Online Work Modules


These are a modified version of a traditional worksheet.  The online work modules can be designed to incorporate multiple types of questions, short reading activities, instructional videos, and possibly some self-assessment opportunities.

More Information:


The teacher may assign a learning module to a class that has the students answer some questions about a previous lesson.  If the student gets a question wrong, they can be prompted to read a brief article or watch a short video re-explaining the content.  

The teacher could set the questions to also have the students mark down how confident they are in their answer selection to allow for a type of self-assessment.

The learning module may be tied to another activity that unlocks for the student to work on only if certain conditions are met (like passing with an 80% or greater).

Ways to Provide and Use Feedback:

The teacher could set up the module to provide feedback immediately as the students submit an answer, or to wait until the module is finished.

Data Analysis:

Similar to a traditional worksheet, the teacher may design a learning module strictly to influence the direction of class instruction or to record a grade.

Opportunities for Student Metacognition:

The teacher may design the questions to have the students record how confident they are in their answer selections.

The module could also provide some examples of student work, and ask that the student use a rubric to review and provide feedback for that work.

Technology Integration:

Our learning management system, Moodle, is the ideal tool for this type of activity.  Other systems like Google Classroom may provide some of this functionality, but Moodle allows a bit more control of the content delivery and will automatically grade most question types other than short answer.