BPS District Computer Science and Cybersecurity Standards Book
Site: | Learnbps |
Course: | BPSS (CSC) Computer Science and Cybersecurity |
Book: | BPS District Computer Science and Cybersecurity Standards Book |
Printed by: | Guest user |
Date: | Sunday, February 9, 2025, 2:30 AM |
The BPS-S (CSC) Computer Science and Cybersecurity Standards course in Learnbps is Bismarck Public School District's current progress on prioritizing and deconstructing standards to provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn. The standards are designed to provide guidance so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help students. Plus help students reflect on the knowledge and skills that they need for success.
Identifier Explanation
The Bismarck Public School District Standards-Based Progress Report displays grades at the concept level. Therefore Bismarck Public School District has modified the North Dakota DPI Identifiers to fit into our student information system PowerSchool for Standards-Based grading. Above is a BPS CSC Standards identifier showing the addition with smaller muted text to the the identifier are the components that BPS adds to the State code.

click on the identifier components for more explanations
CSC-06.DC_RU.3 Use appropriate digital etiquette in a variety of situations.
Note how the identifiers auto-link to the standards global glossaries.
Standards Global Glossaries
Below is a screenshot of the first page of the (CSC) Computer Science and Cybersecurity Book.
Press on the H5P interactive hotspots to learn more about how to navigate the book module in Learnbps. A popup will display the header and the explanation.
Note: Fullscreen option
K-12 Grade Levels
Below is a screenshot of the Grade 06 page of the (CSC) Computer Science and Cybersecurity Book.
Press on the H5P interactive hotspots to learn more about how to navigate the book module in Learnbps. A popup will display the header and the explanation.
Note: Fullscreen option
CSC-00.TS TS Technology Systems
(NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
(HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks..
(T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
- CSC-00.TS_NI.1 Recognize that computing devices can be connected together.
- CSC-00.TS_HS.1 Follow directions to use computing devices to perform a variety of appropriate tasks.
- CSC-00.TS_T.1 Understand technology systems might not work as expected.
CSC-00.CT CT Computational Thinking
(PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
(DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
(DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
- CSC-00.CT_PSA.1 With guidance, determine if a program works.
- CSC-00.CT_PSA.2 Use trial and error in attempt to solve a problem.
- CSC-00.CT_DCA.1 With guidance, draw conclusions and make predictions based on picture graphs or patterns with or without a computing device.
- CSC-00.CT_DD.1 With guidance, create programs to follow a sequence.
CSC-00.IL IL Information Literacy
(A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
(E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
(C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
(IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-00.IL_A.1 With guidance, use a keyword search with a teacher selected online resource.
- CSC-00.IL_E.1 Name various information sources.
- CSC-00.IL_C.1 With guidance, create a digital product.
- CSC-00.IL_IP.1 Discuss that creative works have owners (copyright).
- CSC-00.IL_IP.2 Understand that credit should be given to the creator of creative work.
CSC-00.CS CS Computers in Society
(IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
(SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- CSC-00.CS_IC.1 List different ways in which technologies are used in daily life.
- CSC-00.CS_SI.1 With guidance, use technology to share thinking with teachers or adults.
CSC-00.DC DC Digital Citizenship
(SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
(RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
(DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
- CSC-00.DC_SE.1 With guidance, use technology in safe and correct ways. (CYSEC)
- CSC-00.DC_SE.2 With guidance, use authentication methods to access technology. (CYSEC)
- CSC-00.DC_RU.1 Discuss positive and negative behaviors when using electronic communication. (CYSEC)
- CSC-00.DC_RU.2 With guidance, identify appropriate manners while participating in an online community.
- CSC-00.DC_RU.4 Comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- none
Grade 01
CSC-01.TS TS Technology Systems
(NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
(HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks..
(T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
- CSC-01.TS_NI.1 Recognize that connecting computing devices allows information sharing.
- CSC-01.TS_HS.1 Use appropriate terminology to identify common computing devices and components.
- CSC-01.TS_HS.2 With guidance, use a computing device to perform a variety of tasks.
- CSC-01.TS_HS.3 Recognize users have different technology needs.
- CSC-01.TS_T.1 Understand technology systems might not work as expected and with guidance, use appropriate terminology to describe a problem.
CSC-01.CT CT Computational Thinking
(PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
(DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
(DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
- CSC-01.CT_PSA.1 Solve a problem through trial and error using given materials/resources.
- CSC-01.CT_PSA.2 Follow a set of instructions (algorithms) in order to complete a task.
- CSC-01.CT_PSA.3 Define debug.
- CSC-01.CT_PSA.4 Identify and practice debugging strategies including 'Go back to when it worked’.
- CSC-01.CT_DCA.1 With guidance, identify and interpret data from a chart or graph in order to make a prediction with or without a computing device.
- CSC-01.CT_DD.1 With guidance, create programs to accomplish tasks that includes sequencing or looping.
CSC-01.IL IL Information Literacy
(A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
(E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
(C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
(IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-01.IL_A.1 Use a keyword search with a teacher-selected online resource.
- CSC-01.IL_E.1 With guidance, evaluate information for research purposes.
- CSC-01.IL_C.1 Independently or with guidance, create a digital product.
- CSC-01.IL_IP.1 I Understand that creative works have owners.
- CSC-01.IL_IP.2 With guidance, give credit to the creator of a creative work.
CSC-01.CS CS Computers in Society
(IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
(SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- CSC-01.CS_IC.1 Identify how technologies are used in and out of school.
- CSC-01.CS_SI.1 With guidance, use technology to share thinking with peers.
CSC-01.DC DC Digital Citizenship
(SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
(RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
(DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
- CSC-01.DC_SE.1 Identify how to use technology in safe and correct ways. (CYSEC)
- CSC-01.DC_SE.2 Understand the differences between a username and authentication methods and independently use them to access technology. (CYSEC)
- CSC-01.DC_RU.1 Identify positive and negative behaviors when using electronic communication. (CYSEC)
- CSC-01.DC_RU.2 Discuss reporting inappropriate electronic content. (CYSEC)
- CSC-01.DC_RU.4 Comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-01.DC_DI.1 Recognize that you have a digital identity.
Grade 02
CSC-02.TS TS Technology Systems
(NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
(HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks..
(T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
- CSC-02.TS_NI.1 Explain that connecting computing devices allows information sharing.
- CSC-02.TS_HS.1 Identify the components and basic functions of a computer system.
- CSC-02.TS_HS.2 Independently use a computing device to perform a variety of tasks.
- CSC-02.TS_HS.3 Recognize users have different technology needs and preferences.
- CSC-02.TS_T.1 Understand technology systems might not work as expected and independently use appropriate terminology to describe a problem.
CSC-02.CT CT Computational Thinking
(PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
(DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
(DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
- CSC-02.CT_PSA.1 Use problem solving steps: understanding the task, considering various strategies, isolate and debug.
- CSC-02.CT_PSA.2 Break a task into smaller steps to identify patterns or solve the problem.
- CSC-02.CT_PSA.3 Define algorithms.
- CSC-02.CT_DCA.1 With guidance, construct and interpret data and present it in a chart or graph in order to make a prediction with or without a computing device.
- CSC-02.CT_DD.1 Independently or collaboratively create programs to accomplish tasks that include sequencing or looping.
CSC-02.IL IL Information Literacy
(A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
(E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
(C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
(IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-02.IL_A.1 Use a keyword search with a teacher-selected online resource. (Continued growth)
- CSC-02.IL_E.1 With guidance, determine whether the purpose of content is to inform or to influence actions.
- CSC-02.IL_C.1 Independently or collaboratively, create a digital product.
- CSC-02.IL_IP.1 Understand that students own their creative works.
- CSC-02.IL_IP.2 With guidance, give credit to the creator of a creative work. (Continued growth)
CSC-02.CS CS Computers in Society
(IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
(SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- CSC-02.CS_IC.1 Identify how technologies are used in the workforce
- CSC-02.CS_SI.1 With guidance, use technology to communicate with others outside of the classroom.
CSC-02.DC DC Digital Citizenship
(SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
(RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
(DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
- CSC-02.DC_SE.1 Explain how to use technology in safe and correct ways. (CYSEC)
- CSC-02.DC_SE.2 Identify strategies for protecting authentication methods. (CYSEC)
- CSC-02.DC_SE.3 Recognize the risks of interacting online with others. (CYSEC)
- CSC-02.DC_RU.1 Explain positive and negative behaviors when using electronic communication. (CYSEC)
- CSC-02.DC_RU.2 Know and identify how to report concerns regarding online content and behaviors. (CYSEC)
- CSC-02.DC_RU.3 Develop a code of conduct, explain, and practice appropriate behavior and responsibilities while participating in an online community.
- CSC-02.DC_RU.4 Comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-02.DC_DI.1 Define digital identity.
Grade 03
CSC-03.TS TS Technology Systems
(NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
(HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks..
