Bone naming list, case studies & resources
In this chapter, students will be able to:
1) Identify all of the bones and structures on the bones as outlined in the "bones checklist" provided.
NOTE: To conserve on time, all quizzes will be digital pictures, but the final test on this will be in a lab practical format rather than diagrams. You need to get in and practice with the real thing as well!
An excellent website for practice matching bones with their names can be found here.
A variety of activities including hands on practice and internet resources (click to access study partner or U of M study site) will be used. Click herefor the best labeled digital pictures of the human skeleton. Or click here for a tutorial on identifying the human bones. The Crash Course Anatomy video tutorial on the skeletal system is here.
Click here for a link to an interactive naming game for the skeletal system.
Click here for a link to case study #1 for this unit: The boy whose feet hurt (book #9)