Learning objectives, case studies & resources for: Special senses
In this unit, students will:
1) differentiate between the various ways of describing nerve conduction and behaviors. For help with understanding the parts of a nerve, click here. The Crash Course Anatomy video on peripheral nerve classification and conduction is here.
2) discuss the ways the brain can receive a message that a stimulus is increasing.
3) discuss how the brain and/or nerves will stop responding to a continual, static impulse and relate that to auditory dysfunction or common phenomena with afterimages with the eyes.
4) dissect the cow eye to determine the identity and function of its parts. Click here to access an online tutorial for the dissection of the eye. Click here to access a diagram and tutorial for the eye.
5) label an ear diagram with its parts, both pertaining to the mechanism for hearing and maintaining balance. Click here for an online diagram of the ear.
6) discuss symptoms and the anatomical cause for common eye disorders, including: myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, amblyopia, strabismus, and color blindness.
7) draw a diagram and use it to discuss how sight is registered by the brain. A short video of how we see can be found here. The Crash Course Anatomy video on vision is here.
8) briefly discuss how both sound and balance feedback are registered by the brain. A short video of how we hear can be found here; how we maintain balance is here. The Crash Course Anatomy video on hearing and balance is here.
9) discuss how different forms of hearing loss occur in terms of the physiology of the cochlea.
The Crash Course Anatomy video on taste and smell can be found here - even though not on the test.
NOTE: this test is largely diagram and short answer. Click here for access to the study partner website - the senses can be found in the integration and coordination unit.
Click here for case study #1 regarding the special senses: Otitis Media (online)
Click here for case study #2 regarding the special senses: Loud music (book #16)