BPS AVID Standards Book

Grade Levels

Grade 12

BPS-S AVI Logo (SA) (RAP) (OK)

AVI-12 Standards
6-12 Grade Levels

Grade Level LogoAVID (Advancement via Individual Determination)

Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
1 credit
Full Year

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is an elective course which provides students with an intensive preparation for higher education. AVID focuses on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading (WICOR). Students also learn strategies in organization, note taking, and goal setting to enhance skills in preparation for college. Students participate in group tutorials, college visits, test prep, team building, service learning and research. AVID is for students who have the desire to go to college and the willingness to work hard. These are students who are capable of completing rigorous curriculum and utilize AVID to fulfill their own potential. Enrollment in AVID requires an application, interview and contract. Applications are available in Student Services.

Note: Standards Identifiers auto-link to popup a detailed description with "I can ..." and Proficiency Scales.
Prioritized Sub-Standards Identifiers are highlighted a sky-blue.

 AVI-12.SA (SA) Student Agency Outcomes

Students believe in themselves and act intentionally to build relationships, persist through obstacles, and activate their academic, social, emotional, and professional knowledge and skills to reach their potential.
(BR) Building Relationships (subset)
  • AVI-12.SA.BRe1    Establish and maintain relational capacity with others.
    • Students share responsibility among group members.
    • Students work productively and effectively in diverse teams with diverse perspectives.
    • Students establish and maintain relational capacity with others.
    • Students respect individual contributions.
    • Students support group members in clarifying confusion and checking for understanding.
    • Students evaluate the impact of decisions on others and the world.
  • AVI-12.SA.BRe2    Activate a physical and digital network of support for current and future success.
    • Students generate and maintain a physical and digital network of support for current and future success.
(PTO) Persisting Through Obstacles (subset)
  • AVI-12.SA.PTOe1    Monitor progress towards long-term goals and aspirations.
    • Students identify and plan for the steps necessary to accomplish various types of goals.
    • Students monitor progress towards goals and revise appropriately, leveraging technology.
  • AVI-12.SA.PTOe2    Seek help and feedback when necessary.
    • Students self-monitor and seek help when necessary.
    • Students demonstrate persistence, flexibility, and adaptability.
  • AVI-12.SA.PTOe3    Develop a strong student voice to self-advocate.
    • Students develop, demonstrate, and maintain motivation.
    • Students apply learning to demonstrate knowledge and achieve success.
(AKS) Activating Knowledge and Skills (subset)
  • AVI-12.SA.AKSe1    Create a strong sense of self-identity by connecting with one’s emotions, thoughts, and values.
    • Students attend to personal health, safety and balance (including digital security).
    • Students demonstrate self-awareness strategies and skills.
  • AVI-12.SA.AKSe2    Develop and activate leadership traits and behaviors.
    • Students pursue leadership opportunities and hold leadership positions.
    • Students manage and resolve conflict with others.
  • AVI-12.SA.AKSe3    Think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in the digital world.
    • Students demonstrate integrity and ethical leadership, including online.
    • Students act as a globally and digitally aware, responsible, and contributing citizen.
    • Students analyze how the internet has contributed to an increase in hate speech and extremist views.

