BPS AVID Standards Book

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Course: BPSS (AVI) AVID Standards
Book: BPS AVID Standards Book
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Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 10:51 PM


BPS-S AVI logo AVID Standards

(Advancement Via Individual Determination)

The BPS-S (AVI) AVID Standards course in Learnbps is Bismarck Public School District's current progress on prioritizing and deconstructing standards to provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn. The standards are designed to provide guidance so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help students. Plus help students reflect on the knowledge and skills that they need for success.

Grade Levels Outcomes
AVID Framework Overview

Identifier Explanation


The Bismarck Public School District Standards-Based Progress Report displays grades at the concept level. Therefore Bismarck Public School District has modified the AVID Identifiers to fit into our student information system PowerSchool for Standards-Based grading. Above is a AVID-Standards identifier with smaller muted text showing the addition  to the identifier that are the components that BPS adds to the State code.

AVID logo


click on the identifier components for more explanations

AVID grade-specific standards can be identified by their grade and outcomes.
So that 8.SA.PTO for example, stands for Grade 8 (Student Outcome) Student Agency for (Subset) Persisting Through Obstacles with (Essential Skills) standards.

The AVID Outcomes with Subsets

(SA) Student Agency:

Students believe in themselves and act intentionally to build relationships, persist through obstacles, and activate their academic, social, emotional, and professional knowledge and skills to reach their potential.

  • BR Building Relationships
  • PTO Persisting Through Obstacles
  • AKS Activating Knowledge and Skills

(RAP) Rigorous Academic Preparedness:

Students develop academic skills and can successfully complete rigorous college and career preparatory curriculum and experiences.

  • W Writing
  •  I  Inquiry
  • C Collaboration
  • O Organization
  • R Reading

(OK) Opportunity Knowledge:

Students research opportunities, set goals, make choices that support their long-term aspirations, and successfully navigate to the next level.

  • ACP Advancing College Preparedness
  • BCP Building Career Preparedness
  • DFR Developing Future Readiness

(AVI) Standards glossary icon Global Glossaries

Grade Levels

BPS Logo Standards Book Navigation Tips

Click on the H5P interactive hotspots  to learn more about how to navigate the book module in Learnbps. A popup will display the header and the explanation.

Below is a screenshot of the 9th Grade page of the (AVI) AVID Standards Book.
Note: the Fullscreen option

Grade 06

Grade Level LogoAVID (Advancement via Individual Determination)

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is the course description (ELA/MAT were AI generated from the prioritized standards.

Note: Standards Identifiers auto-link to popup a detailed description with "I can ..." and Proficiency Scales.
Prioritized Sub-Standards Identifiers are highlighted a sky-blue.

 AVI-06.(SA) (SA) Student Agency Outcomes

Students believe in themselves and act intentionally to build relationships, persist through obstacles, and activate their academic, social, emotional, and professional knowledge and skills to reach their potential.
(SA)BR Building Relationships (subset)
  • AVI-06.(SA)BR.e1    Establish and maintain relational capacity with others.
    • Students establish norms and expectations around shared responsibility among group members.
    • Students establish norms and expectations around appreciating diversity among group members.
    • Students develop a foundational familiarity and comfort with classmates.
    • Students identify respectful and disrespectful actions of self and others.
    • Students check group members' level of understanding.
    • Students evaluate the impact of decisions on others.
  • AVI-06.(SA)BR.e2    Activate a physical and digital network of support for current and future success.
    • Students identify the characteristics of positive, healthy relationships.
    • Students explore individual peer relationships and identify those that are positive and healthy.
    • Students reflect on how relationships are affected by devices and the internet.
(SA)PTO Persisting Through Obstacles (subset)
  • AVI-06.(SA)PTO.e1    Monitor progress towards long-term goals and aspirations.
    • Students set personal, academic, and career goals.
    • Students monitor progress towards goals.
  • AVI-06.(SA)PTO.e2    Seek help and feedback when necessary.
    • Students self-monitor to diagnose areas of need (e.g., academic, personal, social-emotional).
    • Students gain awareness of skills that increase mental flexibility.
    • Students explore the relationship between grit and perseverance.
  • AVI-06.(SA)PTO.e3    Develop a strong student voice to self-advocate.
    • Students gain awareness of motivators that positively impact performance.
    • Students determine key points from learning experiences.
(SA)AKS Activating Knowledge and Skills (subset)
  • AVI-06.(SA)AKS.e1    Create a strong sense of self-identity by connecting with one’s emotions, thoughts, and values.
    • Students explore the importance of healthy, balanced lifestyles, including aspects such as good sleeping, eating, and exercise habits.
    • Students identify strategies and skills that promote self-awareness.
    • Students identify individual strengths and areas of challenge related to academic skills and performance.
  • AVI-06.(SA)AKS.e2    Develop and activate leadership traits and behaviors.
    • Students identify leadership opportunities and positions across the school and community.
    • Students determine formal and informal leadership opportunities that could be pursued.
    • Students select tools to analyze a conflict and identify a positive solution.
    • Students classify passive, assertive, and aggressive statements.
  • AVI-06.(SA)AKS.e3    Think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in the digital world.
    • Students identify traits connected to personal integrity and ethics.
    • Students determine personal interest for extracurricular and community service activities within the school and community.
    • Students gain awareness of extracurricular and community service activities within the school and community.
    • Students identify examples of online behaviors that may hurt, embarrass, or offend others.

