BPS Physical Education Standards Book


Movement Concepts


Standard 2:

Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.


    • PED-00.S2.01a: Moves in personal space to a rhythm.
    • PED-00.S2.01bis Physical Education Kindergarten Standards Moves in personal space to a rhythm.
    • PED-00.S2.02: Travels in three different pathways (e.g., zig-zag, curved, straight)
    • PED-00.S2.03: Travels in general space with different speeds.
    • PED-00.S2.04: Identify body parts (e.g., head, shoulders, knees, chest elbows, hands and feet).

First Grade

    • PED-01.S2.01: Moves in self-space and general space in response to designated beats/rhythms
    • PED-01.S2.02a: Travels demonstrating low, middle and high levels
    • PED-01.S2.02b: Travels demonstrating a variety of relationships with objects (e.g., over, under, around, through).
    • PED-01.S2.03a: Differentiates between fast and slow speeds.
    • PED-01.S2.03b: Differentiates between strong and light force.
    • PED-01.S2.04: Identify basic body planes (e.g., front, back side).

Second Grade

    • PED-02.S2.01: Combines locomotor skills in general space to a rhythm.
    • PED-02.S2.02: Combines shapes, levels and pathways into simple travel, rhythmic movement and gymnastics sequences.
    • PED-02.S2.03: Varies time and force with gradual increases and decreases (e.g., teacher control of increase/decrease through use of drum, shaker, tambourine).

Third Grade

    • PED-03.S2.01: Recognizes the concept of open spaces in a movement context
    • PED-03.S2.02: Recognizes locomotor skills specific to a wide variety of physical activities.
    • PED-03.S2.03: Combines movement concepts (direction, levels, force, time) with skills as directed by the teacher.
    • PED-03.S2.04a: Employs the concept of alignment in gymnastics and dance.
    • PED-03.S2.04b: Employs the concept of muscular tension with balance in gymnastics and dance.
    • PED-03.S2.05a: Applies simple strategies and tactics in chasing activities.
  • PED-03.S2.05b: Applies simple strategies in fleeing activities.

Fourth Grade

    • PED-04.S2.01a: Applies the concept of open spaces to combination skills involving traveling, (e.g., dribbling and traveling).
    • PED-04.S2.01b: Applies the concept of closing spaces in small-sided practice tasks.
    • PED-04.S2.01c: Dribbles in general space with changes in direction and speed.
    • PED-04.S2.02: Combines movement concepts with skills in smallsided practice tasks, gymnastics and dance/rhythmic movement environments.
    • PED-04.S2.03a: Applies the movement concepts of speed, endurance and pacing for running.
    • PED-04.S2.03b: Applies the concepts of direction and force when striking an object with a short-handled implement, sending it towards a designated target.
    • PED-04.S2.04: Applies skill.
    • PED-04.S2.05a: Applies simple offensive strategies and tactics in chasing and fleeing activities.
    • PED-04.S2.05b: Applies simple defensive strategies and tactics in chasing and fleeing activities.
    • PED-04.S2.05c: Recognizes the type of kicks needed for different games and sports situations.

Fifth Grade

    • PED-05.S2.01: Combines spatial concepts with locomotor and nonlocomotor movements for small groups in gymnastics, rhythmic activities dance/rhythmic activities or game environments.
    • PED-05.S2.02: Combines movement concepts with skills in small-sided practice tasks in game environments, gymnastics and rhythmic activities/dance with selfdirection.
    • PED-05.S2.03a: Applies movement concepts to strategy in game situations.
    • PED-05.S2.03b: Applies the concepts of direction and force to strike an object with a long-handled implement.
    • PED-05.S2.03c: Analyzes movement situations and applies movement concepts (e.g., force, direction, speed, pathways, extensions) in smallsided practice task in game environments, rhythmic activities/dance and gymnastics.
    • PED-05.S2.04: Applies skill.
    • PED-05.S2.05a: Applies basic offensive and defensive strategies and tactics in invasion small-sided practice tasks.
    • PED-05.S2.05b: Applies basic offensive and defensive strategies and tactics in net/wall small-sided practice tasks.
    • PED-05.S2.05c: Recognizes the type of throw, volley or striking action needed for different games and sports situations.

Sixth Grade

  • (IG) Cluster Invasion Games
    • PED-06.S2.IG.01: Creates open space by using locomotor movements (e.g., walking, running, jumping and landing) in combination with movement (e.g., varying pathways; changes of speed, direction or pace).
    • PED-06.S2.IG.02: Executes at least one of the following offensive tactics to create open space: moves to open space without the ball; uses a variety of passes; uses pivot, fake or give and go.
    • PED-06.S2.IG.03: Creates open space by using the width and length of the field/court on offense.
    • PED-06.S2.IG.04: Reduces open space on defense by making the body larger and reducing passing angles.
    • PED-06.S2.IG.05: Reduces open space by not allowing the catch (denial) or by allowing the catch but not the return pass.
    • PED-06.S2.IG.06: In short-handled implement net/wall games, creates open space by varying speed and direction.
  • (NW) Cluster Net and wall games
    • PED-06.S2.NW.01: Creates open space in net/wall games with a short-handled implement by varying force and direction.
    • PED-06.S2.NW.02: Reduces offensive options for opponents by returning to mid-court position.
    • PED-06.S2.NW.03: Selects appropriate shot/club based on location of the object in relation to the target.
    • PED-06.S2.NW.04: Identifies open spaces and attempts to strike object into that space.
  • (DR) Cluster Dance and Rhythms
    • PED-06.S2.DR.01: Varies application of weight transfer and balance during dance or gymnastic activities.
  • (OP)Cluster Outdoor Pursuits
    • PED-06.S2.OP.01: Makes appropriate decisions based on the weather, level of difficulty due to conditions or ability to ensure safety of self and others.

