BPS District Health Standards Book
Goal Setting
- HTL-K2.s6.01: Identify a short-term personal health goal and take action toward achieving the goal.
- HTL-K2.s6.02: Identify who can help when assistance is needed to achieve a personal health goal.
- HTL-EL.s6.01: Set a personal health short-term goal and track progress toward its achievement.
- HTL-EL.s6.02: Identify resources to assist in achieving a personal health goal.
- HTL-06.s6.01: Assess personal health practices.
- HTL-06.s6.02: Develop a goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice.
- HTL-06.s6.03: Identify strategies and skills needed to attain a personal health goal.
- HTL-MS.s6.01: Assess personal health practices.
- HTL-MS.s6.02: Develop a goal to adopt, maintain, or improve a personal health practice.
- HTL-MS.s6.03: Apply strategies and skills needed to attain a personal health goal.
- HTL-MS.s6.04: Describe how personal health goals can vary with changing abilities, priorities, and responsibilities.
- HTL-HS.s6.01: Assess personal health status.
- HTL-HS.s6.02: Develop a plan to attain a personal health goal.
- HTL-HS.s6.03: Implement strategies to monitor progress in achieving a personal health goal.
- HTL-HS.s6.04: Formulate an effective short-term and long-term personal health plan.