(T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
- CSC-03.TS_NI.1 Recognize that information is sent and received over physical or wireless paths.
- CSC-03.TS_HS.1 Identify the components and the basic functions of a computer system including peripherals and external storage features.
- CSC-03.TS_HS.2 Independently use a computing device to perform a variety of tasks.
- CSC-03.TS_HS.3 Recognize users have different technology needs and preferences.
- CSC-03.TS_T.1 With guidance, apply basic troubleshooting strategies.
CSC-03.CT CT Computational Thinking
(PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
(DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
(DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
- CSC-03.CT_PSA.1 Solve a task by breaking it into smaller pieces.
- CSC-03.CT_PSA.2 Debug a program that includes sequencing.
- CSC-03.CT_DCA.1 Collect and organize data in various visual formats.
- CSC-03.CT_DD.1 Independently or collaboratively create programs that use sequencing and looping.
- CSC-03.CT_DD.2 Convert an algorithm into code.
CSC-03.IL IL Information Literacy
(A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
(E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
(C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
(IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-03.IL_A.1 Use basic search strategies with teacher-selected online sources.
- CSC-03.IL_E.1 With guidance, compare and contrast resources based on content and the author’s purpose.
- CSC-03.IL_C.1 Independently or collaboratively, create a digital product.
- CSC-03.IL_IP.1 Define copyright.
- CSC-03.IL_IP.2 With guidance, identify the elements of a citation.
- CSC-03.IL_IP.3 Explain piracy and plagiarism.
CSC-03.CS CS Computers in Society
(IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
(SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- CSC-03.CS_IC.1 Identify technologies that have changed the world.
- CSC-03.CS_SI.1 Recognize that there are various collaborative technologies.
- CSC-03.CS_SI.2 With guidance, use collaborative technology to seek out diverse perspectives.
CSC-03.DC DC Digital Citizenship
(SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
(RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
(DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
- CSC-03.DC_SE.1 Identify problems that relate to inappropriate use of computing devices and networks. (CYSEC)
- CSC-03.DC_SE.2 Keep authentication methods confidential and be proactive if they are compromised. (CYSEC)
- CSC-03.DC_SE.3 Recognize that data-collection technology can be used to track navigation online. (CYSEC)
- CSC-03.DC_SE.4 Identify the difference between public and private information. (CYSEC)
- CSC-03.DC_RU.1 Identify and discuss positive and negative uses of technology and information and their impact.
- CSC-03.DC_RU.2 Recognize similarities and differences between in-person bullying and cyberbullying.
- CSC-03.DC_RU.3 Develop a code of conduct, explain, and practice appropriate behavior and responsibilities while participating in an online community.
- CSC-03.DC_RU.4 Comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-03.DC_DI.1 Recognize the permanence of their actions in the digital world.
Grade 04
CSC-04.TS TS Technology Systems
(NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
(HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks..
(T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
- CSC-04.TS_NI.1 Recognize that computing devices can be connected in a variety of ways to share information.
- CSC-04.TS_HS.1 Explain the difference between hardware and software.
- CSC-04.TS_HS.2 Independently use a computing device to perform a variety of tasks. (Continued growth)
- CSC-04.TS_HS.3 Recognize users have different technology needs and preferences. (Continued growth)
- CSC-04.TS_T.1 With guidance, apply basic troubleshooting strategies. (Continued growth)
CSC-04.CT CT Computational Thinking
(PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
(DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
(DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
- CSC-04.CT_PSA.1 Decompose (break down) a large task into smaller, manageable subtasks.
- CSC-04.CT_PSA.2 Debug a program that includes sequencing or loops.
- CSC-04.CT_PSA.3 Identify multiple solutions to a task.
- CSC-04.CT_DCA.1 Organize and present collected data visually to highlight comparisons.
- CSC-04.CT_DD.1 Independently and collaboratively create programs that use sequencing, loops, and conditionals.
CSC-04.IL IL Information Literacy
(A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
(E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
(C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
(IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-04.IL_A.1 Use multiple teacher-selected online resources to locate information.
- CSC-04.IL_E.1 With guidance, use a strategy to evaluate information for research purposes.
- CSC-04.IL_C.1 Independently or collaboratively, create a digital product. (Continued growth)
- CSC-04.IL_IP.1 Demonstrate an understanding of copyright and fair use.
- CSC-04.IL_IP.2 With guidance, create a citation.
- CSC-04.IL_IP.3 With guidance, use strategies to avoid piracy and plagiarism.
CSC-04.CS CS Computers in Society
(IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
(SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- CSC-04.CS_IC.1 Give examples of technologies that influence society today.
- CSC-04.CS_SI.1 With guidance, use collaborative technology to interpret diverse perspectives.
CSC-04.DC DC Digital Citizenship
(SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
(RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
(DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
- CSC-04.DC_SE.1 Identify and explain issues related to responsible use of technology and information, and describe personal consequences of inappropriate use. (CYSEC)
- CSC-04.DC_SE.2 Create secure authentication to insure privacy. (CYSEC)
- CSC-04.DC_SE.3 Recognize that data-collection technology can be used to track navigation online. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-04.DC_SE.4 Recognize when it is safe to share private information online. (CYSEC)
- CSC-04.DC_RU.1 Discuss basic issues related to the appropriate use of technology and information, and the consequences of inappropriate use.
- CSC-04.DC_RU.2 Identify strategies for dealing responsibly with cyberbullying and reporting inappropriate behavior.
- CSC-04.DC_RU.3 Develop a code of conduct, explain, and practice appropriate behavior and responsibilities while participating in an online community. (Continued growth)
- CSC-04.DC_RU.4 Comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-04.DC_DI.1 Explain the importance of your digital identity.
Grade 05
CSC-05.TS TS Technology Systems
(NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
(HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks..
(T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
- CSC-05.TS_NI.1 Understand that information is sent and received across physical or wireless paths.
- CSC-05.TS_HS.1 Compare and contrast physical and virtual systems.
- CSC-05.TS_HS.2 Independently use a computing device to perform a variety of tasks. (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.TS_HS.3 Recognize users have different technology needs and preferences. (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.TS_T.1 With guidance, apply basic troubleshooting strategies. (Continued growth)
CSC-05.CT CT Computational Thinking
(PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
(DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
(DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
- CSC-05.CT_PSA.1 Create a sequence of instructions from a previous decomposed task.
- CSC-05.CT_PSA.2 Debug a program that includes sequencing, loops, or conditionals.
- CSC-05.CT_PSA.3 Work collaboratively to explore multiple solutions to a task.
- CSC-05.CT_DCA.1 Organize and present collected data to highlight comparisons and support a claim.
- CSC-05.CT_DD.1 Independently and collaboratively create programs that use sequencing, loops, and conditionals. (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.CT_DD.2 Create solutions to problems using a design method.
CSC-05.IL IL Information Literacy
(A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
(E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
(C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
(IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-05.IL_A.1 Refine your keyword search to improve your results.
- CSC-05.IL_E.1 With guidance, use a strategy to evaluate information for research purposes. (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.IL_C.1 Independently or collaboratively, create a digital product using two or more tools.
- CSC-05.IL_IP.1 With guidance, demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues in copyright and fair use.
- CSC-05.IL_IP.2 With guidance, create a citation. (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.IL_IP.3 With guidance, use strategies to avoid piracy and plagiarism. (Continued growth)
CSC-05.CS CS Computers in Society
(IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
(SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- CSC-05.CS_IC.1 Explain how technologies can change the future.
- CSC-05.CS_SI.1 With guidance, use collaborative technology to compare and contrast diverse perspectives.
CSC-05.DC DC Digital Citizenship
(SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
(RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
(DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
- CSC-05.DC_SE.1 Recognize that there are real-world cybersecurity problems (i.e.hacking) when interacting online. (CYSEC)
- CSC-05.DC_SE.2 Create secure authentication to insure privacy. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.DC_SE.3 Recognize that data-collection technology can be used to track navigation online. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.DC_SE.4 Apply strategies to keep your private information safe online. (CYSEC)
- CSC-05.DC_RU.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the appropriate use of technology and information and the consequences of inappropriate use.
- CSC-05.DC_RU.2 Use strategies that prevent and deal responsibly with cyberbullying and inappropriate behavior.
- CSC-05.DC_RU.3 Develop a code of conduct, explain, and practice appropriate behavior and responsibilities while participating in an online community. (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.DC_RU.4 Comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-05.DC_DI.1 Explain the importance of your digital identity. (Continued growth)
Grade 06
CSC-06.TS TS Technology Systems
(NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
(HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks..
(T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
- CSC-06.TS_NI.1 Explain how data is sent across networks.
- CSC-06.TS_HS.1 Use hardware and/or software to complete a task.
- CSC-06.TS_HS.2 Use software features to accomplish a goal.
- CSC-06.TS_HS.3 Organize, store, and retrieve digital information with guidance.
