Monday, February 10, 2025, 9:21 PM
Site: Learnbps
Course: BPSS (SST) Social Studies Standards (S-SST)
Glossary: 8th Grade Standards



 6-8 Social Studies

 Civics Domain

BPS-s SST Civics logo


  • SST-08.C.01 Explain the historical and philosophical foundations of government.
  • SST-08.C.02 Analyze the structures and functions of governments.
  • SST-08.C.03 Describe the rights and liberties of individuals.
  • SST-08.C.04 Investigate the role and responsibilities of citizenship in society.


These standards band grades 6-12 in civics & government. It should be noted that some topics will overlap while others will exclusively appear in either middle or high school. Throughout the grade band, a basic knowledge of the foundation, role, and impact of government is emphasized. Students will begin examining the changes in government over time and the continual balance between individual rights and the common good. The goal is that students will learn the skills necessary to understand the role of government in their daily lives and be able to engage in government at all levels. These standards help students become thoughtful citizens who are informed, engaged, and committed to the ideas and values of a democratic republic. The knowledge of names and definitions is essential in/for acquiring knowledge; however, high-quality teaching and learning demands more than merely mastering facts and terms. Therefore, in teaching these standards, an inquiry approach is encouraged. Activities and assessments that require students to think, analyze, synthesize, evaluate, compare, contrast, and argue using a civic engagement lens should be emphasized.

Calculation Method for Domains

Domains are larger groups of related Standards with benchmarks. So the Domain is a calculation of all the related standards that calculate to the benchmarks. So click on the benchmark identifier below each Standards to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each standard.



 6-8 Social Studies

 Economics Domain

BPS-s SST Economics logo


  • SST-08.E.01 Analyze the concept of scarcity when making economic decisions.
  • SST-08.E.02 Compare and contrast how varying economic systems impact a nation and its citizens.
  • SST-08.E.03 Analyze how supply and demand impact the allocation of goods and services.
  • SST-08.E.04 Analyze the various institutions that drive and support the market economy.
  • SST-08.E.05 Evaluate the various macroeconomic measurements available to determine an economy’s size and strength.
  • SST-08.E.06 Analyze how globalization has impacted various aspects of economies around the world.
  • SST-08.E.07 Evaluate the elements of responsible personal finance.


At the middle school level, basic economic principles are best integrated within United States history, world history, and geography. The knowledge of names and definitions is essential for acquiring knowledge; however, high-quality teaching and learning demands more than merely mastering facts and terms. Therefore, in teaching these standards, it is encouraged to use an active economic inquiry approach. Activities and assessments that require students to think, analyze, synthesize, evaluate, compare, contrast, and argue using economic habits of mind should be emphasized..

Calculation Method for Domains

Domains are larger groups of related Standards with benchmarks. So the Domain is a calculation of all the related standards that calculate to the benchmarks. So click on the benchmark identifier below each Standards to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each standard.



 6-8 Social Studies

 Geography Domain

BPS-s SST Geography logo


  • SST-08.G.01 Describe the physical processes that shape the Earth’s surface and how these affect the lives of people who live there.
  • SST-08.G.02 Analyze the movement of people, goods, ideas, technology, etc. throughout the world.
  • SST-08.G.03 Analyze the unifying physical and human characteristics of a region and their formal and informal boundaries.
  • SST-08.G.04 Use geographic tools to locate both the absolute and relative location of places and regions around the world.
  • SST-08.G.05 Analyze how human beings are dependent upon, adapt to, and modify their environment to meet their needs.


These geography standards are based on the Five Themes of Geography: Place, Movement, Regions, Location, and Human-Environment Interaction. These standards are written to give students a global perspective, which they can apply to other courses of study. Quality geography education is more than memorizing places on a map. It involves an understanding of various cultures, their motivations, and their connections to the global community. It also includes a deep understanding of how human beings have altered the landscape of the Earth over time, both physically and culturally.

Calculation Method for Domains

Domains are larger groups of related Standards with benchmarks. So the Domain is a calculation of all the related standards that calculate to the benchmarks. So click on the benchmark identifier below each Standards to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each standard.