 AVI-06.(RAP) (RAP) Rigorous Academic Preparedness Outcomes

 Students develop academic skills and can successfully complete rigorous college and career preparatory curriculum and experiences.
(RAP)W Writing (subset)
  • AVI-06.(RAP)W.e1    Communicate thoughts and ideas through the writing process.
    • Students develop writing skills related to argumentative and narrative modes of writing.
    • Students analyze a writing task by identifying key vocabulary and audience.
    • Students gather and analyze feedback from peers and instructors.
    • Students edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
    • Students analyze the organizational structure of writing.
    • Students publish writing to a small group audience within the classroom, such as a formal, written paper.
  • AVI-06.(RAP)W.e2    Write as a tool to demonstrate learning and deepen understanding of content.
    • Students take notes, with an emphasis on identifying and recording the note-taking objective and/or Essential Question.
    • Students take notes, with an emphasis on setting up notes, including all required components.
    • Students summarize by pulling together the most important information related to the objective and/or Essential Question.
(RAP)I Inquiry (subset)
  • AVI-06.(RAP)I.e1    Use questioning to demonstrate critical thinking and clarify learning.
    • Students create questions based on Costa’s Levels of Thinking .
    • Students identify misunderstood concepts or problems.
    • Students determine the steps/process that led to a solution.
    • Students reflect on learning to make connections between new learning and previous learning.
    • Students reflect on learning strategies that were employed and if those strategies were effective.
    • Students identify processes that are utilized.
    • Students reflect on a process that was utilized and if that process was effective.
  • AVI-06.(RAP)I.e2    Conduct proficient, academic investigation through the research process.
    • Students analyze a research prompt.
    • Students locate sources that are relevant to the topic and support the purpose of the research assignment.
    • Students distinguish between primary and secondary sources.
    • Students plan and structure the writing based on the research prompt.
    • Students integrate quotes and reference text with proper citations.
    • Students publish research to a small group audience within the classroom, such as a formal, written paper.
(RAP)C Collaboration (subset)
  • AVI-06.(RAP)C.e1    Communicate clearly through effective speaking and active listening.
    • Students apply basic understanding of effective public speaking.
    • Students incorporate visual aids and/or technology when appropriate.
    • Students describe the characteristics of effective listening, such as eye contact and mirroring.
    • Students monitor word choice when speaking.
    • Students identify formal and informal language registers.
  • AVI-06.(RAP)C.e2    Work productively and effectively in groups in blended learning environments.
    • Students utilize technology to collaborate with classmates.
(RAP)O Organization (subset)
  • AVI-06.(RAP)O.e1    Manage materials using physical and digital organizational systems and routines.
    • Students begin implementing organizational tools (e.g., binders/eBinders, portfolios, or digital folders) that support academic success.
    • Students create an activity log or tracking system of community extracurricular activities and hours.
  • AVI-06.(RAP)O.e2    Manage time to plan and prioritize appropriately.
    • Students explore a variety of organizational formats for calendaring/planning.
    • Students determine how to utilize time effectively.
    • Students assess complex assignments and break them into smaller tasks.
  • AVI-06.(RAP)O.e3    Organize information and thinking.
    • Students utilize visual frameworks to organize information.
(RAP)R Reading (subset)
  • AVI-06.(RAP)R.e1    Deepen understanding of a variety of texts by engaging in the critical reading process.
    • Students determine the characteristics of a quality text in relation to the reading purpose.
    • Students preview text features.
    • Students identify prior knowledge that may be relevant to the reading.
    • Students assess knowledge of academic and content vocabulary words.
    • Students mark the text to accomplish the reading purpose.                                                                        
    • Students identify the key components of a text related to the reading purpose.
    • Students extend beyond the text by applying key learning.

 AVI-06.(OK) (OK) Opportunity Knowledge Outcomes

Students research opportunities, set goals, make choices that support their long-term aspirations, and successfully navigate to the next level.
(OK)ACP Advancing College Preparedness (subset)
  • AVI-06.(OK)ACP.e1    Explore education and college path based on personal strengths, skills, and interests.
    • Students identify personal interests and skills related to future college aspirations, such as through an interest inventory.
  • AVI-06.(OK)ACP.e2    Explore college admission requirements, including financing, testing, and application.
    • Students know how to determine GPA.
    • Students develop familiarity with college terminology.
    • Students classify the various types/categories of colleges.
    • Students understand scholarships and the role they play in college financing.
  • AVI-06.(OK)ACP.e3    Plan education and college path based on personal goals.
    • Students articulate the importance of long-term academic plans as a part of goal setting and achievement.
    • Students identify what is meant by match schools, reach schools, and safety schools in order to determine the best academic fit during the selection process.
    • Students understand the different college entrance exams: PSAT, PreACT, SAT, ACT.
(OK)BCP Building Career Preparedness (subset)
  • AVI-06.(OK)BCP.e1    Build awareness of personal fit related to career readiness and selection.
    • Students identify personal interests and skills related to future career aspirations.
    • Students increase familiarity with career terminology.
    • Students distinguish between jobs, careers, and career fields.
    • Students establish initial knowledge around the characteristics that contribute to academic, social, and financial fit.
    • Students explore the net cost of attending college to inform decisions and budget plans.
  • AVI-06.(OK)BCP.e2    Plan education and career path based on personal goals.
    • Students request assistance in selecting career elective courses and pathways that match interests and goals.
(OK)DFR Developing Future Readiness (subset)
  • AVI-06.(OK)DFR.e1    Develop personal financial literacy to make appropriate financial choices.
    • Students establish understanding of concepts and content-specific vocabulary related to personal finance.
  • AVI-06.(OK)DFR.e2    Develop a professional profile and monitor digital footprint.
    • Students identify the benefits of developing a professional profile.
    • Students discuss what it means to accurately represent yourself online.

Grade 07

Grade Level LogoAVID (Advancement via Individual Determination)

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is an elective course description. (ELA/MAT were AI generated from the prioritized standards.

Note: Standards Identifiers auto-link to popup a detailed description with "I can ..." and Proficiency Scales.
Prioritized Sub-Standards Identifiers are highlighted a sky-blue.

