Romeo and Juliet Introduction (Book)


The Nurse

House of Capulet

Age: Middle Aged

Main Characteristics: Simple, Earthy, Coarse, Talkative

Associates: Juliet, Peter, Friar Laurence

nurse imageDescription: The Nurse is a major character in the play, like the Friar she is a neutral character. There has been speculation about her name, as Capulet refers to an "Angelica", but the line can be addressed to either the nurse or Lady Capulet. She is the personal servant (and former nurse) of Juliet. As the primary person to raise Juliet, she is Juliet's confidante, and effectively more of a mother to the girl than Lady Capulet. She is one of the few people, along with Friar Laurence, to be made aware of the blossoming romance between Romeo and Juliet. Her personal history outside of the Capulet house is unknown, other than that, she once had a husband and a daughter, Susan, both of whom are dead.

As the primary person to like, she is therefore Juliet's foremost confidante. She is one of the few people, along with Friar Laurence, to be made aware of the blossoming romance between Romeo and Juliet. Her personal history outside of the Capulet estate is unknown, other than that she once had a husband and a daughter, Susan, both of which are deceased. Juliet is considered by many, historians and fans alike, to be her surrogate daughter in many respects because she took care of Juliet as a baby in Lady Capulet's absence.