BPS Music Standards Book

K-8 General Music



Young children arrive in kindergarten with widely varying knowledge in ....

iconKindergarten Music "I can ... statements"

Creating Music image

MUS-00.Cr - Creating

  • MUS-00.Cr.01: Anchor Standard 1 - Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
    • MUS-00.Cr.01.1a: With guidance, explore and experience music concepts (such as beat and melodic contour).
    • MUS-00.Cr.01.1b: With guidance, generate musical ideas (such as movements or motives).
  • MUS-00.Cr.02: Anchor Standard 2 - Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
    • MUS-00.Cr.02.1a: With guidance, demonstrate and choose favorite musical ideas.
    • MUS-00.Cr.02.1b: With guidance, organize personal musical ideas using iconic notation and/or recording technology.
  • MUS-00.Cr.03: Anchor Standard 3 - Evaluate, refine and complete artistic work.
    • MUS-00.Cr.03.1a: With guidance, apply personal, peer, and teacher feedback in refining personal musical ideas.
    • MUS-00.Cr.03.2a: With guidance, demonstrate a final version of personal musical ideas to peers.

Performing Music image

MUS-00.Pr - Performing

  • MUS-00.Pr.04: Anchor Standard 4 - Select artistic work for presentation
    • MUS-00.Pr.04.1a: With guidance, demonstrate and state personal interest in varied musical selections.
    • MUS-00.Pr.04.2a: With guidance, explore and demonstrate awareness of music contrasts (such as high/low, loud/soft, same/different) in a variety of music selected for performance.
    • MUS-00.Pr.04.3: Interpret artistic work for presentation
    • MUS-00.Pr.04.3a: With guidance, demonstrate awareness of expressive qualities (such as voice quality, dynamics, and tempo) that support the creators' expressive intent.
  • MUS-00.Pr.05: Anchor Standard 5 - Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
    • MUS-00.Pr.05.1a: With guidance, apply personal, teacher, and peer feedback to refine performances.
    • MUS-00.Pr.05.1b: With guidance, use suggested strategies in rehearsal to improve the expressive qualities of music.
  • MUS-00.Pr.06: Anchor Standard 6 - Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.?

Responding Music image

MUS-00.Re - Responding

  • MUS-00.Re.07: Anchor Standard 7 - Perceive and analyze artistic work
    • MUS-00.Re.07.1a: With guidance, list personal interests and experiences and demonstrate why they prefer some music selections over others.
    • MUS-00.Re.07.2a: With guidance, demonstrate how a specific music concept (such as beat or melodic direction) is used in music.
  • MUS-00.Re.08: Anchor Standard 8 - Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
    • MUS-00.Re.08.1a: With guidance, demonstrate awareness of expressive qualities (such as dynamics and tempo) that reflect creators'/performers' expressive intent.
  • MUS-00.Re.09: Anchor Standard 9 - Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
    • MUS-00.Re.09.1a: With guidance, apply personal and expressive preferences in the evaluation of music.

Connecting Music image

MUS-00.Cn Connecting

  • MUS-00.Cn.10: Anchor Standard 10 - Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
    • MUS-00.Cn.10.1a: Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices and intent when creating, performing, and responding to music.
  • MUS-00.Cn.11: Anchor Standard 11 - Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding
    • MUS-00.Cn.11.1a: Demonstrate understanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.