Saturday, February 15, 2025, 10:21 AM
Site: Learnbps
Course: BPSS (MUS) Music Standards (S-MUS)
Glossary: EL Ensemble Music


imageCreating for Traditional and Performing Ensembles



Students demonstrate trustworthiness by being reliable and dependable, being cautious about making promises and commitments, and conscientious about keeping the promises and commitments they make.

(MUS-EL.DpEE.01): Students will be able to demonstrate reliability by bringing all required materials to orchestra.

(MUS-EL.DpEE.02): Students will be able to demonstrate commitment to orchestra education through punctual and timely attendance.



MUS-EL.DpEE.01  Students will be able to demonstrate reliability by bringing all required materials to orchestra.

Proficiency Scale

Score  Description (SWBAT) Student Will Be Able To...

... All materials are acquired and brought to class on a daily basis


“The Standard.”

... generally remembers to bring materials to class


... come up with a plan in order to bring materials to class

1 become aware of the necessity to be prepared for learning



MUS-EL.DpEE.02  Students will be able to demonstrate commitment to orchestra education through punctual and timely attendance.

Proficiency Scale

Score  Description (SWBAT) Student Will Be Able To...

... be early or on time for all instruction periods and activities; asks for summary on what was missed


“The Standard.”

... be generally on time for instruction


... be coming up with a plan in order to improve punctuality


... recognize that valuable instruction is lost when late or absent


imageCreating for Traditional and Performing Ensembles



Students demonstrate the trait of perseverance by continuing to perform their responsibilities and pursue their goals with vigor and tenacity despite frustrations, mistakes, setbacks, and other obstacles that make their task difficult or seem impossible. They resist temptations and pressures to give up or quit, choosing instead to persist as long as they are able.

(MUS-EL.PvEE.01): Students will be able to start and end performance of content without stopping by maintaining focus and prioritizing rhythm.

(MUS-EL.PvEE.02): Students will be able to continue participating, with positive attitude, despite having made errors or mistakes.



MUS-EL.PvEE.01  Students will be able to start and end performance of content without stopping by maintaining focus and prioritizing rhythm.

Proficiency Scale

Score  Description (SWBAT) Student Will Be Able To...

... performs music from beginning to end without stopping while remaining adaptable to changing performance circumstances that may arise during the course of performance


“The Standard.”

... prioritizes rhythm, and performs music from beginning to end without stopping with rhythm that is generally accurate


... tolerate making a couple mistakes during the course of class instruction

1 is learn about the pedagogical value of mistakes and how to tolerate making them



MUS-EL.PvEE.02  Students will be able to continue participating, with positive attitude, despite having made errors or mistakes. 

Proficiency Scale

Score  Description (SWBAT) Student Will Be Able To...

... describe mistakes and can articulate what was learned from those mistakes; the same mistake is not often made twice


“The Standard.”

... demonstrates resilience in spite of several errors that may have occurred during the course of class instruction


... tolerate making a couple mistakes during the course of class instruction

1 learning about the pedagogical value of mistakes and how to tolerate making them


imageCreating for Traditional and Performing Ensembles



Students demonstrate confidence in their abilities and inner strength to succeed and endure difficulties, failures, and other forms of adversity.

(MUS-EL.ScEE.01): Students will be able to perform subject area content in front of others confidently.

(MUS-EL.ScEE.02): Students will be able to recite and demonstrate elements of confident posture.



MUS-EL.ScEE.01  Students will be able to perform subject area content in front of others confidently.

Proficiency Scale

Score  Description (SWBAT) Student Will Be Able To...

... performs material with excellence, calmness, and with appropriate performer etiquette (bowing, announcing)


“The Standard.”

... performs unaccompanied material with adequate accuracy


... attempt to perform material alone and in front of others; music may be accompanied

1 overcome anxiety or learning about the importance of solo performance; instructor accompaniment is provided



MUS-EL.ScEE.02  Students will be able to recite and demonstrate elements of confident posture.

Proficiency Scale

Score  Description (SWBAT) Student Will Be Able To...

... function as a leader for peers regarding posture; fluidity and elements of movement are emerging; postural confidence evident outside of orchestra


“The Standard.”

... demonstrate all elements of posture without prompts


... demonstrate elements of posture with prompts

1 the process of learning the various elements of posture and how to demonstrate


imageCreating for Traditional and Performing Ensembles


"Self-Directed Learners"

Students demonstrate responsibility for their learning by becoming autonomous learners who start and complete their school work without the need for direct supervision or external pressure.

(MUS-EL.SdEE.01): Students will be able to independently perform new content on their instruments using appropriate learning procedures.

(MUS-EL.SdEE.02): Students will be able to practice curriculum independently over time in order to refine their learning and perfect their skills.

(MUS-EL.SdEE.03): Students will be able to describe and demonstrate good tone along with the variables that influence tone.