BPS District Computer Science and Cybersecurity Standards Book
K-12 Grade Levels
CSC-00.TS TS Technology Systems
(NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
(HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks..
(T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
- CSC-00.TS_NI.1 Recognize that computing devices can be connected together.
- CSC-00.TS_HS.1 Follow directions to use computing devices to perform a variety of appropriate tasks.
- CSC-00.TS_T.1 Understand technology systems might not work as expected.
CSC-00.CT CT Computational Thinking
(PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
(DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
(DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
- CSC-00.CT_PSA.1 With guidance, determine if a program works.
- CSC-00.CT_PSA.2 Use trial and error in attempt to solve a problem.
- CSC-00.CT_DCA.1 With guidance, draw conclusions and make predictions based on picture graphs or patterns with or without a computing device.
- CSC-00.CT_DD.1 With guidance, create programs to follow a sequence.
CSC-00.IL IL Information Literacy
(A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
(E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
(C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
(IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-00.IL_A.1 With guidance, use a keyword search with a teacher selected online resource.
- CSC-00.IL_E.1 Name various information sources.
- CSC-00.IL_C.1 With guidance, create a digital product.
- CSC-00.IL_IP.1 Discuss that creative works have owners (copyright).
- CSC-00.IL_IP.2 Understand that credit should be given to the creator of creative work.
CSC-00.CS CS Computers in Society
(IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
(SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- CSC-00.CS_IC.1 List different ways in which technologies are used in daily life.
- CSC-00.CS_SI.1 With guidance, use technology to share thinking with teachers or adults.
CSC-00.DC DC Digital Citizenship
(SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
(RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
(DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
- CSC-00.DC_SE.1 With guidance, use technology in safe and correct ways. (CYSEC)
- CSC-00.DC_SE.2 With guidance, use authentication methods to access technology. (CYSEC)
- CSC-00.DC_RU.1 Discuss positive and negative behaviors when using electronic communication. (CYSEC)
- CSC-00.DC_RU.2 With guidance, identify appropriate manners while participating in an online community.
- CSC-00.DC_RU.4 Comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
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