- CSC-06.TS_HS.4 Identify threats to technology systems. (CYSEC)
- CSC-06.TS_HS.5 Identify security measures to protect technology systems. (CYSEC)
- CSC-06.TS_T.1 Apply basic troubleshooting strategies.
CSC-06.CT CT Computational Thinking
(PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
(DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
(DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
- CSC-06.CT_PSA.1 Identify and test an algorithm to solve a problem.
- CSC-06.CT_PSA.2 Debug a program that includes sequencing, loops, or conditionals.
- CSC-06.CT_PSA.3 Compare and contrast the efficiencies of multiple solutions to a task.
- CSC-06.CT_DCA.1 Collect and analyze data to support a claim.
- CSC-06.CT_DD.1 Use programs that utilize combinations of loops, conditionals, and the manipulation of variables representing different data types.
CSC-06.IL IL Information Literacy
(A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
(E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
(C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
(IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-06.IL_A.1 Use a variety of strategies to refine and revise search results.
- CSC-06.IL_E.1 Evaluate information and its sources.
- CSC-06.IL_C.1 Repurpose or remix original works following fair use guidelines.
- CSC-06.IL_IP.1 With guidance, properly use copyrighted works, works in the creative commons, and works in the public domain.
- CSC-06.IL_IP.2 Cite a variety of sources using the appropriate format.
- CSC-06.IL_IP.3 Describe negative consequences of piracy and plagiarism.
CSC-06.CS CS Computers in Society
(IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
(SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- CSC-06.CS_IC.1 Identify the positive and negative impacts of past, present, and future technology, including bias and accessibility
- CSC-06.CS_SI.1 Use collaborative technology.
- CSC-06.CS_SI.2 Identify how social interactions can impact a person’s self-image.
CSC-06.DC DC Digital Citizenship
(SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
(RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
(DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
- CSC-06.DC_SE.1 Identify steps for responding to uncomfortable situations when interacting online. (CYSEC)
- CSC-06.DC_SE.2 Identify basic methods to maintain digital privacy and security. (CYSEC)
- CSC-06.DC_SE.3 Recognize that data-collection technology can be used to track navigation online. (CYSEC)
- CSC-06.DC_SE.4 Identify threats to personal cybersecurity. (CYSEC)
- CSC-06.DC_RU.1 Identify different forms of cyberbullying.
- CSC-06.DC_RU.2 Identify strategies to stop cyberbullying.
- CSC-06.DC_RU.3 Use appropriate digital etiquette in a variety of situations.
- CSC-06.DC_RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-06.DC_DI.1 Describe personal online usage and determine how it affects identity on- and offline.
Grade 07
CSC-07.TS TS Technology Systems
(NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
(HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks..
(T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
- CSC-07.TS_NI.1 Model how data is sent from one computer to another across networks.
- CSC-07.TS_HS.1 Compare and contrast hardware and/or software options to complete a task.
- CSC-07.TS_HS.2 Use software features to accomplish a goal. (Continued growth)
- CSC-07.TS_HS.3 Organize, store, and retrieve digital information with minimal guidance.
- CSC-07.TS_HS.4 Describe threats to technology systems. (CYSEC)
- CSC-07.TS_HS.5 Explain how security measures protect technology systems. (CYSEC)
- CSC-07.TS_T.1 Apply basic troubleshooting strategies. (Continued growth.)
CSC-07.CT CT Computational Thinking
(PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
(DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
(DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
- CSC-07.CT_PSA.1 Modify and test an algorithm to solve a problem.
- CSC-07.CT_PSA.2 Debug a program that includes sequencing, loops, or conditionals. (Continued growth)
- CSC-07.CT_DCA.1 Represent data, in more than one way, to defend your claim.
- CSC-07.CT_DD.1 Modify programs that utilize combinations of loops, conditionals, and the manipulation of variables representing different data types.
CSC-07.IL IL Information Literacy
(A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
(E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
(C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
(IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-07.IL_A.1 Use a variety of strategies to refine and revise search results. (Continued growth)
- CSC-07.IL_E.1 Independently, evaluate information and its sources using student selected processes and strategies.
- CSC-07.IL_C.1 Repurpose or remix original works following fair use guidelines. (Continued growth)
- CSC-07.IL_IP.1 With minimal guidance, properly use copyrighted works, works in the creative commons, and works in the public domain.
- CSC-07.IL_IP.2 Cite a variety of sources using the appropriate format. (Continued growth)
- CSC-07.IL_IP.3 Identify strategies to avoid personal works and the works of others from being pirated and plagiarized. (CYSEC)
CSC-07.CS CS Computers in Society
(IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
(SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- CSC-07.CS_IC.1 Compare and contrast the impacts of technology, including bias and accessibility.
- CSC-07.CS_SI.1 Use collaborative technology to gather and share information.
- CSC-07.CS_SI.2 Identify how social interactions can impact a person’s self-image. (Continued growth)
CSC-07.DC DC Digital Citizenship
(SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
(RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
(DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
- CSC-07.DC_SE.1 Identify steps for responding to uncomfortable situations when interacting online. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-07.DC_SE.2 Identify a variety of methods to maintain digital privacy and security. (CYSEC)
- CSC-07.DC_SE.3 Recognize that data-collection technology can be used to track navigation online. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-07.DC_SE.4 Describe how to respond to threats to personal cybersecurity. (CYSEC)
- CSC-07.DC_RU.1 Describe different forms of cyberbullying and the effects on all parties involved.
- CSC-07.DC_RU.2 Identify strategies to prevent and stop cyberbullying.
- CSC-07.DC_RU.3 Use appropriate digital etiquette in a variety of situations. (Continued growth)
- CSC-07.DC_RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-07.DC_DI.1 Evaluate how digital identity can impact a person now and in the future.
Grade 08
CSC-08.TS TS Technology Systems
(NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
(HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks..
(T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
- CSC-08.TS_NI.1 Investigate how data is sent from one computer to another across networks.
- CSC-08.TS_HS.1 Choose appropriate device/hardware/software to complete a task.
- CSC-08.TS_HS.2 Use software features to accomplish a goal. (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.TS_HS.3 Organize, store, and retrieve digital information efficiently.
- CSC-08.TS_HS.4 Describe ways to protect against threats to technology systems. (CYSEC)
- CSC-08.TS_HS.5 Compare and contrast security measures used to protect technology systems. (CYSEC)
- CSC-08.TS_T.1 Apply basic troubleshooting strategies. (Continued growth.)
CSC-08.CT CT Computational Thinking
(PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
(DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
(DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
- CSC-08.CT_PSA.1 Create and test an algorithm to solve a problem across disciplines.
- CSC-08.CT_PSA.2 Debug a program that includes sequencing, loops, or conditionals. (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.CT_DCA.1 Represent data from multiple sources in order to defend or refute a claim.
- CSC-08.CT_DD.1 Create programs that utilize combinations of loops, conditionals, and the manipulation of variables representing different data types.
CSC-08.IL IL Information Literacy
(A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
(E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
(C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
(IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-08.IL_A.1 Use advanced search strategies to locate information online.
- CSC-08.IL_E.1 Independently, evaluate information and its sources using student selected processes and strategies. (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.IL_C.1 Repurpose or remix original works following fair use guidelines. (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.IL_IP.1 Properly use copyrighted works, works in the creative commons, and works in the public domain.
- CSC-08.IL_IP.2 Cite a variety of sources using the appropriate format. (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.IL_IP.3 Debate the risks and benefits of sharing personal works online (CYSEC)
CSC-08.CS CS Computers in Society
(IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
(SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- CSC-08.CS_IC.1 Explore and create solutions for the negative impacts of technology, including bias and accessibility.
- CSC-08.CS_SI.1 Use collaborative technology to communicate information to a specific audience.
- CSC-08.CS_SI.2 Identify how social interactions can impact a person’s self-image. (Continued growth)
CSC-08.DC DC Digital Citizenship
(SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
(RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
(DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
- CSC-08.DC_SE.1 Identify steps for responding to uncomfortable situations when interacting online. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.DC_SE.2 Identify advanced methods to maintain digital privacy and security. (CYSEC)
- CSC-08.DC_SE.3 Recognize that data-collection technology can be used to track navigation online. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.DC_SE.4 Discuss the consequences of identity theft. (CYSEC)
- CSC-08.DC_RU.1 Describe different forms of cyberbullying and the effects on all parties involved. (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.DC_RU.2 Identify strategies to prevent and stop cyberbullying.
- CSC-08.DC_RU.3 Use appropriate digital etiquette in a variety of situations. (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.DC_RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-08.DC_DI.1 Evaluate how digital identity can impact a person now and in the future. (Continued growth.)
Grade 09
CSC-09.TS TS Technology Systems
(NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
(HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks..
(T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
- CSC-09.TS_NI.1 Describe the issues that impact network functionality (e.g., bandwidth, load, delay, topology).
