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rational expression

a fraction with a polynomial in the numerator and/or denominator

rational numbers (FIX)

numbers that can be written as a ratio of integers (that is, as (ADD)  where p and q are both integers and q ? 0)


a half-line beginning at one point and continuing to infinity

real numbers

the set of numbers that includes both rational numbers and irrational numbers.

reciprocal (FIX)

a number related to another number in such a way that when they are multiplied together their product is 1.  For example, the reciprocal of 7 is (ADD)


the relationship between variables that change together

repeating decimals

numbers whose decimal parts repeat a pattern of one or more digits, these are all rational numbers


restoring a random situation back to its original state after performing an action

right triangle

a triangle with one right angle


vertical change between two points

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