Saturday, May 18, 2024, 10:31 PM
Site: Learnbps
Class: BPSS (PED) Physical Education Standards (S-PED)
Glossary: Archived PED Gr10 Standards "I can...statements"


Physical Education PED-10 Targeted Benchmarks
Standard 05: Behavior in Physical Activity - Students exhibit responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.

PED-10.5.02 Demonstrate ethical decision-making independently and with others in physical activity settings (e.g., respect for self and others, knowledge of rules, avoidance of inappropriate language, anger management, etiquette, fair play)

Student Learning Targets:
Knowledge Targets
I can
I can
Reasoning Targets
I can
I can
Skills (Performance) Targets
I can
I can
Product Targets
I can
Rubric - Resources


Physical Education PED-10 Targeted Benchmarks
Standard 05: Behavior in Physical Activity - Students exhibit responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.

PED-10.5.03 Apply appropriate behaviors (e.g., teamwork, tolerance, respect, compassion) while participating in group settings to achieve a common goal

Student Learning Targets:
Knowledge Targets
I can understand the importance of sportsmanship and teamwork skills in a group setting.
I can
Reasoning Targets
I can evaluate how sportsmanship and teamwork skills are necessary to achieve a common goal in a group setting.
I can
Skills (Performance) Targets
I can display sportsmanship and teamwork skills to achieve a common goal.
I can
Product Targets
I can demonstrate sportsmanship and teamwork skills to achieve a common goal.
Rubric - Resources