Book for Persuasion (Book)

Essential Questions and "I Can" Statements

Essential question: What persuasion techniques are the most effective in persuading both readers and listeners?

 Defend a personal opinion using facts as support

  • can choose a position in an argument.
  • I can identify the two sides of an argument.
  • I can use logic to defend an opinion.
  • I can formulate an argument.
  • I can present a written or oral argument.

ELA-10.3.10 Use a specific point of view in compositions

  • can recognize different points of view.
  • I can differentiate between first-person and third-person point of view.
  • I can write in third-person point of view.

Essential question: How can I edit and revise my persuasive essay so it best informs and persuades the reader?

ELA-10.3.11 Edit and revise compositions with attention to content

  • can find errors in a composition
  • I can revise a composition for errors in grammar and the 6+1 traits.
  • I can write in a way that is clear and understandable.