 AVI-07.(SA) (SA) Student Agency Outcomes

Students believe in themselves and act intentionally to build relationships, persist through obstacles, and activate their academic, social, emotional, and professional knowledge and skills to reach their potential.
(SA)BR Building Relationships (subset)
  • AVI-07.(SA)BR.e1    Establish and maintain relational capacity with others.
    • Students hold self and peers accountable to following group norms about shared responsibility.
    • Students summarize points of agreement and disagreement from varying perspectives.
    • Students deepen relational capacity with classmates through effectively managing conflict.
    • Students establish norms and expectations around respectful interactions among group members.
    • Students ask clarifying questions to group members to facilitate understanding.
    • Students evaluate the impact of decisions on the environment.
  • AVI-07.(SA)BR.e2    Activate a physical and digital network of support for current and future success.
    • Students develop a support network, including peers and adults, for academic and future success.
    • Students identify the risks and benefits of social media and online activity.
(SA)PTO Persisting Through Obstacles (subset)
  • AVI-07.(SA)PTO.e1    Monitor progress towards long-term goals and aspirations.
    • Students identify the steps necessary to accomplish goals.
    • Students identify reasons for why progress is or isn't being made towards accomplishing goals.
  • AVI-07.(SA)PTO.e2    Seek help and feedback when necessary.
    • Students seek help related to areas of need.
    • Students determine personal levels of grit and perseverance in relation to growth mindset.
  • AVI-07.(SA)PTO.e3    Develop a strong student voice to self-advocate.
    • Students explore how individual motivators and self-monitoring of motivation impact academic performance.
    • Students make connections between key learning points and new contexts.
(SA)AKS Activating Knowledge and Skills (subset)
  • AVI-07.(SA)AKS.e1    Create a strong sense of self-identity by connecting with one’s emotions, thoughts, and values.
    • Students identify activities that assist with self-care and healthy habits.
    • Students identify areas that need attention and develop goals to address those areas.
    • Students establish self-awareness strategies and skills.
  • AVI-07.(SA)AKS.e2    Develop and activate leadership traits and behaviors.
    • Students pursue leadership opportunities across the school.
    • Students identify personal conflict management style.
    • Students transform passive and aggressive statements into constructive, assertive statements.
  • AVI-07.(SA)AKS.e3    Think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in the digital world.
    • Students assess personal traits connected to integrity and ethical leadership
    • Students explore and pursue leadership opportunities in extracurricular and community service activities within the school, local and/or global community
    • Students identify ways to be an upstander or ally to someone being bullied.

 AVI-07.(RAP) (RAP) Rigorous Academic Preparedness Outcomes

 Students develop academic skills and can successfully complete rigorous college and career preparatory curriculum and experiences.
(RAP)W Writing (subset)
  • AVI-07.(RAP)W.e1    Communicate thoughts and ideas through the writing process.
    • Students develop writing skills related to descriptive and expository modes of writing.
    • Students analyze a writing task to determine the purpose, format/style, and audience.
    • Students write multiple drafts with increased depth, based on feedback and observations.
    • Students analyze and edit the sentence structure of writing to create interest and complexity.
    • Students publish writing to entire class, such as an oral presentation.
  • AVI-07.(RAP)W.e2    Write as a tool to demonstrate learning and deepen understanding of content.
    • Students take notes, with an emphasis on recording main ideas and important information.
    • Students take notes, with an emphasis on condensing information by using abbreviations/symbols/paraphrasing.
    • Students summarize by pulling together the most important information and personal connections related to the objective and/or Essential Question.
(RAP)I Inquiry (subset)
  • AVI-07.(RAP)I.e1    Use questioning to demonstrate critical thinking and clarify learning.
    • Students develop inquiry skills through focused observations and analyses.
    • Students identify the specific point of confusion related to a misunderstood concept or problem.
    • Students determine if similar problems could be solved using the same steps/process.
    • Students reflect on learning to make connections between new learning and previous experiences.
    • Students reflect on learning strategies that were employed, if those learning strategies were effective, and how they could adjust their methods in the future.
    • Students reflect on a process that was utilized, if that process was effective, and how they could adjust their methods in the future.
  • AVI-07.(RAP)I.e2    Conduct proficient, academic investigation through the research process.
    • Students brainstorm ideas for research topics to address a research prompt.
    • Students determine the relevance, validity, and reliability of information found within sources.
    • Students organize information, sources, and data that support the research prompt.
    • Students integrate quotes to support claims and reference text, while citing location.
    • Students publish research to entire class, such as an oral presentation.
(RAP)C Collaboration (subset)
  • AVI-07.(RAP)C.e1    Communicate clearly through effective speaking and active listening.
    • Students distinguish between effective and ineffective language during interactions.
    • Students refine usage of non-verbal communication when speaking, including body language and eye contact.
    • Students demonstrate active listening skills during academic conversations.
    • Students utilize academic vocabulary when communicating.
    • Students speak effectively before small groups of peers.
  • AVI-07.(RAP)C.e2    Work productively and effectively in groups in blended learning environments.
    • Students utilize technology to collaborate with classmates and community members.
(RAP)O Organization (subset)
  • AVI-07.(RAP)Oe1    Manage materials using physical and digital organizational systems and routines.
    • Students refine usage of organizational tools (e.g., binders/eBinders, portfolios, or digital folders) and systems that support academic success.
    • Students maintain an activity log or tracking system of community extracurricular activities and hours.
  • AVI-07.(RAP)O.e2    Manage time to plan and prioritize appropriately.
    • Students utilize an organizational tool to record obligations and constraints on time.
    • Students demonstrate the process of backwards mapping.
  • AVI-07.(RAP)O.e3    Organize information and thinking.
    • Students apply visual frameworks to organize language and comprehend key concepts.
(RAP)R Reading (subset)
  • AVI-07.(RAP)R.e1    Deepen understanding of a variety of texts by engaging in the critical reading process.
    • Students assess if a text is appropriate according to the reading purpose.
    • Students make predictions about the text using text features.
    • Students assess relevant prior knowledge and identify gaps.
    • Students utilize tools to deepen understanding of vocabulary.
    • Students mark the text to accomplish the reading purpose through the lens of a content expert.
    • Students extend beyond the text evaluating and synthesizing key learning.

 AVI-07.(OK) (OK) Opportunity Knowledge Outcomes

Students research opportunities, set goals, make choices that support their long-term aspirations, and successfully navigate to the next level.
(OK)ACP Advancing College Preparedness (subset)
  • AVI-07.(OK)ACP.e1    Explore education and college path based on personal strengths, skills, and interests.
    • Students define key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to college selection.
  • AVI-07.(OK)ACP.e2    Explore college admission requirements, including financing, testing, and application.
    • Students explore the significance of GPA at different stages of the academic journey.
    • Students explore college options and terminology.
  • AVI-07.(OK)ACP.e3    Plan education and college path based on personal goals.
    • Students reflect on how academic plans and course completion support progress toward desired major.
    • Students determine which courses or opportunities align with college goals and plans.
    • Students explore campus-, district-, or community-based opportunities to earn college credit in high school (dual credit, online learning, etc.).
    • Students explore match schools, reach schools, and safety schools in order to determine the best academic fit during the selection process.
    • Students prepare for college entrance exams.
(OK)BCP Building Career Preparedness (subset)
  • AVI-07.(OK)BCP.e1    Build awareness of personal fit related to career readiness and selection.
    • Students define key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to career selection.
    • Students explore career fields and career pathways, including what resources and opportunities are available locally.
    • Students investigate best fit career fields based on academic, social, and financial fit.
  • AVI-07.(OK)BCP.e2    Plan education and career path based on personal goals.
    • Students reflect on how academic plans and course completion support progress toward desired career field.
(OK)DFR Developing Future Readiness (subset)
  • AVI-07.(OK)DFR.e1    Develop personal financial literacy to make appropriate financial choices.
    • Students increase awareness and apply basic concepts of budgeting, spending, and making responsible financial decisions.
  • AVI-07.(OK)DFR.e2    Develop a professional profile and monitor digital footprint.
    • Students identify the elements of a strong digital profile.
    • Students identify ways to make the most of social media while still maintaining a responsible digital footprint.