- CSC-09.TS_NI.2 Understand the implications of accessing publicly available Internet connections. (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.TS_HS.1 Compare and contrast appropriate device/hardware/software to complete a task.
- CSC-09.TS_HS.2 Define software and security patches/update. (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.TS_HS.3 Explain why a backup is necessary. (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.TS_T.1 Describe basic hardware and software problems using appropriate and accurate terminology.
CSC-09.CT CT Computational Thinking
(PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
(DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
(DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
- CSC-09.CT_PSA.1 Identify, recognize, and use an algorithm to solve a complex problem across disciplines.
- CSC-09.CT_DCA.1 Collect and analyze complex data.
- none
CSC-09.IL IL Information Literacy
(A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
(E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
(C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
(IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-09.IL_A.1 Plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information.
- CSC-09.IL_E.1 Evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility, and relevance of information, media, data, or other resources.
- CSC-09.IL_C.1 Create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations to communicate an idea.
- CSC-09.IL_IP.1 Properly use copyrighted works, works in the creative commons, and works in the public domain.
- CSC-09.IL_IP.2 Cite sources in a standard format to ethically reference the intellectual property of others.
- CSC-09.IL_IP.3 Engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology.
CSC-09.CS CS Computers in Society
(IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
(SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- CSC-09.CS_IC.1 Evaluate how technology has impacted the workforce positively and negatively.
- CSC-09.CS_SI.1 Identify how technology has affected our means of communication.
CSC-09.DC DC Digital Citizenship
(SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
(RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
(DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
- CSC-09.DC_SE.1 Recognize the effects sharing information online can have on others' privacy. (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.DC_SE.2 Know how to modify account settings to protect privacy and security. (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.DC_SE.3 Recognize that data-collection technology can be used to track navigation online. (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.DC_SE.4 Describe ways to prevent identity theft. (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.DC_RU.1 Apply cyberbullying prevention strategies.
- CSC-09.DC_RU.2 Apply safe and ethical behaviors to personal electronic communication and interaction. (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.DC_RU.3 Use appropriate digital etiquette in a variety of situations. (Continued growth)
- CSC-09.DC_RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-09.DC_DI.1 Manage a digital identity and be aware of the permanence of actions in the digital world. (CYSEC)
Grade 10
CSC-10.TS TS Technology Systems
(NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
(HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks..
(T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
- CSC-10.TS_NI.1 Identify and define different network connection types (e.g., wifi, mobile data, ethernet).
- CSC-10.TS_NI.2 Identify networkable devices.
- CSC-10.TS_HS.1 Compare and contrast appropriate device/hardware/software to complete a task. (Continued growth)
- CSC-10.TS_HS.2 Recognize the importance of and effectively perform software and security patches/updates. (CYSEC)
- CSC-10.TS_HS.3 Identify important data or systems that need redundancy. (CYSEC)
- CSC-10.TS_T.1 Follow appropriate guidelines that convey systematic troubleshooting techniques to identify and fix errors.
CSC-10.CT CT Computational Thinking
(PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
(DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
(DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
- CSC-10.CT_PSA.1 Create and test an algorithm to solve a complex problem across disciplines.
- CSC-10.CT_DCA.1 Represent complex data in more than one way to support a claim.
- none
CSC-10.IL IL Information Literacy
(A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
(E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
(C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
(IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-10.IL_A.1 Curate relevant information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods.
- CSC-10.IL_E.1 Gather accurate, credible, and relevant sources of information, media, data, or other resources showing different perspectives.
- CSC-10.IL_C.1 Choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.
- CSC-10.IL_IP.1 Demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-10.IL_IP.2 Cite sources in a standard format to ethically reference the intellectual property of others. (Continued growth)
- CSC-10.IL_IP.3 Engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology. (Continued growth)
CSC-10.CS CS Computers in Society
(IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
(SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- CSC-10.CS_IC.1 Evaluate the social, personal, and economic implications technology has on society and the economy.
- CSC-10.CS_SI.1 Evaluate the impacts of technology on social interactions.
CSC-10.DC DC Digital Citizenship
(SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
(RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
(DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
- CSC-10.DC_SE.1 Implement best practices to secure personal information. (CYSEC)
- CSC-10.DC_SE.2 Recognize the importance of monitoring your private data. (CYSEC)
- CSC-10.DC_SE.3 Manage personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of data-collection technology used to track online behaviors. (CYSEC)
- CSC-10.DC_SE.4 Identify if their private data has been altered and can react appropriately. (CYSEC)
- CSC-10.DC_RU.1 Apply cyberbullying prevention strategies. (Continued growth)
- CSC-10.DC_RU.2 Apply safe and ethical behaviors to personal electronic communication and interaction. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-10.DC_RU.3 Use appropriate digital etiquette in a variety of situations. (Continued growth)
- CSC-10.DC_RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-10.DC_DI.1 Manage a digital identity and be aware of the permanence of actions in the digital world. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
Grade 11
CSC-11.TS TS Technology Systems
(NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
(HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks..
(T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
- CSC-11.TS_NI.1 Compare and contrast different network connection types (e.g., wifi, mobile data, ethernet).
- CSC-11.TS_NI.2 Understand the global impact of networkable devices.
- CSC-11.TS_HS.1 Compare and contrast appropriate device/hardware/software to complete a task. (Continued growth)
- CSC-11.TS_HS.2 Identify and choose hardware and software to help protect a system. (CYSEC)
- CSC-11.TS_HS.3 Identify different options for redundancy (e.g., cloud storage, external, duplicate devices). (CYSEC)
- CSC-11.TS_T.1 Follow appropriate guidelines that convey systematic troubleshooting techniques to identify and fix errors. (Continued growth)
CSC-11.CT CT Computational Thinking
(PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
(DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
(DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
- CSC-11.CT_PSA.1 Demonstrate ways a given algorithm applies to problems across disciplines and explain the benefits and drawbacks of choices made.
- CSC-11.CT_DCA.1 Represent complex data in multiple ways to defend a student-generated claim.
- none
CSC-11.IL IL Information Literacy
(A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
(E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
(C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
(IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-11.IL_A.1 Devise new search strategies based on information gaps and new understanding.
- CSC-11.IL_E.1 Use accurate, credible, and relevant sources of information, media, data, or other resources showing different perspectives.
- CSC-11.IL_C.1 Publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences to communicate their idea.
- CSC-11.IL_IP.1 Explain the beneficial and harmful effects that intellectual property laws can have on innovation, creativity, and collaboration.
- CSC-11.IL_IP.2 Cite sources in a standard format to ethically reference the intellectual property of others. (Continued growth)
- CSC-11.IL_IP.3 Evaluate the social and economic implications of piracy and plagiarism in the context of safety, law, or ethics.
CSC-11.CS CS Computers in Society
(IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
(SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- CSC-11.CS_IC.1 Explain how computing may change cultural aspects of society.
- CSC-11.CS_SI.1 Investigate ways to maximize the benefits and minimize the harmful effects technology can have on society.
CSC-11.DC DC Digital Citizenship
(SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
(RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
(DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
- CSC-11.DC_SE.1 Understand encryption and how it is used to protect data. (CYSEC)
- CSC-11.DC_SE.2 Explain the privacy concerns related to the collection and generation of data through automated processes. (CYSEC)
- CSC-11.DC_SE.3 Manage personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of data-collection technology used to track online behaviors. (CYSEC) Continued Growth)
- CSC-11.DC_SE.4 Develop a plan to recover from an incident that was tied to unauthorized access. (CYSEC)
- CSC-11.DC_RU.1 Apply cyberbullying prevention strategies. (Continued growth)
- CSC-11.DC_RU.2 Apply safe and ethical behaviors to personal electronic communication and interaction. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-11.DC_RU.3 Use appropriate digital etiquette in a variety of situations. (Continued growth)
- CSC-11.DC_RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-11.DC_DI.1 Manage a digital identity and be aware of the permanence of actions in the digital world. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
Grade 12
CSC-12.TS TS Technology Systems
(NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
(HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks..
(T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
- CSC-12.TS_NI.1 Choose an appropriate network connection given a scenario or situation.
- CSC-12.TS_NI.2 Compare and contrast the benefits and security risks of networkable devices.
- CSC-12.TS_HS.1 Compare and contrast appropriate device/hardware/software to complete a task. (Continued growth)
- CSC-12.TS_HS.2 Identify and choose hardware and software to help protect a system. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-12.TS_HS.3 Implement redundancy. (CYSEC)
- CSC-12.TS_T.1 Implement systematic troubleshooting strategies to identify and fix errors.
CSC-12.CT CT Computational Thinking
(PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
(DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
(DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
- CSC-12.CT_PSA.1 Use and adapt common algorithms to solve computational problems.
- CSC-12.CT_DCA.1 Represent complex data using interactive data visualizations or computational models.
