MAP Resources

8. Moving students to higher MAP tests

8.2. LOS Selection Guidelines

95th Percentile Chart

Below are the minutes from the 1/12/2011 LOS meeting, cut and pasted here from the LOS Moodle. The minutes provide guidelines for LOS staff when deciding which MAP test should be administered to LOS students.

Minutes from Jan. 10, 2011
Present: Bob, Andrea, Dana, Londa, Kim, Michelle, Michelle, Kathy, and Heidi and Jen Weber

MAP conversation
Below are the ranges of RIT scores that are tested on each test:
Primary MAP tests range: 0 - 215 RIT
2-5 MAP range rdg: 160 - 260 RIT
2-5 MAP range math: 160 - 240 RIT
6+ MAP range rdg: 160 - 260 RIT
6+ MAP range math: 160 - 270 RIT

At 215 the students begin to max out the difficulty of the questions.

This fall we had suggested MAP Reading 207 or higher take 2-5 test.

Discussed including the emotional readiness of second graders. Do we really need to push the more challenging tests for the data, or can we allow youngsters to be youngsters, allowing a successful testing experience?

The district has made a decision to keep second graders on the Primary tests through the entire year. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.

2-5 grade reader will only see passages of 100 words or less on the 2-5 MAP reading test.

Previously we had agreed that 5th graders scoring 239 or higher on MAP Math should take the 6+ Math MAP test in order to receive the algebra and geometry questions not offered on the 2-5 test. This data is helpful for our LOS students.

Andrea questioned what to do with young students who scored over 215 already on their MAP Primary, which means they maxed out the level of questions offered on the Primary test. She feels her students are ready for the challenge of the 2-5 test, considering their attention span for testing periods.

These numbers and conversations will hold true for any testing period - fall, winter, spring. However, caution should be used if you want to advance a student for the fall test.

Mr. Olson asked about testing outside the window. This score would not be ever recorded on the NWEA or Viewpoint. This would be an option for getting more data after the window had closed. It would also allow you to see how the test would work for students.

You could also test outside the window for students who are new to our district to help determine if a student should receive LOS services.