CONTACT Information

Please contact us if you experience any difficulties using the digital content while you attend the academy. 

  1. Give us a call or send us a message with Lync (Skype for Business: lync icon ) -preferred method
  2. Send an email detailing your issue (screenshots & error code information help!) -alternate method
  3. Call the Technology Helpdesk at 323-4040 -alternate method

Here is a table of the digital tools you will experience throughout the workshops and members from the Technology Department available to help you with those tools. (email addresses are the standard:

Google Drive
(Forms, Classroom, Etc...)

Jen Werder
Aaron Preabt
Tanna Kincaid
Pat Phillips

Shawn Smith
Rebecca Savelkoul
Nicholas Holzer


David Sherwin
Tanna Kincaid
Rebecca Savelkoul
Pat Phillips

Michael Gerszewski
Shawn Stelter
Nicholas Holzer


David Sherwin
Pat Phillips

Shawn Stelter
Michael Gerszewski

Microsoft Mix
(Powerpoint Add-On)

Aaron Preabt
Nicholas Holzer

Rebecca Savelkoul
Pat Phillips


Nicholas Holzer

Pat Phillips


Technology Helpdesk