VoiceThread Email Notifications

VoiceThread Email Notifications

by Nick Holzer -
Number of replies: 0

If you haven't ever used VoiceThread before you may notice that it emails you EVERY TIME a new comment is added to a thread you have participated in.  You can turn that feature off by following these steps.

  1. Go to https://bismarckschools.ed.voicethread.com/login and sign in
    *If you receive a login error, click the "Home" in the top left of the screen
  2. Click on your name in the top right corner to see a dropdown menu like this:
  3. Click "My Account"
  4. Click "Notifications" near the top of your screen
  5. View each situation that releases an email notification and decide when/if you want them active.  If you select "yes" in the dropdown menu you will receive an email for that situation, if you select "no" you will not get an email.

Please let us know if you would like help doing this during the work time at one of your face-to-face sessions.