Grade 08

Grade Level LogoAVID (Advancement via Individual Determination)

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is an elective course description. (ELA/MAT were AI generated from the prioritized standards.

Note: Standards Identifiers auto-link to popup a detailed description with "I can ..." and Proficiency Scales.
Prioritized Sub-Standards Identifiers are highlighted a sky-blue.

 AVI-08.(SA) (SA) Student Agency Outcomes

Students believe in themselves and act intentionally to build relationships, persist through obstacles, and activate their academic, social, emotional, and professional knowledge and skills to reach their potential.
(SA)BR Building Relationships (subset)
  • AVI-08.(SA)BR.e1    Establish and maintain relational capacity with others.
    • Students negotiate roles within a collaborative group through the adoption of effective elements of collaboration.
    • Students integrate multiple perspectives into group products.
    • Students deepen relational capacity through creation of novel ideas and solutions.
    • Students interact with peers in complex situations (providing feedback, conflict management, academic discourse) while maintaining a focus on respect, trust, and empathy.
    • Students support all group members' understanding of key concepts.
    • Students evaluate the impact of decisions on the world.
  • AVI-08.(SA)BR.e2    Activate a physical and digital network of support for current and future success.
    • Students maintain a strong support network for academic and career success.
    • Students identify mentors who influence, support, and guide future transitions and success.
    • Students monitor and maintain positive relationships in a digital space.
(SA)PTO Persisting Through Obstacles (subset)
  • AVI-08.(SA)PTO.e1    Monitor progress towards long-term goals and aspirations.
    • Students create short and mid-range goals that support achievement of long-term goals.
    • Students modify goals and actions appropriately based on progress.
  • AVI-08.(SA)PTO.e2    Seek help and feedback when necessary.
    • Students strengthen ability to self-advocate related to areas of need.
    • Students leverage support network to assist within areas of need.
    • Students reflect on current status and skills to strengthen mental flexibility now and in the future.
    • Students recognize and overcome obstacles that could hinder future success.
  • AVI-08.(SA)PTO.e3    Develop a strong student voice to self-advocate.
    • Students apply strategies to support motivation, especially when lacking intrinsic motivation.
    • Students employ key learning points to real-world applications.
(SA)AKS Activating Knowledge and Skills (subset)
  • AVI-08.(SA)AKS.e1    Create a strong sense of self-identity by connecting with one’s emotions, thoughts, and values.
    • Students effectively manage stress and anxiety levels, including areas such as in preparation for and during tests.
    • Students apply self-awareness strategies and skills with a variety of academic challenges.
  • AVI-08.(SA)AKS.e2    Develop and activate leadership traits and behaviors.
    • Students pursue leadership and/or mentorship opportunities across the school and community.
    • Students reflect on conflict situations to strengthen ability to deal with the emotions that accompany conflict in leadership roles.
  • AVI-08.(SA)AKS.e3    Think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in the digital world.
    • Students assess personal traits connected to integrity and ethical leadership.
    • Students explore and pursue leadership opportunities in extracurricular and community service activities within the school, local and/or global community.
    • Students identify ways to be an upstander or ally to someone being bullied.

 AVI-08.(RAP) (RAP) Rigorous Academic Preparedness Outcomes

 Students develop academic skills and can successfully complete rigorous college and career preparatory curriculum and experiences.
(RAP)W Writing (subset)
  • AVI-08.(RAP)W.e1    Communicate thoughts and ideas through the writing process.
    • Students develop writing skills related to timed, argumentative, and descriptive modes of writing.
    • Students utilize inquiry strategies to develop additional questions as needed.
    • Students independently create and execute a plan for the revision process.
    • Students analyze the language of writing and edit for voice, flow, and clarity.
    • Students publish writing to an audience outside of the classroom, such as an online forum.
  • AVI-08.(RAP)W.e2    Write as a tool to demonstrate learning and deepen understanding of content.
    • Students take notes, with an emphasis on selecting the appropriate format for note-taking based on the note-taking objective.
    • Students take notes, with an emphasis on using strategies to organize notes (e.g., indentation, bullets, outlines, skipping lines, color-coding).
    • Students reflect on how notes help to meet the learning objective and contribute to academic and personal success.
(RAP)I Inquiry (subset)
  • AVI-08.(RAP)I.e1    Use questioning to demonstrate critical thinking and clarify learning.
    • Students use questioning techniques to think critically about content and concepts.
    • Students generate questions based on a misunderstood concept or problem.
    • Students determine modifications to the process that would be needed to solve similar problems.
    • Students reflect on learning to make connections between new learning and the broader world.
    • Students reflect throughout learning on progress and continually adjust actions on major tasks or assignments.
    • Students reflect throughout a process on progress and continually adjust actions.
  • AVI-08.(RAP)I.e2    Conduct proficient, academic investigation through the research process.
    • Students develop research questions/claim statements that effectively address the research prompt.
    • Students determine the perspective, validity, and reliability of information found within sources by multiple sources (such as books, articles, and websites).
    • Students synthesize information, sources, and data that support the research prompt.
    • Students construct written claims and support them with reasoning and evidence.
    • Students publish research to an audience outside of the classroom.
(RAP)C Collaboration (subset)
  • AVI-08.(RAP)C.e1    Communicate clearly through effective speaking and active listening.
    • Students adjust ineffective verbal and non-verbal communication into effective communication.
    • Students demonstrate active listening by asking clarifying questions.
    • Students demonstrate command of grammar when communicating.
    • Students speak effectively before whole class.
  • AVI-08.(RAP)C.e2    Work productively and effectively in groups in blended learning environments.
    • Students utilize technology with the global community to explore topics from multiple perspectives.
(RAP)O Organization (subset)
  • AVI-08.(RAP)O.e1    Manage materials using physical and digital organizational systems and routines.
    • Students develop efficient, individualized routines related to using organizational tools and planning strategies to enhance academic performance.
    • Students reflect on activity log or tracking system of community extracurricular activities and hours.
  • AVI-08.(RAP)O.e2    Manage time to plan and prioritize appropriately.
    • Students understand and demonstrate the concepts and practices of backwards mapping.
    • Students identify upcoming events to proactively avoid time management conflicts.
  • AVI-08.(RAP)O.e3    Organize information and thinking.
    • Students manage varied visual frameworks to organize language, and show relationships between key concepts.
(RAP)R Reading (subset)
  • AVI-08.(RAP)R.e1    Deepen understanding of a variety of texts by engaging in the critical reading process.
    • Students select texts and justify if they meet the reading purpose.
    • Students build background knowledge related to the text preview.
    • Students connect vocabulary within texts to broader concepts of the text.
    • Students create text dependent questions while reading that align with the reading purpose.
    • Students extend beyond the text analyzing how to best apply key learning.

