BPS Physical Education Standards Book

PE Grade Levels

Grade 01


Young children arrive in 1st Grade with widely varying knowledge in ....

icon1st Grade Physical Education "I can ... statements"

Standard 1: Movement Patterns

PED-01.S1 Student demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
  • Locomotor Cluster:
    • PED-01.S1.01: Hops, gallops, jogs and slides using a mature pattern.
    • PED-01.S1.03: Demonstrates two of the five critical elements for jumping and landing in a horizontal plane using two-foot takeoffs and landings.
    • PED-01.S1.04: Demonstrates two of the five critical elements for jumping and landing in a vertical plane.
    • PED-01.S1.05: Combines locomotor and nonlocomotor skills in a teacher-led rhythmic pattern
  • Non Locomotor (stability) Cluster:
    • PED-01.S1.07: Maintains stillness on different bases of support with different body shapes
    • PED-01.S1.08: Transfers weight from one body part to another in self-space in rhythmic movement and gymnastics environments
    • PED-01.S1.09: Rolls with either a narrow or curled body shape.
    • PED-01.S1.10: Demonstrates twisting, curling, bending and stretching actions.
  • Manipulative Cluster:
    • PED-01.S1.13: Throws underhand, demonstrating two of the five critical elements of a mature pattern. (
    • PED-01.S1.16a: Catches a soft object from a self-toss before it bounces.
    • PED-01.S1.16b: Catches various sizes of balls selftossed or tossed by a skilled thrower.
    • PED-01.S1.17: Dribbles continuously in self-space using the dominant hand.
    • PED-01.S1.18: Taps or dribbles a ball using the inside of the foot while walking in general space.
    • PED-01.S1.21: Approaches a stationary ball and kicks it forward, demonstrating two of the five critical elements of a mature pattern.
    • PED-01.S1.22: Volleys an object with an open palm, sending it upward.
    • PED-01.S1.24: Strikes a ball with a short-handled implement, sending it upward.
    • PED-01.S1.27a: Jumps forward or backward consecutively using a self-turned rope.
    • PED-01.S1.27b: Jumps a long rope up to five times consecutively with teacher-assisted

Standard 2: Movement Concepts

PED-01.S2 Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
    • PED-01.S2.01: Moves in self-space and general space in response to designated beats/rhythms
    • PED-01.S2.02a: Travels demonstrating low, middle and high levels
    • PED-01.S2.02b: Travels demonstrating a variety of relationships with objects (e.g., over, under, around, through).
    • PED-01.S2.03a: Differentiates between fast and slow speeds.
    • PED-01.S2.03b: Differentiates between strong and light force.
    • PED-01.S2.04: Identify basic body planes (e.g., front, back side).

Standard 3: Physical Activity

PED-01.S3 Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
    • PED-01.S3.01: Discusses the benefits of being active and exercising and/or playing.
    • PED-01.S3.02: Actively engages in physical education class.
    • PED-01.S3.03: Identifies the heart as a muscle that grows stronger with exercise, play and physical activity.
    • PED-01.S3.06: Differentiates between healthy and unhealthy foods.

Standard 4: Behavior in PE

PED-01.S4 Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
    • PED-01.S4.01: Accepts personal responsibility by using equipment and space appropriately.
    • PED-01.S4.02: Follows the rules and parameters of the learning environment.
    • PED-01.S4.03: Responds appropriately to general feedback from the teacher.
    • PED-01.S4.04: Works independently with others in a variety of class environments (e.g., small & large groups).
    • PED-01.S4.05: Exhibits the established protocols for class activities.
    • PED-01.S4.06: Follows teacher directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment and space with minimal reminders.

Standard 5: Fitness Concepts

PED-01.S5 Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
    • PED-01.S5.01: Identifies physical activity as a component of good health.
    • PED-01.S5.02: Recognizes that challenge in physical activities can lead to improvement.
    • PED-01.S5.03a: Describes positive feelings that result from participating in physical activities.
    • PED-01.S5.03b: Discusses personal reasons for enjoying physical activities (the why).