

A timed writing activity that can be used in a variety of ways.   The teacher may ask the students to summarize what they have been learning in a unit, or point the writing in a specific direction by having a specific prompt or driving question.

A language arts class may be analyzing the writing for grammar and spelling, but other classes could use these activities to focus on specific content and applications of ideas.

More Information:


After the the class has been introduced to the topic, the teacher might prompt the students to write about how that topic relates to their personal lives or to a profession.

Ways to Provide and Use Feedback:

Teachers might use these to facilitate a class discussion, or collect them to review at a later time.

students could share their work with a partner and review each other's writing.

Data Analysis:

These are generally done to help inform the teacher on how the class is doing with the content.

Opportunities for Student Metacognition:

The teacher could provide a rubric to the class and have the students review each other's work against the rubric.  

The teacher might have the student review their own work against the rubric.

Technology Integration:

Technology is not required.  Some teachers may choose to use a digital environment, such as Google Docs, to allow for digital commenting and saving drafts online.