SST-02.C2nd Grade Social StudiesCivics DomainClusters
Calculation Method for DomainsDomains are larger groups of related Standards. So the Domain is a calculation of all the related standards. So click on the standards identifier below each Standards to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Domain. |
SST-02.C.01SST-02.C.01 Explain reasons for, and purposes of, rules, laws, and positions of authority. |
SST-02.C.02SST-02.C.02 Explain why people form governments. |
SST-02.C.03SST-02.C.03 Identify services provided by the local government and how they affect the lives of its citizens/residents. |
SST-02.C.05SST-02.C.05 Identify ways citizens and/or residents participate in community decisions. |
SST-02.C.06SST-02.C.06 Describe important rights and responsibilities of citizens/ residents. |
SST-02.E2nd Grade Social StudiesEconomy DomainClusters
Calculation Method for DomainsDomains are larger groups of related Standards. So the Domain is a calculation of all the related standards. So click on the standards identifier below each Standards to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Domain. |
SST-02.E.02SST-02.E.02 Compare and contrast producers and consumers of goods and services. |
SST-02.E.03SST-02.E.03 Identify consumer decisions and the difference between needs and wants. |
SST-02.E.04SST-02.E.04 Identify how community helpers impact others. |
SST-02.E.05SST-02.E.05 Explain how people earn income and save money. |
SST-02.G2nd Grade Social StudiesGeography DomainClusters
Calculation Method for DomainsDomains are larger groups of related Standards. So the Domain is a calculation of all the related standards. So click on the standards identifier below each Standards to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Domain. |
SST-02.G.01SST-02.G.01 Construct maps, graphs, and other representations that contain symbols, labels, and legends. |
SST-02.G.1SST-02.G.01 Construct maps, graphs, and other representations that contain symbols, labels, and legends. |
SST-02.H2nd Grade Social StudiesHistory DomainClusters
Calculation Method for DomainsDomains are larger groups of related Standards. So the Domain is a calculation of all the related standards. So click on the standards identifier below each Standards to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each Domain. |
SST-02.H.01SST-02.H.01 Compare perspectives of people in the past to those of people in the present. |
SST-02.H.04SST-02.H.04 Describe United States national holidays or days of observance and the reason they are celebrated. |
SST-02.H.06SST-02.H.06 Demonstrate chronological thinking by describing changes in the community over time. |