Different Persuasive Speeches (Book)

Different Persuasive Speeches

(2) 60 Second Speech

Pick one item out of the bag, which you will try to “sell” to the class by incorporating Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.

  • You will pick one item out of the bag to sell to the class.
  • You will prepare a 45-60 second speech, the maximum of which can be 1:15.
  • You must have a visual aide
  • Can simply be the object that you are selling,
  • Or you can create an additional visual aide, such as a poster board, video, etc.
  • No one else can be included in your presentation. However, you can pose as a celebrity, athlete, etc.
  • You must appeal to either: Ethos, Pathos, or Logos
  • One of these will be chosen for you
  • You must fill out the worksheet for your advertisement, which will be handed in prior to your speech.