BPS AVID Standards Book
Grade Levels
Grade 07
AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination)
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is an elective course description. (ELA/MAT were AI generated from the prioritized standards.
Note: Standards Identifiers auto-link to popup a detailed description with "I can ..." and Proficiency Scales.
Prioritized Sub-Standards Identifiers are highlighted a sky-blue.
Prioritized Sub-Standards Identifiers are highlighted a sky-blue.
AVI-07.(SA) (SA) Student Agency Outcomes
Students believe in themselves and act intentionally to build relationships, persist through obstacles, and activate their academic, social, emotional, and professional knowledge and skills to reach their potential.
(SA)BR Building Relationships (subset)
- AVI-07.(SA)BR.e1 Establish and maintain relational capacity with others.
- Students hold self and peers accountable to following group norms about shared responsibility.
- Students summarize points of agreement and disagreement from varying perspectives.
- Students deepen relational capacity with classmates through effectively managing conflict.
- Students establish norms and expectations around respectful interactions among group members.
- Students ask clarifying questions to group members to facilitate understanding.
- Students evaluate the impact of decisions on the environment.
- Students hold self and peers accountable to following group norms about shared responsibility.
- AVI-07.(SA)BR.e2 Activate a physical and digital network of support for current and future success.
- Students develop a support network, including peers and adults, for academic and future success.
- Students identify the risks and benefits of social media and online activity.
- Students develop a support network, including peers and adults, for academic and future success.
(SA)PTO Persisting Through Obstacles (subset)
- AVI-07.(SA)PTO.e1 Monitor progress towards long-term goals and aspirations.
- Students identify the steps necessary to accomplish goals.
- Students identify reasons for why progress is or isn't being made towards accomplishing goals.
- Students identify the steps necessary to accomplish goals.
- AVI-07.(SA)PTO.e2 Seek help and feedback when necessary.
- Students seek help related to areas of need.
- Students determine personal levels of grit and perseverance in relation to growth mindset.
- Students seek help related to areas of need.
- AVI-07.(SA)PTO.e3 Develop a strong student voice to self-advocate.
- Students explore how individual motivators and self-monitoring of motivation impact academic performance.
- Students make connections between key learning points and new contexts.
- Students explore how individual motivators and self-monitoring of motivation impact academic performance.
(SA)AKS Activating Knowledge and Skills (subset)
- AVI-07.(SA)AKS.e1 Create a strong sense of self-identity by connecting with one’s emotions, thoughts, and values.
- Students identify activities that assist with self-care and healthy habits.
- Students identify areas that need attention and develop goals to address those areas.
- Students establish self-awareness strategies and skills.
- Students identify activities that assist with self-care and healthy habits.
- AVI-07.(SA)AKS.e2 Develop and activate leadership traits and behaviors.
- Students pursue leadership opportunities across the school.
- Students identify personal conflict management style.
- Students transform passive and aggressive statements into constructive, assertive statements.
- Students pursue leadership opportunities across the school.
- AVI-07.(SA)AKS.e3 Think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in the digital world.
- Students assess personal traits connected to integrity and ethical leadership
- Students explore and pursue leadership opportunities in extracurricular and community service activities within the school, local and/or global community
- Students identify ways to be an upstander or ally to someone being bullied.
- Students assess personal traits connected to integrity and ethical leadership
AVI-07.(RAP) (RAP) Rigorous Academic Preparedness Outcomes
Students develop academic skills and can successfully complete rigorous college and career preparatory curriculum and experiences.
(RAP)W Writing (subset)
- AVI-07.(RAP)W.e1 Communicate thoughts and ideas through the writing process.
- Students develop writing skills related to descriptive and expository modes of writing.
- Students analyze a writing task to determine the purpose, format/style, and audience.
- Students write multiple drafts with increased depth, based on feedback and observations.
- Students analyze and edit the sentence structure of writing to create interest and complexity.
- Students publish writing to entire class, such as an oral presentation.
- Students develop writing skills related to descriptive and expository modes of writing.
- AVI-07.(RAP)W.e2 Write as a tool to demonstrate learning and deepen understanding of content.
- Students take notes, with an emphasis on recording main ideas and important information.
- Students take notes, with an emphasis on condensing information by using abbreviations/symbols/paraphrasing.
- Students summarize by pulling together the most important information and personal connections related to the objective and/or Essential Question.
- Students take notes, with an emphasis on recording main ideas and important information.
(RAP)I Inquiry (subset)
- AVI-07.(RAP)I.e1 Use questioning to demonstrate critical thinking and clarify learning.
- Students develop inquiry skills through focused observations and analyses.
- Students identify the specific point of confusion related to a misunderstood concept or problem.
- Students determine if similar problems could be solved using the same steps/process.
- Students reflect on learning to make connections between new learning and previous experiences.
- Students reflect on learning strategies that were employed, if those learning strategies were effective, and how they could adjust their methods in the future.
- Students reflect on a process that was utilized, if that process was effective, and how they could adjust their methods in the future.
