White Blood Cell differential count simulation
This site is a good alternative to the work we actually do in working up a WBC differential count. Open the link, maximize the screen by clicking on the show/hide arrows, then click the area to zoom in and use your arrows to move the slide to view the entire sample. As you go, make a chart that keeps a record of each WBC you identify (yes, you have to identify them all!). When you are done, count up how many of each type you have, then divide each category by the total number of WBCs present - that will give you your % present. Once you have completed the task of finding each %, refer to your normal % ranges for each type and make a diagnosis/statement regarding the patient's condition based upon the evidence. You will turn in your count sheet along with a writeup of your findings and conclusion based upon the evidence. Remember that this needs to be a thorough writeup; science supports its conclusions through evidence, so no "I think" statements or unsubstantiated claims!