Environmental Excellence - Culture and Climate

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Environmental Excellence

Culture and Climate


Bismarck Public Schools believes all our stakeholders deserve to learn, work, and have meaningful educational experiences in safe, welcoming, and nurturing environments which allow them to reach high academic standards and peak personal potential.


A positive school culture and climate is the foundation for supportive relationships among staff, students, and parents. School culture is a group’s shared beliefs, customs, and behavior. School climate is the “feel” of the school environment and how people perceive their relationship with the school.


All stakeholders contribute to and benefit from welcoming and supportive environments.


  • Identify and implement strategies to foster welcoming and supportive school environments.
  • Create experiences for all learners which instill joy and celebrate success.
  • Create school cultural proficiency plans to help stakeholders interact effectively in our diverse community.
  • Implement leadership opportunities for all learners.

» BPS-Strategic Plan Global Glossary