Seventh Grade

  • (IG) Cluster: Invasion Games
    • PED-07.S2.IG.01: Reduces open space by using loco-motor movements (e.g. walking, running, jumping and landing, changing size and shape of the body) in combination with movement concepts (e.g. reducing the angle in the space, reducing distance between player and goal).
    • PED-07.S2.IG.02: Executes at least two of the following offensive tactics to create open space: give and go; a variety of passes; fakes, pivot.
    • PED-07.S2.IG.03: Creates open space by staying spread on offense, and cutting and passing quickly.
    • PED-07.S2.IG.04: Reduces open space on defense by staying close to the opponent as he/she nears the goal.
    • PED-07.S2.IG.05: Reduces open space by not allowing the catch (denial) or anticipating the speed of the object or person for the purpose of interception or deflection.
    • PED-07.S2.IG.06: Transitions from offense to defense or defense to offense by recovering quickly and communicating with teammates.
  • (NW) Cluster: Net and wall games
    • PED-07.S2.NW.01: Creates open space in net/wall games with a long-handled implement by varying force, direction and moving opponent from side to side.
    • PED-07.S2.NW.02: Selects offensive shot based on opponent's location (hit where opponent is not).
    • PED-07.S2.NW.03: Varies the speed and/or trajectory of the shot based on location of the object in relation to the target.
    • PED-07.S2.NW.04: Uses a variety of shots (e.g., slap and run, bunt, line drive, high arc) to hit to open space.
    • PED-07.S2.NW.05: Selects the correct defensive play based on the situation (e.g., number of outs).
  • (DR) Cluster: Dance and Rhythms
    • PED-07.S2.DR.01: Identifies and applies Newton's Laws of Motion to various dance or movement activities.
  • (OP) Cluster: Outdoor Pursuits
    • PED-07.S2.OP.01: Analyzes the situation and makes adjustments to ensure the safety of self and others.

Eighth Grade

  • (IG) Cluster: Invasion Games
    • PED-08.S2.IG.01: Opens and closes space during small-sided game play by combining creating space with locomotor movements with movement concepts.
    • PED-08.S2.IG.02: Executes at least three of the following offensive tactics to create open spaces - moves to create open space on and off the ball - uses a variety of passes, fakes, and pathways - give and go.
    • PED-08.S2.IG.03: Creates open space by staying spread on offense, cutting and passing quickly, and using fakes off the ball.
    • PED-08.S2.IG.04: Reduces open space on defense by staying on the goal side of the offensive player and reducing the distance to him/her (third-party perspective)
    • PED-08.S2.IG.06: Transitions from offense to defense or defense to offense by recovering Transitions quickly, communicating with teammates and capitalizing on an advantage.
  • (NW) Cluster: Net and wall games
    • PED-08.S2.NW.01: Creates open space in net/wall games with either a long- or short-handled implement by varying force or direction, or by moving opponent from side to side and/or forward and back.
    • PED-08.S2.NW.02: Varies placement, force and timing of return to prevent anticipation by opponent
  • (TG) Cluster: Target games
    • PED-08.S2.TG.01: Varies the speed, force and trajectory of the shot based on location of the object in relation to the target.
  • (FS) Cluster: Field and striking games
    • PED-08.S2.FS.01: Identifies sacrifice situations and attempt to advance a teammate.
    • PED-08.S2.FS.02: Reduces open spaces in the field by working with teammates to maximize coverage.
  • (IP) Cluster: Individual-performance activities
    • PED-08.S2.IP.01: Describes and applies mechanical advantages for a variety of movement patterns.
  • (OP) Cluster: Outdoor Pursuits
    • PED-08.S2.OP.01: Implements safe protocols in self-selected outdoor activities.

High School

  • (MC) Cluster: Movement Concepts, Principles & Knowledge
    • PED-HS.S2.MC.01: Applies the terminology associated exercise and participation in selected lifetime activities, dance and rhythm, and fitness activities
    • PED-HS.S2.MC.02: Applies movement concepts (e.g.,describes the speed/accuracy trade-off in throwing and striking skills)and principles (e.g., force, motion, rotation) to analyze and improve performance of self and/or others in a self-selected skill in lifetime activities, dance and rhythm, and fitness activities
    • PED-HS.S2.MC.03: Applies a practice plan to improve performance for a self-selected skill.
    • PED-HS.S2.MC.04: Identifies examples of social and dance forms.(e.g., ballet, modern, hip hop, tap).