Learning objectives, case studies & resources for: Integumentary System
In this unit, students will be able to:
1) list a specified number of general functions of the skin
2) identify the 5 layers of the epidermis and discuss the function of each layer. Crash Course Anatomy video on epidermis is here.
3) name specialized cells found within the epidermis
4) discuss the various unique structures found within and overall functions of the 2 layers of the dermis. Crash Course Anatomy video on dermis is here.
5) discuss a specified number of common skin disorders, including the name, symptoms, cause and treatments of the disorders
6) properly diagnose and discuss the cause of the ailment when a skin tone presents with a certain color (yellow, perpetually tan, red, pale, white, blue, hematoma)
7) discuss the p53 gene and its role in fighting cancer cells. Include what the gene is, where it is found, and what its primary function is when working properly
8) list and discuss the 3 forms of skin cancer including what level of the skin tissues are affected, possible treatments, and overall prognosis for recovery.
Click here for a link to an online tutorial of the integumentary system. Be sure to click on the footsteps to keep going through the tutorial and to take the online quiz to see how you are doing!
NOTE: This test consists of some multiple choice, but primarily consists of short-answer responses to questions on cells/structures found within different layers of the skin, disorders and skin colorations.
Click here for the link to the study partner site.
Click here for case study #1 in the integumentary system: Case of the aging surfer (online)
Click here for case study #2 in the integumentary system: Skin melanoma (Buffalo)
Click here for case study #3 in the integumentary system: Skin pigmentation - evolution of skin color (Buffalo)
Click here for case study #4 in the integumentary system: Integumentary disease - itchy skin (book #7)