 AVI-12.RAP (RAP) Rigorous Academic Preparedness Outcomes

 Students develop academic skills and can successfully complete rigorous college and career preparatory curriculum and experiences.
(W) Writing (subset)
  • AVI-12.RAP.We1    Communicate thoughts and ideas through the writing process.
    • Students compose a variety of text types.
    • Students analyze a writing task.
    • Students revise writing to improve clarity and accomplish the writing purpose.
    • Students polish writing through editing and proof-reading.
    • Students publish writing by distributing to varied audiences.
  • AVI-12.RAP.We2    Write as a tool to demonstrate learning and deepen understanding of content.
    • Students take notes to meet the note-taking objective.
    • Students summarize and Reflect to synthesize learning and identify next steps.
(I) Inquiry (subset)
  • AVI-12.RAP.Ie1    Use questioning to demonstrate critical thinking and clarify learning.
    • Students use questioning techniques to engage in discussions and think critically about content and concepts.
    • Students identify specific questions based on a misunderstood concept or problem.
    • Students upon arriving at a solution, identify generalized steps/processes that could be used to solve similar problems.
    • Students make connections between new learning and previous learning, their experiences, themselves, and/or their world.
    • Students continuously reflect, and refine strategies to promote learning and academic success.
    • Students reflect and modify actions related to successful utilization of a process.
  • AVI-12.RAP.Ie2    Conduct proficient, academic investigation through the research process.
    • Students identify topics/questions to be investigated, with source material on opposing sides of the topic.
    • Students evaluate the validity and reliability of both digital and print sources.
    • Students synthesize and organize information effectively, including usage of digital tools.
    • Students cite evidence and support claims.
    • Students present research findings, customizing presentation for the intended audience.
(C) Collaboration (subset)
  • AVI-12.RAP.Ce1    Communicate clearly through effective speaking and active listening.
    • Students clearly communicate verbally and non-verbally, including appropriate usage of technology.
    • Students listen effectively to decipher meaning.
    • Students demonstrate command of language and grammar usage when communicating.
    • Students adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks.
  • AVI-12.RAP.Ce2    Work productively and effectively in groups in blended learning environments.
    • Students utilize technology as a tool for collaboration both synchronously and asynchronously.
(O) Organization (subset)
  • AVI-12.RAP.Oe1    Manage materials using physical and digital organizational systems and routines.
    • Students routinely utilize organizational systems to access and archive materials efficiently.
  • AVI-12.RAP.Oe2    Manage time to plan and prioritize appropriately.
    • Students organize and allocate time based on priorities and task completion.
  • AVI-12.RAP.Oe3    Organize information and thinking.
    • Students organize information, indicating relationships between ideas.
(R) Reading (subset)
  • AVI-12.RAP.Re1    Deepen understanding of a variety of texts by engaging in the critical reading process.
    • Students select a text according to the reading purpose.
    • Students preview text to connect with or build background knowledge.
    • Students examine key academic and content-related vocabulary to deepen comprehension of texts.
    • Students interact with the text to process information as it is read.
    • Students extend beyond the text by using academic thinking skills (applying, analyzing, evaluating, and/or synthesizing key learning).

 AVI-12.OK (OK) Opportunity Knowledge Outcomes

Students research opportunities, set goals, make choices that support their long-term aspirations, and successfully navigate to the next level.
(ACP) Advancing College Preparedness (subset)
  • AVI-12.OK.ACPe1    Explore education and college path based on personal strengths, skills, and interests.
    • Students develop an awareness of personal abilities, skills and interests related to college selection.
  • AVI-12.OK.ACPe2    Explore college admission requirements, including financing, testing, and application.
    • Students apply understanding of key college selection criteria to academic performance to determine best-fit colleges.
    • Students understand scholarships and the role they play in college financing.
  • AVI-12.OK.ACPe3    Plan education and college path based on personal goals.
    • Students plan education and college path aligned to personal goals.
    • Students complete college admission requirements, including testing and application.
(BCP) Building Career Preparedness (subset)
  • AVI-12.OK.BCPe1    Build awareness of personal fit related to career readiness and selection.
    • Students develop an awareness of personal abilities, skills, and interests related to career readiness and career selection.
    • Students apply understanding of potential careers in areas of personal interest to career goals.
    • Students develop skills and attitudes related to career readiness.
  • AVI-12.OK.BCPe2    Plan education and career path based on personal goals.
    • Students plan education and career path aligned to personal goals.
(DFR) Developing Future Readiness (subset)
  • AVI-12.OK.DFRe1    Develop personal financial literacy to make appropriate financial choices.
    • Students make appropriate personal financial choices.
  • AVI-12.OK.DFRe2    Develop a professional profile and monitor digital footprint.
    • Students develop and maintain a professional digital profile to demonstrate skills and competencies.
    • Students identify ways that digital footprints can make a positive impact on the world.