- none
CSC-12.IL IL Information Literacy
(A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
(E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
(C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
(IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-12.IL_A.1 Build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.
- CSC-12.IL_E.1 Explain source selection based on accuracy, perspective, credibility, and relevance of information, media, data, or other resources.
- CSC-12.IL_C.1 Exhibit perseverance, a tolerance for ambiguity, and the capacity to work with open-ended problems in the design and creation process.
- CSC-12.IL_IP.1 Debate laws and regulations that impact the development and use of software.
- CSC-12.IL_IP.2 Cite sources in a standard format to ethically reference the intellectual property of others. (Continued growth)
- CSC-12.IL_IP.3 Evaluate the social and economic implications of piracy and plagiarism in the context of safety, law, or ethics. (Continued growth)
CSC-12.CS CS Computers in Society
(IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
(SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- CSC-12.CS_IC.1 Predict how computing may impact the workplace and personal lives.
- CSC-12.CS_SI.1 Evaluate the impact of equity, bias, access, and influence on the availability of computing resources in a global society.
CSC-12.DC DC Digital Citizenship
(SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
(RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
(DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
- CSC-12.DC_SE.1 Understand encryption and how it is used to protect data. (CYSEC) (Continued Growth)
- CSC-12.DC_SE.2 Illustrate how sensitive data can be affected by malware and other attacks. (CYSEC)
- CSC-12.DC_SE.3 Manage personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of data-collection technology used to track online behaviors. (CYSEC) Continued Growth)
- CSC-12.DC_SE.4 Develop a plan to recover from an incident that was tied to unauthorized access. (CYSEC) (Continued Growth)
- CSC-12.DC_RU.1 Apply cyberbullying prevention strategies. (Continued growth)
- CSC-12.DC_RU.2 Apply safe and ethical behaviors to personal electronic communication and interaction. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-12.DC_RU.3 Use appropriate digital etiquette in a variety of situations. (Continued growth)
- CSC-12.DC_RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-12.DC_DI.1 Manage a digital identity and be aware of the permanence of actions in the digital world. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
Grade HS
CSC-HS.TS TS Technology Systems
(NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
(HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks..
(T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
CSC-HS.CT CT Computational Thinking
(PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
(DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
(DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
CSC-HS.IL IL Information Literacy
(A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
(E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
(C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
(IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
CSC-HS.DC DC Digital Citizenship
(SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
(RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
(DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
Computer Science and Cybersecurity (CSC)
The goal of the cybersecurity standards is to ensure that all North Dakota graduates are educated in the foundational principles of cybersecurity. By educating students in cybersecurity we will develop citizens of North Dakota that are prepared to live in an increasingly digital and technology-driven society.
- (NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
- (HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks.
- (T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
- (PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
- (DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
- (DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
- (A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
- (E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
- (C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
- (IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- (IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
- (SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- (SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
- (RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
- (DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
Below is a screenshot of the TS Technology Systems page of the (CSC) Computer Science and Cybersecurity Book.
Press on the H5P interactive hotspots to learn more about how to navigate the book module in Learnbps. A popup will display the header and the explanation.
Note: Fullscreen option

Computer Science and Cybersecurity 
TS Technology Systems
(NI) Network & Internet - Networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information.
(HS) Hardware & Software - Devices, hardware, and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks..
(T) Troubleshooting - Strategies for solving technology system problems.
- CSC-00.TS_NI.1 Recognize that computing devices can be connected together.
- CSC-00.TS_HS.1 Follow directions to use computing devices to perform a variety of appropriate tasks.
- CSC-00.TS_T.1 Understand technology systems might not work as expected.
- CSC-01.TS_NI.1 Recognize that connecting computing devices allows information sharing.
- CSC-01.TS_HS.1 Use appropriate terminology to identify common computing devices and components.
- CSC-01.TS_HS.2 With guidance, use a computing device to perform a variety of tasks.
- CSC-01.TS_HS.3 Recognize users have different technology needs.
- CSC-01.TS_T.1 Understand technology systems might not work as expected and with guidance, use appropriate terminology to describe a problem.
- CSC-02.TS_NI.1 Explain that connecting computing devices allows information sharing.
- CSC-02.TS_HS.1 Identify the components and basic functions of a computer system.
- CSC-02.TS_HS.2 Independently use a computing device to perform a variety of tasks.
- CSC-02.TS_HS.3 Recognize users have different technology needs and preferences.
- CSC-02.TS_T.1 Understand technology systems might not work as expected and independently use appropriate terminology to describe a problem.
- CSC-03.TS_NI.1 Recognize that information is sent and received over physical or wireless paths.
- CSC-03.TS_HS.1 Identify the components and the basic functions of a computer system including peripherals and external storage features.
- CSC-03.TS_HS.2 Independently use a computing device to perform a variety of tasks.
- CSC-03.TS_HS.3 Recognize users have different technology needs and preferences.
- CSC-03.TS_T.1 With guidance, apply basic troubleshooting strategies.
- CSC-04.TS_NI.1 Recognize that computing devices can be connected in a variety of ways to share information.
- CSC-04.TS_HS.1 Explain the difference between hardware and software.
- CSC-04.TS_HS.2 Independently use a computing device to perform a variety of tasks. (Continued growth)
- CSC-04.TS_HS.3 Recognize users have different technology needs and preferences. (Continued growth)
- CSC-04.TS_T.1 With guidance, apply basic troubleshooting strategies. (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.TS_NI.1 Understand that information is sent and received across physical or wireless paths.
- CSC-05.TS_HS.1 Compare and contrast physical and virtual systems.
- CSC-05.TS_HS.2 Independently use a computing device to perform a variety of tasks. (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.TS_HS.3 Recognize users have different technology needs and preferences. (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.TS_T.1 With guidance, apply basic troubleshooting strategies. (Continued growth)
- CSC-06.TS_NI.1 Explain how data is sent across networks.
- CSC-06.TS_HS.1 Use hardware and/or software to complete a task.
- CSC-06.TS_HS.2 Use software features to accomplish a goal.
- CSC-06.TS_HS.3 Organize, store, and retrieve digital information with guidance.
- CSC-06.TS_HS.4 Identify threats to technology systems. (CYSEC)
- CSC-06.TS_HS.5 Identify security measures to protect technology systems. (CYSEC)
- CSC-06.TS_T.1 Apply basic troubleshooting strategies.
- CSC-07.TS_NI.1 Model how data is sent from one computer to another across networks.
- CSC-07.TS_HS.1 Compare and contrast hardware and/or software options to complete a task.
- CSC-07.TS_HS.2 Use software features to accomplish a goal. (Continued growth)
- CSC-07.TS_HS.3 Organize, store, and retrieve digital information with minimal guidance.
- CSC-07.TS_HS.4 Describe threats to technology systems. (CYSEC)
- CSC-07.TS_HS.5 Explain how security measures protect technology systems. (CYSEC)
- CSC-07.TS_T.1 Apply basic troubleshooting strategies. (Continued growth.)
- CSC-08.TS_NI.1 Investigate how data is sent from one computer to another across networks.
- CSC-08.TS_HS.1 Choose appropriate device/hardware/software to complete a task.
- CSC-08.TS_HS.2 Use software features to accomplish a goal. (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.TS_HS.3 Organize, store, and retrieve digital information efficiently.
- CSC-08.TS_HS.4 Describe ways to protect against threats to technology systems. (CYSEC)
- CSC-08.TS_HS.5 Compare and contrast security measures used to protect technology systems. (CYSEC)
- CSC-08.TS_T.1 Apply basic troubleshooting strategies. (Continued growth.)
- CSC-09.TS_NI.1 Describe the issues that impact network functionality (e.g., bandwidth, load, delay, topology).
- CSC-09.TS_NI.2 Understand the implications of accessing publicly available Internet connections. (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.TS_HS.1 Compare and contrast appropriate device/hardware/software to complete a task.
- CSC-09.TS_HS.2 Define software and security patches/update. (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.TS_HS.3 Explain why a backup is necessary. (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.TS_T.1 Describe basic hardware and software problems using appropriate and accurate terminology.
- CSC-10.TS_NI.1 Identify and define different network connection types (e.g., wifi, mobile data, ethernet).
- CSC-10.TS_NI.2 Identify networkable devices.
- CSC-10.TS_HS.1 Compare and contrast appropriate device/hardware/software to complete a task. (Continued growth)
- CSC-10.TS_HS.2 Recognize the importance of and effectively perform software and security patches/updates. (CYSEC)
- CSC-10.TS_HS.3 Identify important data or systems that need redundancy. (CYSEC)
- CSC-10.TS_T.1 Follow appropriate guidelines that convey systematic troubleshooting techniques to identify and fix errors.
- CSC-11.TS_NI.1 Compare and contrast different network connection types (e.g., wifi, mobile data, ethernet).
- CSC-11.TS_NI.2 Understand the global impact of networkable devices.
