Google Forms


A quiz or class survey delivered through Google Forms.  Can be linked to Google Classroom, Moodle, or a similar platform.  The responses can be viewed in a spreadsheet.

*NOTE* Google Forms is approved for classroom use with student information.  Be safe when it comes to using add-ons like Flubaroo.  These add-on tools are not on the district approved list, and most likely breach student data confidentiality (FGA) when it comes to managing student information.  Automated grading is a feature of Moodle, which is a tool on the district approved list.

More Information:


A traditional paper/pencil quiz is now re-created as a digital form.  The teacher has multiple choice questions, short answer questions, true/false questions, and fill in the blank questions.  The students log in, fill out the form/take the quiz, and submit their answer to the teacher.

The teacher reviews the student responses and can choose to; grade the work and provide a score, grade the work and provide feedback for how to improve, review the student responses and use that information to drive instructional choices.

Ways to Provide and Use Feedback:

Teachers can provide feedback on these forms similar to the way they used to with a traditional paper/pencil quiz.  teachers can also use the results to drive instruction.

Students wait to hear back from the teacher, or to see a score posted.

Data Analysis:

These forms may be graded and recorded, or simply used as an indicator for how the class progresses through the unit.

Opportunities for Student Metacognition:

Students may be given the opportunity to review the material and re-take the quiz/form.  The teacher may even provide a list of topics to study or some extra practice that the students engage with prior to re-taking the quiz/form.

Technology Integration:

Access to the internet is required in order to use the form.  Form results are recorded on a spreadsheet for the teacher to review, but answers are not graded automatically.  

*NOTE* Google Forms is approved for classroom use with student information.  Be safe when it comes to using add-ons like Flubaroo.  These add-on tools are not on the district approved list, and most likely breach student data confidentiality (FGA) when it comes to managing student information.  Automated grading is a feature of Moodle, which is a tool on the district approved list.
