Resources for Standard 2



SST-05.2 Important Historical Events

    • SST-05.2.01 Explain the significance of America's symbols (e.g., Pledge of Allegiance, Statue of Liberty, Liberty Bell, American flag, Star Spangled Banner)
    • SST-05.2.02 Use chronological order and sequence to describe cause-and-effect relationships of U.S. historical events (e.g., how Columbian Exchange impacted local people)
    • SST-05.2.03 Describe similarities and differences between past events and current events in U.S. history (e.g., in the lives of people from different cultures past and present)
    • SST-05.2.04 Explain the significance of scientists, inventors, and historical figures (e.g., Christopher Columbus, Juan Ponce De Leon, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Paul Revere, Benjamin Rush, David Rittenhouse, Thomas Paine)
    • SST-05.2.05 Describe the migration patterns of people from Asia to the Americas during the Ice Age (e.g., regional patterns, migration and settlement of the first Americans in the Western Hemisphere)
    • SST-05.2.06 Explain how regional Native American groups influenced U.S. history (e.g., historical events, development of the U. S.)
    • SST-05.2.07 Explain reasons for early exploration (e.g., search for Northwest passage, gold, glory, and God, riches, trade)
    • SST-05.2.08 Explain reasons for early colonization (e.g., religious freedom, economic opportunity)
    • SST-05.2.09 Explain how conflicts and cooperation between the Native Americans and Europeans (e.g., French and Indian Wars, trade) influenced colonial events
    • SST-05.2.10 Describe the daily lives of people from different social groups (e.g., large landowners, farmers, artisans, women, slaves) in colonial America
    • SST-05.2.11 Identify the reasons (e.g., Boston Tea Party, the Stamp Act, English Laws) for conflict between England and the American colonies and the key people (e.g., George Washington, King George III, John Adams, Paul Revere) involved
    • SST-05.2.12 Analyze the events and consequences of the Revolutionary War (e.g., Lexington, Concord, Bunker Hill, Benedict Arnold, Valley Forge)