 AVI-08.(OK) (OK) Opportunity Knowledge Outcomes

Students research opportunities, set goals, make choices that support their long-term aspirations, and successfully navigate to the next level.
(OK)ACP Advancing College Preparedness (subset)
  • AVI-08.(OK)ACP.e1    Explore education and college path based on personal strengths, skills, and interests.
    • Students refine key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to college selection.
  • AVI-08.(OK)ACP.e2    Explore college admission requirements, including financing, testing, and application.
    • Students reflect on their current GPA and how it relates to college selection criteria.
    • Students compare various college campus structures, services, and opportunities.
    • Students research and evaluate scholarship offerings (FAFSA).
  • AVI-08.(OK)ACP.e3    Plan education and college path based on personal goals.
    • Students produce long-term academic plans that align with goals.
    • Students plan for a successful transition to the next step in the academic journey.
    • Students gain exposure to pathways offering work opportunities (credentials, certifications, internships, etc.).
    • Students engage in a variety of information gathering to determine match, reach and safety schools to mitigate summer melt and undermatching during the selection process.
    • Students determine whether additional test prep and testing is needed to reach scholarships goals.
(OK)BCP Building Career Preparedness (subset)
  • AVI-08.(OK)BCP.e1    Build awareness of personal fit related to career readiness and selection.
    • Students develop an authentic and personal definition of success.
    • Students refine key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to career selection"
    • Students gain awareness of how academic performance links to career performance and success.
    • Students expand thinking of potential career fields by encouraging discovery of a variety of career fields and the opportunities therein.
    • Students develop knowledge and gain exposure to credentials or post-secondary education needed for career goals.
    • Students identify best fit career fields based on academic, social, and financial fit to develop short- and long-term career pathways.
  • AVI-08.(OK)BCP.e2    Plan education and career path based on personal goals.
    • Students engage in real-world experiences within career fields of interest, such as service learning projects, job shadowing opportunities, or internship possibilities in career fields of interest.
(OK)DFR Developing Future Readiness (subset)
  • AVI-08.(OK)DFR.e1    Develop personal financial literacy to make appropriate financial choices.
    • Students create a systematic decision-making model for personal financial decisions and circumstances.
  • AVI-08.(OK)DFR.e2    Develop a professional profile and monitor digital footprint.
    • Students gather information on interests, experiences, and goals to build a digital profile.
    • Students identify and address gaps in profile.
    • Students define "digital reputation" and identify examples of social media posts that can have a positive or negative effect.

Grade 09

Grade Level LogoAVID (Advancement via Individual Determination)

Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
1 credit
Full Year

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is an elective course which provides students with an intensive preparation for higher education. AVID focuses on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading (WICOR). Students also learn strategies in organization, note taking, and goal setting to enhance skills in preparation for college. Students participate in group tutorials, college visits, test prep, team building, service learning and research. AVID is for students who have the desire to go to college and the willingness to work hard. These are students who are capable of completing rigorous curriculum and utilize AVID to fulfill their own potential. Enrollment in AVID requires an application, interview and contract. Applications are available in Student Services.

Note: Standards Identifiers auto-link to popup a detailed description with "I can ..." and Proficiency Scales.
Prioritized Sub-Standards Identifiers are highlighted a sky-blue.

 AVI-09.(SA)  (SA) Student Agency Outcomes

Students believe in themselves and act intentionally to build relationships, persist through obstacles, and activate their academic, social, emotional, and professional knowledge and skills to reach their potential.
(SA)BR Building Relationships (subset)
  • AVI-09.(SA)BR.e1    Establish and maintain relational capacity with others.
    • Students establish norms and expectations around shared responsibility among group members.
    • Students establish norms and expectations around appreciating diversity among group members.
    • Students develop a foundational familiarity and comfort with classmates.
    • Students identify respectful and disrespectful actions of self and others.
    • Students check group members' level of understanding.
    • Students evaluate the impact of decisions on others.
  • AVI-09.(SA)BR.e2    Activate a physical and digital network of support for current and future success.
    • Students identify the characteristics of positive, healthy relationships.
    • Students explore individual peer relationships and identify those that are positive and healthy.
    • Students reflect on how relationships are affected by devices and the internet.
(SA)PTO Persisting Through Obstacles (subset)
  • AVI-09.(SA)PTO.e1    Monitor progress towards long-term goals and aspirations.
    • Students set personal, academic, and career goals.
    • Students monitor progress towards goals.
  • AVI-09.(SA)PTO.e2    Seek help and feedback when necessary.
    • Students self-monitor to diagnose areas of need (e.g., academic, personal, social-emotional).
    • Students gain awareness of skills that increase mental flexibility.
    • Students explore the relationship between grit and perseverance.
  • AVI-09.(SA)PTO.e3    Develop a strong student voice to self-advocate.
    • Students gain awareness of motivators that positively impact performance.
    • Students determine key points from learning experiences.
(SA)AKS Activating Knowledge and Skills (subset)
  • AVI-09.(SA)AKS.e1    Create a strong sense of self-identity by connecting with one’s emotions, thoughts, and values.
    • Students explore the importance of healthy, balanced lifestyles, including aspects such as good sleeping, eating, and exercise habits.
    • Students identify strategies and skills that promote self-awareness.
    • Students identify individual strengths and areas of challenge related to academic skills and performance.
  • AVI-09.(SA)AKS.e2    Develop and activate leadership traits and behaviors.
    • Students identify leadership opportunities and positions across the school and community.
    • Students determine formal and informal leadership opportunities that could be pursued.
    • Students select tools to analyze a conflict and identify a positive solution.
    • Students classify passive, assertive, and aggressive statements.
  • AVI-09.(SA)AKS.e3    Think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in the digital world.
    • Students identify traits connected to personal integrity and ethics.
    • Students determine personal interest for extracurricular and community service activities within the school and community.
    • Students gain awareness of extracurricular and community service activities within the school and community.
    • Students identify examples of online behaviors that may hurt, embarrass, or offend others.