- CSC-11.TS_HS.1 Compare and contrast appropriate device/hardware/software to complete a task. (Continued growth)
- CSC-11.TS_HS.2 Identify and choose hardware and software to help protect a system. (CYSEC)
- CSC-11.TS_HS.3 Identify different options for redundancy (e.g., cloud storage, external, duplicate devices). (CYSEC)
- CSC-11.TS_T.1 Follow appropriate guidelines that convey systematic troubleshooting techniques to identify and fix errors. (Continued growth)
- CSC-12.TS_NI.1 Choose an appropriate network connection given a scenario or situation.
- CSC-12.TS_NI.2 Compare and contrast the benefits and security risks of networkable devices.
- CSC-12.TS_HS.1 Compare and contrast appropriate device/hardware/software to complete a task. (Continued growth)
- CSC-12.TS_HS.2 Identify and choose hardware and software to help protect a system. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-12.TS_HS.3 Implement redundancy. (CYSEC)
- CSC-12.TS_T.1 Implement systematic troubleshooting strategies to identify and fix errors.

Computer Science and Cybersecurity 
CT Computation Thinking
(PSA) Problem Solving & Algorithms - Strategies for understanding and solving problems.
(DCA) Data Creation & Analysis - Data can be collected, used, and presented with computing devices or digital tools.
(DD) Development & Design - Design processes to create new, useful, and imaginative solutions to problems.
- CSC-00.CT_PSA.1 With guidance, determine if a program works.
- CSC-00.CT_PSA.2 Use trial and error in attempt to solve a problem.
- CSC-00.CT_DCA.1 With guidance, draw conclusions and make predictions based on picture graphs or patterns with or without a computing device.
- CSC-00.CT_DD.1 With guidance, create programs to follow a sequence.
- CSC-01.CT_PSA.1 Solve a problem through trial and error using given materials/resources.
- CSC-01.CT_PSA.2 Follow a set of instructions (algorithms) in order to complete a task.
- CSC-01.CT_PSA.3 Define debug.
- CSC-01.CT_PSA.4 Identify and practice debugging strategies including 'Go back to when it worked’.
- CSC-01.CT_DCA.1 With guidance, identify and interpret data from a chart or graph in order to make a prediction with or without a computing device.
- CSC-01.CT_DD.1 With guidance, create programs to accomplish tasks that includes sequencing or looping.
- CSC-02.CT_PSA.1 Use problem solving steps: understanding the task, considering various strategies, isolate and debug.
- CSC-02.CT_PSA.2 Break a task into smaller steps to identify patterns or solve the problem.
- CSC-02.CT_PSA.3 Define algorithms.
- CSC-02.CT_DCA.1 With guidance, construct and interpret data and present it in a chart or graph in order to make a prediction with or without a computing device.
- CSC-02.CT_DD.1 Independently or collaboratively create programs to accomplish tasks that include sequencing or looping.
- CSC-03.CT_PSA.1 Solve a task by breaking it into smaller pieces.
- CSC-03.CT_PSA.2 Debug a program that includes sequencing.
- CSC-03.CT_DCA.1 Collect and organize data in various visual formats.
- CSC-03.CT_DD.1 Independently or collaboratively create programs that use sequencing and looping.
- CSC-03.CT_DD.2 Convert an algorithm into code.
- CSC-04.CT_PSA.1 Decompose (break down) a large task into smaller, manageable subtasks.
- CSC-04.CT_PSA.2 Debug a program that includes sequencing or loops.
- CSC-04.CT_PSA.3 Identify multiple solutions to a task.
- CSC-04.CT_DCA.1 Organize and present collected data visually to highlight comparisons.
- CSC-04.CT_DD.1 Independently and collaboratively create programs that use sequencing, loops, and conditionals.
- CSC-05.CT_PSA.1 Create a sequence of instructions from a previous decomposed task.
- CSC-05.CT_PSA.2 Debug a program that includes sequencing, loops, or conditionals.
- CSC-05.CT_PSA.3 Work collaboratively to explore multiple solutions to a task.
- CSC-05.CT_DCA.1 Organize and present collected data to highlight comparisons and support a claim.
- CSC-05.CT_DD.1 Independently and collaboratively create programs that use sequencing, loops, and conditionals. (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.CT_DD.2 Create solutions to problems using a design method.
- CSC-06.CT_PSA.1 Identify and test an algorithm to solve a problem.
- CSC-06.CT_PSA.2 Debug a program that includes sequencing, loops, or conditionals.
- CSC-06.CT_PSA.3 Compare and contrast the efficiencies of multiple solutions to a task.
- CSC-06.CT_DCA.1 Collect and analyze data to support a claim.
- CSC-06.CT_DD.1 Use programs that utilize combinations of loops, conditionals, and the manipulation of variables representing different data types.
- CSC-07.CT_PSA.1 Modify and test an algorithm to solve a problem.
- CSC-07.CT_PSA.2 Debug a program that includes sequencing, loops, or conditionals. (Continued growth)
- CSC-07.CT_DCA.1 Represent data, in more than one way, to defend your claim.
- CSC-07.CT_DD.1 Modify programs that utilize combinations of loops, conditionals, and the manipulation of variables representing different data types.
- CSC-08.CT_PSA.1 Create and test an algorithm to solve a problem across disciplines.
- CSC-08.CT_PSA.2 Debug a program that includes sequencing, loops, or conditionals. (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.CT_DCA.1 Represent data from multiple sources in order to defend or refute a claim.
- CSC-08.CT_DD.1 Create programs that utilize combinations of loops, conditionals, and the manipulation of variables representing different data types.
- CSC-09.CT_PSA.1 Identify, recognize, and use an algorithm to solve a complex problem across disciplines.
- CSC-09.CT_DCA.1 Collect and analyze complex data.
- none
- CSC-10.CT_PSA.1 Create and test an algorithm to solve a complex problem across disciplines.
- CSC-10.CT_DCA.1 Represent complex data in more than one way to support a claim.
- none
- CSC-11.CT_PSA.1 Demonstrate ways a given algorithm applies to problems across disciplines and explain the benefits and drawbacks of choices made.
- CSC-11.CT_DCA.1 Represent complex data in multiple ways to defend a student-generated claim.
- none
- CSC-12.CT_PSA.1 Use and adapt common algorithms to solve computational problems.
- CSC-12.CT_DCA.1 Represent complex data using interactive data visualizations or computational models.
- none

Computer Science and Cybersecurity 
Information Literacy
(A) Access - Effective search strategies can locate information for intellectual or creative pursuits.
(E) Evaluate - Information sources can be evaluated for accuracy, currency, appropriateness, and purpose.
(C) Create - It is important to both consume and produce information to be digitally literate.
(IP) Intellectual Property - Respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-00.IL_A.1 With guidance, use a keyword search with a teacher selected online resource.
- CSC-00.IL_E.1 Name various information sources.
- CSC-00.IL_C.1 With guidance, create a digital product.
- CSC-00.IL_IP.1 Discuss that creative works have owners (copyright).
- CSC-00.IL_IP.2 Understand that credit should be given to the creator of creative work.
- CSC-01.IL_A.1 Use a keyword search with a teacher-selected online resource.
- CSC-01.IL_E.1 With guidance, evaluate information for research purposes.
- CSC-01.IL_C.1 Independently or with guidance, create a digital product.
- CSC-01.IL_IP.1 I Understand that creative works have owners.
- CSC-01.IL_IP.2 With guidance, give credit to the creator of a creative work.
- CSC-02.IL_A.1 Use a keyword search with a teacher-selected online resource. (Continued growth)
- CSC-02.IL_E.1 With guidance, determine whether the purpose of content is to inform or to influence actions.
- CSC-02.IL_C.1 Independently or collaboratively, create a digital product.
- CSC-02.IL_IP.1 Understand that students own their creative works.
- CSC-02.IL_IP.2 With guidance, give credit to the creator of a creative work. (Continued growth)
- CSC-03.IL_A.1 Use basic search strategies with teacher-selected online sources.
- CSC-03.IL_E.1 With guidance, compare and contrast resources based on content and the author’s purpose.
- CSC-03.IL_C.1 Independently or collaboratively, create a digital product.
- CSC-03.IL_IP.1 Define copyright.
- CSC-03.IL_IP.2 With guidance, identify the elements of a citation.
- CSC-03.IL_IP.3 Explain piracy and plagiarism.
- CSC-04.IL_A.1 Use multiple teacher-selected online resources to locate information.
- CSC-04.IL_E.1 With guidance, use a strategy to evaluate information for research purposes.
- CSC-04.IL_C.1 Independently or collaboratively, create a digital product. (Continued growth)
- CSC-04.IL_IP.1 Demonstrate an understanding of copyright and fair use.
- CSC-04.IL_IP.2 With guidance, create a citation.
- CSC-04.IL_IP.3 With guidance, use strategies to avoid piracy and plagiarism.
