BPS AVID Standards Book

Grade Levels

Grade 7

BPS-S AVI Logo glossary icon7th Grade AVID
"I can ... statements"
(SA) (AP) (OK)

Grade Level LogoIn 7th grade, students apply skills they learned in AVID.


Note: Standards Identifiers auto-link to popup a detailed description with "I can ..." and Proficiency Scales.
Prioritized Sub-Standards Identifiers are highlighted a sky-blue.

 AVI-07.SA Grade 7Student Agency Domain

AVI-07.SA.01: Student Empowerment
AVI-7.SA.01.a Explore and experience extracurricular and community service activities within the school and community
AVI-7.SA.01.b Evaluate the impact of decisions on the environment
AVI-7.SA.01.c Identify activities that assist with self-care and healthy habits
AVI-07.SA.01.d Identify areas that need attention and develop goals to address those areas
AVI-7.SA.01.e Increase awareness and apply basic concepts of budgeting, spending, and making responsible financial decisions
AVI-7.SA.01.f Develop a support network that includes peers and adults for academic and future success

AVI-7.SA.01.g Explore how individual motivators and self-monitoring of motivation impact academic performance
AVI-7.SA.01.h Seek help related to areas of need
AVI-07.SA.01.i Determine personal levels of grit and perseverance in relation to growth mindset
AVI-07.SA.01.j Establish self-awareness strategies and skills, including SLANT
AVI-7.SA.01.k Make connections between key learning points and new contexts
AVI-07.SA.02: Leadership of Others
AVI-7.SA.02.a Identify traits connected to responsibility, integrity, and ethical interactions with others
AVI-7.SA.02.b Pursue leadership opportunities across the school
AVI-7.SA.02.c Identify personal conflict-management style
AVI-07.SA.02.d Transform passive and aggressive statements into constructive, assertive statements

AVI-07.AP Grade 7Academic Preparedness Domain

AVI-07.AP.01: Writing
AVI-07.AP.01.a Develop writing skills related to descriptive and expository modes of writing
AVI-7.AP.01.b Generate multiple ideas that support, explain, or enhance the writing topic or theme
AVI-7.AP.01.c Compose first drafts using ideas and information gathered during pre-writing
AVI-07.AP.01.d Analyze a writing task to determine the purpose, format/style, and audience
AVI-7.AP.01.e Write multiple drafts with increasing depth based on feedback and observations
AVI-7.AP.01.f Analyze and edit sentence structure to create interest and complexity
AVI-07.AP.01.g Publish writing to entire class, such as an oral presentation
AVI-07.AP.01.h Take notes with an emphasis on recording main ideas and important information
AVI-7.AP.01.i Take notes with an emphasis on condensing information by using abbreviations/symbols/paraphrasing
AVI-7.AP.01.j Summarize by pulling together the most important information and personal connections related to the objective and/or Essential Question

AVI-07.AP.02: Inquiry
AVI-7.AP.02.a Develop inquiry skills through focused observation and analysis
AVI-07.AP.02.b Identify the specific point of confusion related to a misunderstood concept or problem
AVI-7.AP.02.c Determine whether similar problems could be solved using the same steps/process
AVI-7.AP.02.d Reflect on learning to make connections between new learning and previous experiences
AVI-7.AP.02.e Reflect on learning strategies that were employed, whether those strategies were effective, and how methods could be adjusted in the future
AVI-7.AP.02.f Reflect on a process that was used, whether that process was effective, and how methods could be adjusted in the future
AVI-7.AP.02.g Brainstorm ideas for research topics to address a research prompt
AVI-7.AP.02.h Determine the relevance, validity, and reliability of information found within sources
AVI-07.AP.02.i Organize information, sources, and data that support the research prompt
AVI-7.AP.02.j Integrate quotations to support claims, citing locations and references for texts
AVI-07.AP.02.k Publish research to entire class, such as an oral presentation

AVI-07.AP.03: Collaboration
AVI-7.AP.03.a Hold self and peers accountable for following group norms about shared responsibility
AVI-7.AP.03.b Summarize points of agreement and disagreement from varying perspectives
AVI-7.AP.03.c Deepen relational capacity with classmates through effective conflict management
AVI-7.AP.03.d Establish norms and expectations around respectful interactions among group members
AVI-07.AP.03.e Ask clarifying questions to group members to facilitate understanding
AVI-7.AP.03.f Utilize technology to collaborate with classmates and community members
AVI-07.AP.03.g Distinguish between effective and ineffective language during interactions
AVI-07.AP.03.h Refine usage of nonverbal communication when speaking, including body language and eye contact
AVI-07.AP.03.i Demonstrate active listening skills during academic conversations
AVI-7.AP.03.j Utilize academic vocabulary when communicating
AVI-07.AP.03.k Speak effectively before small groups of peers

AVI-07.AP.04: Organization
AVI-07.AP.04.a Refine usage of organizational tools and systems that support academic success
AVI-7.AP.04.b Maintain an activity log or tracking system for community extracurricular activities and hours
AVI-07.AP.04.c Utilize an organizational tool to record obligations and constraints on time
AVI-7.AP.04.d Demonstrate the process of backward mapping
AVI-07.AP.04.e Identify the steps necessary to accomplish goals
AVI-7.AP.04.f Identify reasons for why progress is or isn’t being made toward accomplishing goals
AVI-7.AP.04.g Apply visual frameworks to organize language and comprehend key concepts

AVI-07.AP.05: Reading
AVI-7.AP.05.a Assess whether a text is appropriate according to the reading purpose
AVI-7.AP.05.b Make predictions about the text using text features
AVI-7.AP.05.c Assess relevant prior knowledge and identify gaps
AVI-7.AP.05.d Utilize tools to deepen understanding of vocabulary
AVI-07.AP.04.e Mark the text to accomplish the reading purpose through the lens of a content expert
AVI-07.AP.05.f Extend beyond the text by evaluating and synthesizing key learning

 AVI-07.OK Grade 7Opportunity Knowledge Domain

AVI-07.OK.01: Advancing College Preparedness
AVI-7.OK.01.a Define key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to college selection
AVI-07.OK.01.b Explore the significance of GPA at different stages of the academic journey
AVI-07.OK.01.c Explore college options and terminology
AVI-7.OK.01.d Evaluate personal level of readiness for scholarship eligibility
AVI-7.OK.01.e Reflect on how academic plans and course completion support progress toward desired major
AVI-07.OK.01.f Determine which courses or opportunities align with college goals and plans
AVI-7.OK.01.g Explore campus-, district-, or community-based opportunities to earn college credit in high school (dual credit, online learning, etc.)
AVI-7.OK.01.h Explore match schools, reach schools, and safety schools in order to determine the best academic fit during the selection process
AVI-07.OK.01.i Prepare for college entrance exams
AVI-07.OK.02: Building Career Knowledge
AVI-7.OK.02.a - Define key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to career selection
AVI-07.OK.02.b - Explore career fields and career pathways, including what resources and opportunities are available locally
AVI-07.OK.02.c - Investigate best-fit career fields based on academic, social, and financial fit
AVI-7.OK.02.d - Reflect on how academic plans and course completion support progress toward desired career field