 AVI-09.(RAP) (RAP) Rigorous Academic Preparedness Outcomes

 Students develop academic skills and can successfully complete rigorous college and career preparatory curriculum and experiences.
(RAP)W Writing (subset)
  • AVI-09.(RAP)W.e1    Communicate thoughts and ideas through the writing process.
    • Students develop writing skills related to expository, timed, and descriptive modes of writing.
    • Students plan and structure writing based on the mode (descriptive, narrative, expository, argumentative).
    • Students draft initial writing.
    • Students analyze a writing task by identifying key vocabulary and audience.
    • Students gather and analyze feedback from peers and instructors.
    • Students edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
    • Students analyze the organizational structure of writing.
    • Students publish writing to a small group audience within the classroom, such as a formal, written paper.
  • AVI-09.(RAP)W.e2    Write as a tool to demonstrate learning and deepen understanding of content.
    • Students take notes, with an emphasis on identifying and recording the note-taking objective and/or Essential Question.
    • Students take notes, with an emphasis on setting up notes, including all required components.
    • Students summarize by pulling together the most important information related to the objective and/or Essential Question.
(RAP)I Inquiry (subset)
  • AVI-09.(RAP)I.e1    Use questioning to demonstrate critical thinking and clarify learning.
    • Students create questions based on Costa’s Levels of Thinking .
    • Students identify misunderstood concepts or problems.
    • Students determine the steps/process that led to a solution.
    • Students reflect on learning to make connections between new learning and previous learning.
    • Students reflect on learning strategies that were employed and if those strategies were effective.
    • Students identify processes that are utilized.
    • Students reflect on a process that was utilized and if that process was effective.
  • AVI-09.(RAP)I.e2    Conduct proficient, academic investigation through the research process.
    • Students analyze a research prompt.
    • Students locate sources that are relevant to the topic and support the purpose of the research assignment.
    • Students distinguish between primary and secondary sources.
    • Students plan and structure the writing based on the research prompt.
    • Students integrate quotes and reference text with proper citations.
    • Students publish research to a small group audience within the classroom, such as a formal, written paper.
(RAP)C Collaboration (subset)
  • AVI-09.(RAP)C.e1    Communicate clearly through effective speaking and active listening.
    • Students apply basic understanding of effective public speaking.
    • Students incorporate visual aids and/or technology when appropriate.
    • Students describe the characteristics of effective listening, such as eye contact and mirroring.
    • Students monitor word choice when speaking.
    • Students identify formal and informal language registers.
  • AVI-09.(RAP)C.e2    Work productively and effectively in groups in blended learning environments.
    • Students utilize technology to collaborate with classmates.
(RAP)O Organization (subset)
  • AVI-09.(RAP)O.e1    Manage materials using physical and digital organizational systems and routines.
    • Students begin implementing organizational tools (e.g., binders/eBinders, portfolios, or digital folders) that support academic success.
    • Students create an activity log or tracking system of community extracurricular activities and hours.
  • AVI-09.(RAP)O.e2    Manage time to plan and prioritize appropriately.
    • Students explore a variety of organizational formats for calendaring/planning.
    • Students determine how to utilize time effectively.
    • Students assess complex assignments and break them into smaller tasks.
  • AVI-09.(RAP)O.e3    Organize information and thinking.
    • Students utilize visual frameworks to organize information.
(RAP)R Reading (subset)
  • AVI-09.(RAP)R.e1    Deepen understanding of a variety of texts by engaging in the critical reading process.
    • Students determine the characteristics of a quality text in relation to the reading purpose.
    • Students preview text features.
    • Students identify prior knowledge that may be relevant to the reading.
    • Students assess knowledge of academic and content vocabulary words.
    • Students mark the text to accomplish the reading purpose.                                                                        
    • Students identify the key components of a text related to the reading purpose.
    • Students extend beyond the text by applying key learning.

 AVI-09.(OK) (OK) Opportunity Knowledge Outcomes

Students research opportunities, set goals, make choices that support their long-term aspirations, and successfully navigate to the next level.
(OK)ACP Advancing College Preparedness (subset)
  • AVI-09.(OK)ACP.e1    Explore education and college path based on personal strengths, skills, and interests.
    • Students identify personal interests and skills related to future college aspirations, such as through an interest inventory.
  • AVI-09.(OK)ACP.e2    Explore college admission requirements, including financing, testing, and application.
    • Students know how to determine GPA.
    • Students develop familiarity with college terminology.
    • Students classify the various types/categories of colleges.
    • Students understand scholarships and the role they play in college financing.
  • AVI-09.(OK)ACP.e3    Plan education and college path based on personal goals.
    • Students articulate the importance of long-term academic plans as a part of goal setting and achievement.
    • Students identify what is meant by match schools, reach schools, and safety schools in order to determine the best academic fit during the selection process.
    • Students understand the different college entrance exams: PSAT, PreACT, SAT, ACT.
(OK)BCP Building Career Preparedness (subset)
  • AVI-09.(OK)BCP.e1    Build awareness of personal fit related to career readiness and selection.
    • Students identify personal interests and skills related to future career aspirations.
    • Students increase familiarity with career terminology.
    • Students distinguish between jobs, careers, and career fields.
    • Students establish initial knowledge around the characteristics that contribute to academic, social, and financial fit.
    • Students explore the net cost of attending college to inform decisions and budget plans.
  • AVI-09.(OK)BCP.e2    Plan education and career path based on personal goals.
    • Students request assistance in selecting career elective courses and pathways that match interests and goals.
(OK)DFR Developing Future Readiness (subset)
  • AVI-09.(OK)DFR.e1    Develop personal financial literacy to make appropriate financial choices.
    • Students establish understanding of concepts and content-specific vocabulary related to personal finance.
  • AVI-09.(OK)DFR.e2    Develop a professional profile and monitor digital footprint.
    • Students identify the benefits of developing a professional profile.
    • Students discuss what it means to accurately represent yourself online.

