Learning objectives & resources for: Molecular shapes
In this unit, students will be able to:
1) Draw the Lewis structure for various ionic and molecular compounds. The Crash Course Chemistry video on this is here.
2) Determine the number of shared and unshared pairs of electrons in the above compounds.
3) Identify if a compound is polar or nonpolar. The Crash Course Chemistry video on this is here.
4) Determine the number of sigma and pi bonds found in the above compounds.
5) Use the above skills to determine the geometrical shape and angles of various compounds.
6) Classify the type of a given hydrocarbon compound.
7) Properly use organic naming prefixes used in naming hydrocarbon compounds (mono, eth, prop, but, etc).
8) Properly use organic naming suffixes used in naming hydrocarbon compounds (-ane, -ene, -yne). The Crash Course Chemistry video on these is here.
9) Identify how a ring (cyclo arrangement) affects the overall molecule of a hydrocarbon.
10) Provide the proper name of a hydrocarbon compound when given its chemical formula (limited to alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes; also in a cyclo arragement).
11) Provide the proper chemical formula of a hydrocarbon compound when given its chemical name.
NOTE: For video tutorials on how to perform the above skills, click on the appropriate file found in the tutorials folder below or you may click here for a tutorial on calculating bond angles, etc and here for a tutorial on hydrocarbon naming.