Romeo and Juliet Introduction (Book)



House of Escalus

Age: Late Teens

Main Characteristics: Fun-loving, Quick-witted, Energetic, Charismatic, Volatile

Associates: Romeo, Benvolio

Description: Mercutio is a relative of Prince Escalus and Count Paris, and is a close friend of Romeo and his cousin Benvolio. The invitation to the Capulet's party reveals that he has a brother named Valentine. Mercutio is apt to make long, drawn out speeches (the most famous of which is the Queen Mab speech), and is generally thought to be reckless, a jester, and a free spirit. Due to his reckless and flamboyant personality, Mercutio is one of Shakespeare's most popular characters. Mercutio is the instigator of many fights with his rather mean spirited humor, and often insults Tybalt Capulet, a renowned swordsman. It is Mercutio's temper that leads to Tybalt's death, and Romeo's banishment and the tragedy that follows.