Grade 10

Grade Level LogoAVID (Advancement via Individual Determination)

Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
1 credit
Full Year

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is an elective course which provides students with an intensive preparation for higher education. AVID focuses on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading (WICOR). Students also learn strategies in organization, note taking, and goal setting to enhance skills in preparation for college. Students participate in group tutorials, college visits, test prep, team building, service learning and research. AVID is for students who have the desire to go to college and the willingness to work hard. These are students who are capable of completing rigorous curriculum and utilize AVID to fulfill their own potential. Enrollment in AVID requires an application, interview and contract. Applications are available in Student Services.

Note: Standards Identifiers auto-link to popup a detailed description with "I can ..." and Proficiency Scales.
Prioritized Sub-Standards Identifiers are highlighted a sky-blue.

 AVI-10.(SA) (SA) Student Agency Outcomes

Students believe in themselves and act intentionally to build relationships, persist through obstacles, and activate their academic, social, emotional, and professional knowledge and skills to reach their potential.
(SA)BR Building Relationships (subset)
  • AVI-10.(SA)BR.e1    Establish and maintain relational capacity with others.
    • Students hold self and peers accountable to following group norms about shared responsibility.
    • Students summarize points of agreement and disagreement from varying perspectives.
    • Students deepen relational capacity with classmates through effectively managing conflict.
    • Students establish norms and expectations around respectful interactions among group members.
    • Students ask clarifying questions to group members to facilitate understanding.
    • Students evaluate the impact of decisions on the environment.
  • AVI-10.(SA)BR.e2    Activate a physical and digital network of support for current and future success.
    • Students develop a support network, including peers and adults, for academic and future success.
    • Students identify the risks and benefits of social media and online activity.
(SA)PTO Persisting Through Obstacles (subset)
  • AVI-10.(SA)PTO.e1    Monitor progress towards long-term goals and aspirations.
    • Students identify the steps necessary to accomplish goals.
    • Students identify reasons for why progress is or isn't being made towards accomplishing goals.
  • AVI-10.(SA)PTO.e2    Seek help and feedback when necessary.
    • Students seek help related to areas of need.
    • Students determine personal levels of grit and perseverance in relation to growth mindset.
  • AVI-10.(SA)PTO.e3    Develop a strong student voice to self-advocate.
    • Students explore how individual motivators and self-monitoring of motivation impact academic performance.
    • Students make connections between key learning points and new contexts.
(SA)AKS Activating Knowledge and Skills (subset)
  • AVI-10.(SA)AKS.e1    Create a strong sense of self-identity by connecting with one’s emotions, thoughts, and values.
    • Students identify activities that assist with self-care and healthy habits.
    • Students identify areas that need attention and develop goals to address those areas.
    • Students establish self-awareness strategies and skills.
  • AVI-10.(SA)AKS.e2    Develop and activate leadership traits and behaviors.
    • Students pursue leadership opportunities across the school.
    • Students identify personal conflict management style.
    • Students transform passive and aggressive statements into constructive, assertive statements.
  • AVI-10.(SA)AKS.e3    Think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in the digital world.
    • Students assess personal traits connected to integrity and ethical leadership
    • Students explore and pursue leadership opportunities in extracurricular and community service activities within the school, local and/or global community
    • Students identify ways to be an upstander or ally to someone being bullied.

 AVI-10.(RAP) (RAP) Rigorous Academic Preparedness Outcomes

 Students develop academic skills and can successfully complete rigorous college and career preparatory curriculum and experiences.
(RAP)W Writing (subset)
  • AVI-10.(RAP)W.e1    Communicate thoughts and ideas through the writing process.
    • Students develop writing skills related to the argumentative mode of writing.
    • Students generate multiple ideas that support, explain, or enhance the writing topic or theme.
    • Students compose first drafts using ideas and information gathered during prewriting.
    • Students analyze a writing task to determine the purpose, format/style, and audience.
    • Students write multiple drafts with increased depth, based on feedback and observations.
    • Students analyze and edit the sentence structure of writing to create interest and complexity.
    • Students publish writing to entire class, such as an oral presentation.
  • AVI-10.(RAP)W.e2    Write as a tool to demonstrate learning and deepen understanding of content.
    • Students take notes, with an emphasis on recording main ideas and important information.
    • Students take notes, with an emphasis on condensing information by using abbreviations/symbols/paraphrasing.
    • Students summarize by pulling together the most important information and personal connections related to the objective and/or Essential Question.
(RAP)I Inquiry (subset)
  • AVI-10.(RAP)I.e1    Use questioning to demonstrate critical thinking and clarify learning.
    • Students develop inquiry skills through focused observations and analyses.
    • Students identify the specific point of confusion related to a misunderstood concept or problem.
    • Students determine if similar problems could be solved using the same steps/process.
    • Students reflect on learning to make connections between new learning and previous experiences.
    • Students reflect on learning strategies that were employed, if those learning strategies were effective, and how they could adjust their methods in the future.
    • Students reflect on a process that was utilized, if that process was effective, and how they could adjust their methods in the future.
  • AVI-10.(RAP)I.e2    Conduct proficient, academic investigation through the research process.
    • Students brainstorm ideas for research topics to address a research prompt.
    • Students determine the relevance, validity, and reliability of information found within sources.
    • Students organize information, sources, and data that support the research prompt.
    • Students integrate quotes to support claims and reference text, while citing location.
    • Students publish research to entire class, such as an oral presentation.
(RAP)C Collaboration (subset)
  • AVI-10.(RAP)C.e1    Communicate clearly through effective speaking and active listening.
    • Students distinguish between effective and ineffective language during interactions.
    • Students refine usage of non-verbal communication when speaking, including body language and eye contact.
    • Students demonstrate active listening skills during academic conversations.
    • Students utilize academic vocabulary when communicating.
    • Students speak effectively before small groups of peers.
  • AVI-10.(RAP)C.e2    Work productively and effectively in groups in blended learning environments.
    • Students utilize technology to collaborate with classmates and community members.
(RAP)O Organization (subset)
  • AVI-10.(RAP)O.e1    Manage materials using physical and digital organizational systems and routines.
    • Students refine usage of organizational tools (e.g., binders/eBinders, portfolios, or digital folders) and systems that support academic success.
    • Students maintain an activity log or tracking system of community extracurricular activities and hours.
  • AVI-10.(RAP)O.e2    Manage time to plan and prioritize appropriately.
    • Students utilize an organizational tool to record obligations and constraints on time.
    • Students demonstrate the process of backwards mapping.
  • AVI-10.(RAP)O.e3    Organize information and thinking.
    • Students apply visual frameworks to organize language and comprehend key concepts.
(RAP)R Reading (subset)
  • AVI-10.(RAP)R.e1    Deepen understanding of a variety of texts by engaging in the critical reading process.
    • Students assess if a text is appropriate according to the reading purpose.
    • Students make predictions about the text using text features.
    • Students assess relevant prior knowledge and identify gaps.
    • Students utilize tools to deepen understanding of vocabulary.
    • Students mark the text to accomplish the reading purpose through the lens of a content expert.
    • Students extend beyond the text evaluating and synthesizing key learning.