- CSC-05.IL_A.1 Refine your keyword search to improve your results.
- CSC-05.IL_E.1 With guidance, use a strategy to evaluate information for research purposes. (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.IL_C.1 Independently or collaboratively, create a digital product using two or more tools.
- CSC-05.IL_IP.1 With guidance, demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues in copyright and fair use.
- CSC-05.IL_IP.2 With guidance, create a citation. (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.IL_IP.3 With guidance, use strategies to avoid piracy and plagiarism. (Continued growth)
- CSC-06.IL_A.1 Use a variety of strategies to refine and revise search results.
- CSC-06.IL_E.1 Evaluate information and its sources.
- CSC-06.IL_C.1 Repurpose or remix original works following fair use guidelines.
- CSC-06.IL_IP.1 With guidance, properly use copyrighted works, works in the creative commons, and works in the public domain.
- CSC-06.IL_IP.2 Cite a variety of sources using the appropriate format.
- CSC-06.IL_IP.3 Describe negative consequences of piracy and plagiarism.
- CSC-07.IL_A.1 Use a variety of strategies to refine and revise search results. (Continued growth)
- CSC-07.IL_E.1 Independently, evaluate information and its sources using student selected processes and strategies.
- CSC-07.IL_C.1 Repurpose or remix original works following fair use guidelines. (Continued growth)
- CSC-07.IL_IP.1 With minimal guidance, properly use copyrighted works, works in the creative commons, and works in the public domain.
- CSC-07.IL_IP.2 Cite a variety of sources using the appropriate format. (Continued growth)
- CSC-07.IL_IP.3 Identify strategies to avoid personal works and the works of others from being pirated and plagiarized. (CYSEC)
- CSC-08.IL_A.1 Use advanced search strategies to locate information online.
- CSC-08.IL_E.1 Independently, evaluate information and its sources using student selected processes and strategies. (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.IL_C.1 Repurpose or remix original works following fair use guidelines. (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.IL_IP.1 Properly use copyrighted works, works in the creative commons, and works in the public domain.
- CSC-08.IL_IP.2 Cite a variety of sources using the appropriate format. (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.IL_IP.3 Debate the risks and benefits of sharing personal works online (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.IL_A.1 Plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information.
- CSC-09.IL_E.1 Evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility, and relevance of information, media, data, or other resources.
- CSC-09.IL_C.1 Create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations to communicate an idea.
- CSC-09.IL_IP.1 Properly use copyrighted works, works in the creative commons, and works in the public domain.
- CSC-09.IL_IP.2 Cite sources in a standard format to ethically reference the intellectual property of others.
- CSC-09.IL_IP.3 Engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology.
- CSC-10.IL_A.1 Curate relevant information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods.
- CSC-10.IL_E.1 Gather accurate, credible, and relevant sources of information, media, data, or other resources showing different perspectives.
- CSC-10.IL_C.1 Choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.
- CSC-10.IL_IP.1 Demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
- CSC-10.IL_IP.2 Cite sources in a standard format to ethically reference the intellectual property of others. (Continued growth)
- CSC-10.IL_IP.3 Engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology. (Continued growth)
- CSC-11.IL_A.1 Devise new search strategies based on information gaps and new understanding.
- CSC-11.IL_E.1 Use accurate, credible, and relevant sources of information, media, data, or other resources showing different perspectives.
- CSC-11.IL_C.1 Publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences to communicate their idea.
- CSC-11.IL_IP.1 Explain the beneficial and harmful effects that intellectual property laws can have on innovation, creativity, and collaboration.
- CSC-11.IL_IP.2 Cite sources in a standard format to ethically reference the intellectual property of others. (Continued growth)
- CSC-11.IL_IP.3 Evaluate the social and economic implications of piracy and plagiarism in the context of safety, law, or ethics.
- CSC-12.IL_A.1 Build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.
- CSC-12.IL_E.1 Explain source selection based on accuracy, perspective, credibility, and relevance of information, media, data, or other resources.
- CSC-12.IL_C.1 Exhibit perseverance, a tolerance for ambiguity, and the capacity to work with open-ended problems in the design and creation process.
- CSC-12.IL_IP.1 Debate laws and regulations that impact the development and use of software.
- CSC-12.IL_IP.2 Cite sources in a standard format to ethically reference the intellectual property of others. (Continued growth)
- CSC-12.IL_IP.3 Evaluate the social and economic implications of piracy and plagiarism in the context of safety, law, or ethics. (Continued growth)

Computer Science and Cybersecurity 
Computing in Society
(IC) Impacts of Computing - Past, present, and possible future impact of technology on society.
(SI) Social Interactions - Technology facilitates collaboration with others.
- CSC-00.CS_IC.1 List different ways in which technologies are used in daily life.
- CSC-00.CS_SI.1 With guidance, use technology to share thinking with teachers or adults.
- CSC-01.CS_IC.1 Identify how technologies are used in and out of school.
- CSC-01.CS_SI.1 With guidance, use technology to share thinking with peers.
- CSC-02.CS_IC.1 Identify how technologies are used in the workforce
- CSC-02.CS_SI.1 With guidance, use technology to communicate with others outside of the classroom.
- CSC-03.CS_IC.1 Identify technologies that have changed the world.
- CSC-03.CS_SI.1 Recognize that there are various collaborative technologies.
- CSC-03.CS_SI.2 With guidance, use collaborative technology to seek out diverse perspectives.
- CSC-04.CS_IC.1 Give examples of technologies that influence society today.
- CSC-04.CS_SI.1 With guidance, use collaborative technology to interpret diverse perspectives.
- CSC-05.CS_IC.1 Explain how technologies can change the future.
- CSC-05.CS_SI.1 With guidance, use collaborative technology to compare and contrast diverse perspectives.
- CSC-06.CS_IC.1 Identify the positive and negative impacts of past, present, and future technology, including bias and accessibility
- CSC-06.CS_SI.1 Use collaborative technology.
- CSC-06.CS_SI.2 Identify how social interactions can impact a person’s self-image.
- CSC-07.CS_IC.1 Compare and contrast the impacts of technology, including bias and accessibility.
- CSC-07.CS_SI.1 Use collaborative technology to gather and share information.
- CSC-07.CS_SI.2 Identify how social interactions can impact a person’s self-image. (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.CS_IC.1 Explore and create solutions for the negative impacts of technology, including bias and accessibility.
- CSC-08.CS_SI.1 Use collaborative technology to communicate information to a specific audience.
- CSC-08.CS_SI.2 Identify how social interactions can impact a person’s self-image. (Continued growth)
- CSC-09.CS_IC.1 Evaluate how technology has impacted the workforce positively and negatively.
- CSC-09.CS_SI.1 Identify how technology has affected our means of communication.
- CSC-10.CS_IC.1 Evaluate the social, personal, and economic implications technology has on society and the economy.
- CSC-10.CS_SI.1 Evaluate the impacts of technology on social interactions.
- CSC-11.CS_IC.1 Explain how computing may change cultural aspects of society.
- CSC-11.CS_SI.1 Investigate ways to maximize the benefits and minimize the harmful effects technology can have on society.
- CSC-12.CS_IC.1 Predict how computing may impact the workplace and personal lives.
- CSC-12.CS_SI.1 Evaluate the impact of equity, bias, access, and influence on the availability of computing resources in a global society.

Computer Science and Cybersecurity 
Digital Citizenship
(SE) Safety & Ethics - There are both positive and negative impacts in social and ethical behaviors for using technology.
(RU) Responsible Use - Respect and dignity in virtual communities.
(DI) Digital Identity - Responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
- CSC-00.DC_SE.1 With guidance, use technology in safe and correct ways. (CYSEC)
- CSC-00.DC_SE.2 With guidance, use authentication methods to access technology. (CYSEC)
- CSC-00.DC_RU.1 Discuss positive and negative behaviors when using electronic communication. (CYSEC)
- CSC-00.DC_RU.2 With guidance, identify appropriate manners while participating in an online community.
- CSC-00.DC_RU.4 Comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- none
- CSC-01.DC_SE.1 Identify how to use technology in safe and correct ways. (CYSEC)
- CSC-01.DC_SE.2 Understand the differences between a username and authentication methods and independently use them to access technology. (CYSEC)
- CSC-01.DC_RU.1 Identify positive and negative behaviors when using electronic communication. (CYSEC)
- CSC-01.DC_RU.2 Discuss reporting inappropriate electronic content. (CYSEC)
- CSC-01.DC_RU.4 Comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-01.DC_DI.1 Recognize that you have a digital identity.
- CSC-02.DC_SE.1 Explain how to use technology in safe and correct ways. (CYSEC)
- CSC-02.DC_SE.2 Identify strategies for protecting authentication methods. (CYSEC)
- CSC-02.DC_SE.3 Recognize the risks of interacting online with others. (CYSEC)
- CSC-02.DC_RU.1 Explain positive and negative behaviors when using electronic communication. (CYSEC)
- CSC-02.DC_RU.2 Know and identify how to report concerns regarding online content and behaviors. (CYSEC)
- CSC-02.DC_RU.3 Develop a code of conduct, explain, and practice appropriate behavior and responsibilities while participating in an online community.
