tissues, bones, and muscles. This practice quiz helps you identify structures from all 3. There are more slides here than you will find on the final itself, but it does review all items covered on the final.