Self-Directed Learners
MUS-EL.SdEE.01 Students will be able to independently perform new content on their instruments using appropriate learning procedures.
Proficiency Scale
Score |
Description (SWBAT) Student Will Be Able To... |
4 |
...use note learning procedure without prompts and adjust it according to the content being approached
3 |
“The Standard.”
...use note learning procedure when prompted in order to approach new material
2 |
...recite note learning procedure and can demonstrate each step through guided instruction
1 |
Student is in the process of learning the steps of the note reading procedure |
Self-Directed Learners
MUS-EL.SdEE.02 Students will be able to practice curriculum independently over time in order to refine their learning and perfect their skills.
Proficiency Scale
Score |
Description (SWBAT) Student Will Be Able To... |
4 |
... go beyond the practice requirements, performing frequently on their own, asking questions about repertoire to address their own learning, and seeking out their own interests on their instrument by finding music and activities that are outside of the curriculum
3 |
“The Standard.”
... practice consistently on their own and demonstrate honesty or recognize the impact on their learning when they do not
2 |
... do sometimes difficult, resisted, or completed via external pressure
1 |
... not practice on their own |
Self-Directed Learners
MUS-EL.SdEE.03 Students will be able to describe and demonstrate good tone along with the variables that influence tone.
Proficiency Scale
Score |
Description (SWBAT) Student Will Be Able To... |
4 |
...produces good tone and makes appropriate adjustments to tone without prompts or direct supervision
3 |
“The Standard.”
...produce good tone on their own; when prompted they can diagnose and correct problems with their tone
2 |
...list factors that influence tone; student can accurately perform elements such as full bow or playing in the middle lane when prompted
1 | the process of deconstructing the elements of tone production and exploring how to synthesize these elements with guidance |
Creating for Traditional and Performing Ensembles
Students demonstrate the ability and willingness to pursue common goals as part of a team, constructively participate in cooperative learning, and communicate effectively in cross-cultural and multi-lingual settings (i.e., with people who have diverse styles, views, and backgrounds).
(MUS-EL.TwEE.01): Students will be able to self-assess the unity of the team product.
(MUS-EL.TwEE.02): Students will be able to work effectively and respectfully in large and small groups.
MUS-EL.TwEE.01 Students will be able to self-assess the unity of the team product.
Proficiency Scale
Score |
Description (SWBAT) Student Will Be Able To... |
4 |
... comment on ensemble unity as it relates to articulation, dynamic, and expression, in addition to rhythm
3 |
“The Standard.”
... determine whether or not the ensemble is playing in a rhythmically unified way during polyphonic passages
2 |
... determine whether or not the ensemble is playing together during homophonic and unison passages
1 | learn to distinguish rhythmically unified playing on unison material from playing that is not |
MUS-EL.TwEE.02 Students will be able to work effectively and respectfully in large and small groups.
Proficiency Scale
Score |
Description (SWBAT) Student Will Be Able To... |
4 |
... employs such collaborative devises as compromise and encouragement, and demonstrates charismatic leadership in an effective way
3 |
“The Standard.”
... shows respect and can take criticisms or suggestions from peers appropriately; student can offer suggestions appropriately to others
2 |
... work in small and large groups appropriately and can rehearse basic types of unison music
1 | be introduced to collaborative contexts with peers and is learning how to operate appropriately within them |