- CSC-02.DC_RU.4 Comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-02.DC_DI.1 Define digital identity.
- CSC-03.DC_SE.1 Identify problems that relate to inappropriate use of computing devices and networks. (CYSEC)
- CSC-03.DC_SE.2 Keep authentication methods confidential and be proactive if they are compromised. (CYSEC)
- CSC-03.DC_SE.3 Recognize that data-collection technology can be used to track navigation online. (CYSEC)
- CSC-03.DC_SE.4 Identify the difference between public and private information. (CYSEC)
- CSC-03.DC_RU.1 Identify and discuss positive and negative uses of technology and information and their impact.
- CSC-03.DC_RU.2 Recognize similarities and differences between in-person bullying and cyberbullying.
- CSC-03.DC_RU.3 Develop a code of conduct, explain, and practice appropriate behavior and responsibilities while participating in an online community.
- CSC-03.DC_RU.4 Comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-03.DC_DI.1 Recognize the permanence of their actions in the digital world.
- CSC-04.DC_SE.1 Identify and explain issues related to responsible use of technology and information, and describe personal consequences of inappropriate use. (CYSEC)
- CSC-04.DC_SE.2 Create secure authentication to insure privacy. (CYSEC)
- CSC-04.DC_SE.3 Recognize that data-collection technology can be used to track navigation online. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-04.DC_SE.4 Recognize when it is safe to share private information online. (CYSEC)
- CSC-04.DC_RU.1 Discuss basic issues related to the appropriate use of technology and information, and the consequences of inappropriate use.
- CSC-04.DC_RU.2 Identify strategies for dealing responsibly with cyberbullying and reporting inappropriate behavior.
- CSC-04.DC_RU.3 Develop a code of conduct, explain, and practice appropriate behavior and responsibilities while participating in an online community. (Continued growth)
- CSC-04.DC_RU.4 Comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-04.DC_DI.1 Explain the importance of your digital identity.
- CSC-05.DC_SE.1 Recognize that there are real-world cybersecurity problems (i.e.hacking) when interacting online. (CYSEC)
- CSC-05.DC_SE.2 Create secure authentication to insure privacy. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.DC_SE.3 Recognize that data-collection technology can be used to track navigation online. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.DC_SE.4 Apply strategies to keep your private information safe online. (CYSEC)
- CSC-05.DC_RU.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the appropriate use of technology and information and the consequences of inappropriate use.
- CSC-05.DC_RU.2 Use strategies that prevent and deal responsibly with cyberbullying and inappropriate behavior.
- CSC-05.DC_RU.3 Develop a code of conduct, explain, and practice appropriate behavior and responsibilities while participating in an online community. (Continued growth)
- CSC-05.DC_RU.4 Comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-05.DC_DI.1 Explain the importance of your digital identity. (Continued growth)
- CSC-06.DC_SE.1 Identify steps for responding to uncomfortable situations when interacting online. (CYSEC)
- CSC-06.DC_SE.2 Identify basic methods to maintain digital privacy and security. (CYSEC)
- CSC-06.DC_SE.3 Recognize that data-collection technology can be used to track navigation online. (CYSEC)
- CSC-06.DC_SE.4 Identify threats to personal cybersecurity. (CYSEC)
- CSC-06.DC_RU.1 Identify different forms of cyberbullying.
- CSC-06.DC_RU.2 Identify strategies to stop cyberbullying.
- CSC-06.DC_RU.3 Use appropriate digital etiquette in a variety of situations.
- CSC-06.DC_RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-06.DC_DI.1 Describe personal online usage and determine how it affects identity on- and offline.
- CSC-07.DC_SE.1 Identify steps for responding to uncomfortable situations when interacting online. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-07.DC_SE.2 Identify a variety of methods to maintain digital privacy and security. (CYSEC)
- CSC-07.DC_SE.3 Recognize that data-collection technology can be used to track navigation online. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-07.DC_SE.4 Describe how to respond to threats to personal cybersecurity. (CYSEC)
- CSC-07.DC_RU.1 Describe different forms of cyberbullying and the effects on all parties involved.
- CSC-07.DC_RU.2 Identify strategies to prevent and stop cyberbullying.
- CSC-07.DC_RU.3 Use appropriate digital etiquette in a variety of situations. (Continued growth)
- CSC-07.DC_RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-07.DC_DI.1 Evaluate how digital identity can impact a person now and in the future.
- CSC-08.DC_SE.1 Identify steps for responding to uncomfortable situations when interacting online. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.DC_SE.2 Identify advanced methods to maintain digital privacy and security. (CYSEC)
- CSC-08.DC_SE.3 Recognize that data-collection technology can be used to track navigation online. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.DC_SE.4 Discuss the consequences of identity theft. (CYSEC)
- CSC-08.DC_RU.1 Describe different forms of cyberbullying and the effects on all parties involved. (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.DC_RU.2 Identify strategies to prevent and stop cyberbullying.
- CSC-08.DC_RU.3 Use appropriate digital etiquette in a variety of situations. (Continued growth)
- CSC-08.DC_RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-08.DC_DI.1 Evaluate how digital identity can impact a person now and in the future. (Continued growth.)
- CSC-09.DC_SE.1 Recognize the effects sharing information online can have on others' privacy. (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.DC_SE.2 Know how to modify account settings to protect privacy and security. (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.DC_SE.3 Recognize that data-collection technology can be used to track navigation online. (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.DC_SE.4 Describe ways to prevent identity theft. (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.DC_RU.1 Apply cyberbullying prevention strategies.
- CSC-09.DC_RU.2 Apply safe and ethical behaviors to personal electronic communication and interaction. (CYSEC)
- CSC-09.DC_RU.3 Use appropriate digital etiquette in a variety of situations. (Continued growth)
- CSC-09.DC_RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-09.DC_DI.1 Manage a digital identity and be aware of the permanence of actions in the digital world. (CYSEC)
- CSC-10.DC_SE.1 Implement best practices to secure personal information. (CYSEC)
- CSC-10.DC_SE.2 Recognize the importance of monitoring your private data. (CYSEC)
- CSC-10.DC_SE.3 Manage personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of data-collection technology used to track online behaviors. (CYSEC)
- CSC-10.DC_SE.4 Identify if their private data has been altered and can react appropriately. (CYSEC)
- CSC-10.DC_RU.1 Apply cyberbullying prevention strategies. (Continued growth)
- CSC-10.DC_RU.2 Apply safe and ethical behaviors to personal electronic communication and interaction. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-10.DC_RU.3 Use appropriate digital etiquette in a variety of situations. (Continued growth)
- CSC-10.DC_RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-10.DC_DI.1 Manage a digital identity and be aware of the permanence of actions in the digital world. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-11.DC_SE.1 Understand encryption and how it is used to protect data. (CYSEC)
- CSC-11.DC_SE.2 Explain the privacy concerns related to the collection and generation of data through automated processes. (CYSEC)
- CSC-11.DC_SE.3 Manage personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of data-collection technology used to track online behaviors. (CYSEC) Continued Growth)
- CSC-11.DC_SE.4 Develop a plan to recover from an incident that was tied to unauthorized access. (CYSEC)
- CSC-11.DC_RU.1 Apply cyberbullying prevention strategies. (Continued growth)
- CSC-11.DC_RU.2 Apply safe and ethical behaviors to personal electronic communication and interaction. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-11.DC_RU.3 Use appropriate digital etiquette in a variety of situations. (Continued growth)
- CSC-11.DC_RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-11.DC_DI.1 Manage a digital identity and be aware of the permanence of actions in the digital world. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-12.DC_SE.1 Understand encryption and how it is used to protect data. (CYSEC) (Continued Growth)
- CSC-12.DC_SE.2 Illustrate how sensitive data can be affected by malware and other attacks. (CYSEC)
- CSC-12.DC_SE.3 Manage personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of data-collection technology used to track online behaviors. (CYSEC) Continued Growth)
- CSC-12.DC_SE.4 Develop a plan to recover from an incident that was tied to unauthorized access. (CYSEC) (Continued Growth)
- CSC-12.DC_RU.1 Apply cyberbullying prevention strategies. (Continued growth)
- CSC-12.DC_RU.2 Apply safe and ethical behaviors to personal electronic communication and interaction. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)
- CSC-12.DC_RU.3 Use appropriate digital etiquette in a variety of situations. (Continued growth)
- CSC-12.DC_RU.4 Understand the purpose of and comply with Acceptable Use Policies.
- CSC-12.DC_DI.1 Manage a digital identity and be aware of the permanence of actions in the digital world. (CYSEC) (Continued growth)