- Students develop inquiry skills through focused observations and analyses.
- AVI-07.(RAP)I.e2 Conduct proficient, academic investigation through the research process.
- Students brainstorm ideas for research topics to address a research prompt.
- Students determine the relevance, validity, and reliability of information found within sources.
- Students organize information, sources, and data that support the research prompt.
- Students integrate quotes to support claims and reference text, while citing location.
- Students publish research to entire class, such as an oral presentation.
- Students brainstorm ideas for research topics to address a research prompt.
(RAP)C Collaboration (subset)
- AVI-07.(RAP)C.e1 Communicate clearly through effective speaking and active listening.
- Students distinguish between effective and ineffective language during interactions.
- Students refine usage of non-verbal communication when speaking, including body language and eye contact.
- Students demonstrate active listening skills during academic conversations.
- Students utilize academic vocabulary when communicating.
- Students speak effectively before small groups of peers.
- Students distinguish between effective and ineffective language during interactions.
- AVI-07.(RAP)C.e2 Work productively and effectively in groups in blended learning environments.
- Students utilize technology to collaborate with classmates and community members.
- Students utilize technology to collaborate with classmates and community members.
(RAP)O Organization (subset)
- AVI-07.(RAP)Oe1 Manage materials using physical and digital organizational systems and routines.
- Students refine usage of organizational tools (e.g., binders/eBinders, portfolios, or digital folders) and systems that support academic success.
- Students maintain an activity log or tracking system of community extracurricular activities and hours.
- Students refine usage of organizational tools (e.g., binders/eBinders, portfolios, or digital folders) and systems that support academic success.
- AVI-07.(RAP)O.e2 Manage time to plan and prioritize appropriately.
- Students utilize an organizational tool to record obligations and constraints on time.
- Students demonstrate the process of backwards mapping.
- Students utilize an organizational tool to record obligations and constraints on time.
- AVI-07.(RAP)O.e3 Organize information and thinking.
- Students apply visual frameworks to organize language and comprehend key concepts.
- Students apply visual frameworks to organize language and comprehend key concepts.
(RAP)R Reading (subset)
- AVI-07.(RAP)R.e1 Deepen understanding of a variety of texts by engaging in the critical reading process.
- Students assess if a text is appropriate according to the reading purpose.
- Students make predictions about the text using text features.
- Students assess relevant prior knowledge and identify gaps.
- Students utilize tools to deepen understanding of vocabulary.
- Students mark the text to accomplish the reading purpose through the lens of a content expert.
- Students extend beyond the text evaluating and synthesizing key learning.
- Students assess if a text is appropriate according to the reading purpose.
AVI-07.(OK) (OK) Opportunity Knowledge Outcomes
Students research opportunities, set goals, make choices that support their long-term aspirations, and successfully navigate to the next level.
(OK)ACP Advancing College Preparedness (subset)
- AVI-07.(OK)ACP.e1 Explore education and college path based on personal strengths, skills, and interests.
- Students define key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to college selection.
- Students define key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to college selection.
- AVI-07.(OK)ACP.e2 Explore college admission requirements, including financing, testing, and application.
- Students explore the significance of GPA at different stages of the academic journey.
- Students explore college options and terminology.
- Students explore the significance of GPA at different stages of the academic journey.
- AVI-07.(OK)ACP.e3 Plan education and college path based on personal goals.
- Students reflect on how academic plans and course completion support progress toward desired major.
- Students determine which courses or opportunities align with college goals and plans.
- Students explore campus-, district-, or community-based opportunities to earn college credit in high school (dual credit, online learning, etc.).
- Students explore match schools, reach schools, and safety schools in order to determine the best academic fit during the selection process.
- Students prepare for college entrance exams.
- Students reflect on how academic plans and course completion support progress toward desired major.
(OK)BCP Building Career Preparedness (subset)
- AVI-07.(OK)BCP.e1 Build awareness of personal fit related to career readiness and selection.
- Students define key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to career selection.
- Students explore career fields and career pathways, including what resources and opportunities are available locally.
- Students investigate best fit career fields based on academic, social, and financial fit.
- Students define key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to career selection.
- AVI-07.(OK)BCP.e2 Plan education and career path based on personal goals.
- Students reflect on how academic plans and course completion support progress toward desired career field.
- Students reflect on how academic plans and course completion support progress toward desired career field.
(OK)DFR Developing Future Readiness (subset)
- AVI-07.(OK)DFR.e1 Develop personal financial literacy to make appropriate financial choices.
- Students increase awareness and apply basic concepts of budgeting, spending, and making responsible financial decisions.
- Students increase awareness and apply basic concepts of budgeting, spending, and making responsible financial decisions.
- AVI-07.(OK)DFR.e2 Develop a professional profile and monitor digital footprint.
- Students identify the elements of a strong digital profile.
- Students identify ways to make the most of social media while still maintaining a responsible digital footprint.
- Students identify the elements of a strong digital profile.