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least common denominator

the smallest number or expression that is a multiple of all the denominators in a group of fractions or rational expressions

least common multiple

the smallest number or expression that is a multiple of a group of numbers or expressions


in a right triangle, one of the two sides creating the right angle

like terms

two or more monomials that contain the same variables raised to the same powers, regardless of their coefficients. For example, 2x2y  and -8x2y are like terms because they have the same variables raised to the same exponents.

linear equation

an equation that describes a straight line

linear function

a function with a constant rate of change and a straight line graph

linear inequality (FIX)

an inequality represented in a form equivalent to Ax + By (fix to greater than symbol) C, where the symbol (fix to less than symbol) could also be (FIX Other Symbols)

logical argument

a series of statements, each verifiable as true, that lead to a conclusion

logical statement

a statement that allows drawing a conclusion or result based on a hypothesis or premise