 AVI-10.(OK) (OK) Opportunity Knowledge Outcomes

Students research opportunities, set goals, make choices that support their long-term aspirations, and successfully navigate to the next level.
(OK)ACP Advancing College Preparedness (subset)
  • AVI-10.(OK)ACP.e1    Explore education and college path based on personal strengths, skills, and interests.
    • Students define key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to college selection.
  • AVI-10.(OK)ACP.e2    Explore college admission requirements, including financing, testing, and application.
    • Students explore the significance of GPA at different stages of the academic journey.
    • Students explore college options and terminology.
  • AVI-10.(OK)ACP.e3    Plan education and college path based on personal goals.
    • Students reflect on how academic plans and course completion support progress toward desired major.
    • Students determine which courses or opportunities align with college goals and plans.
    • Students explore campus-, district-, or community-based opportunities to earn college credit in high school (dual credit, online learning, etc.).
    • Students explore match schools, reach schools, and safety schools in order to determine the best academic fit during the selection process.
    • Students prepare for college entrance exams.
(OK)BCP Building Career Preparedness (subset)
  • AVI-10.(OK)BCP.e1    Build awareness of personal fit related to career readiness and selection.
    • Students define key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to career selection.
    • Students explore career fields and career pathways, including what resources and opportunities are available locally.
    • Students investigate best fit career fields based on academic, social, and financial fit.
  • AVI-10.(OK)BCP.e2    Plan education and career path based on personal goals.
    • Students reflect on how academic plans and course completion support progress toward desired career field.
(OK)DFR Developing Future Readiness (subset)
  • AVI-10.(OK)DFR.e1    Develop personal financial literacy to make appropriate financial choices.
    • Students increase awareness and apply basic concepts of budgeting, spending, and making responsible financial decisions.
  • AVI-10.(OK)DFR.e2    Develop a professional profile and monitor digital footprint.
    • Students identify the elements of a strong digital profile.
    • Students identify ways to make the most of social media while still maintaining a responsible digital footprint.

Grade 11

Grade Level LogoAVID (Advancement via Individual Determination)

Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
1 credit
Full Year

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is an elective course which provides students with an intensive preparation for higher education. AVID focuses on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading (WICOR). Students also learn strategies in organization, note taking, and goal setting to enhance skills in preparation for college. Students participate in group tutorials, college visits, test prep, team building, service learning and research. AVID is for students who have the desire to go to college and the willingness to work hard. These are students who are capable of completing rigorous curriculum and utilize AVID to fulfill their own potential. Enrollment in AVID requires an application, interview and contract. Applications are available in Student Services.

Note: Standards Identifiers auto-link to popup a detailed description with "I can ..." and Proficiency Scales.
Prioritized Sub-Standards Identifiers are highlighted a sky-blue.

 AVI-11.(SA) (SA) Student Agency Outcomes

Students believe in themselves and act intentionally to build relationships, persist through obstacles, and activate their academic, social, emotional, and professional knowledge and skills to reach their potential.
(SA)BR Building Relationships (subset)
  • AVI-11.(SA)BR.e1    Establish and maintain relational capacity with others.
    • Students negotiate roles within a collaborative group through the adoption of effective elements of collaboration.
    • Students integrate multiple perspectives into group products.
    • Students deepen relational capacity through creation of novel ideas and solutions.
    • Students interact with peers in complex situations (providing feedback, conflict management, academic discourse) while maintaining a focus on respect, trust, and empathy.
    • Students support all group members' understanding of key concepts.
    • Students evaluate the impact of decisions on the world.
  • AVI-11.(SA)BR.e2    Activate a physical and digital network of support for current and future success.
    • Students maintain a strong support network for academic and career success.
    • Students identify mentors who influence, support, and guide future transitions and success.
    • Students monitor and maintain positive relationships in a digital space.
(SA)PTO Persisting Through Obstacles (subset)
  • AVI-11.(SA)PTO.e1    Monitor progress towards long-term goals and aspirations.
    • Students create short and mid-range goals that support achievement of long-term goals.
    • Students modify goals and actions appropriately based on progress.
  • AVI-11.(SA)PTO.e2    Seek help and feedback when necessary.
    • Students strengthen ability to self-advocate related to areas of need.
    • Students leverage support network to assist within areas of need.
    • Students reflect on current status and skills to strengthen mental flexibility now and in the future.
    • Students recognize and overcome obstacles that could hinder future success.
  • AVI-11.(SA)PTO.e3    Develop a strong student voice to self-advocate.
    • Students apply strategies to support motivation, especially when lacking intrinsic motivation.
    • Students employ key learning points to real-world applications.
(SA)AKS Activating Knowledge and Skills (subset)
  • AVI-11.(SA)AKS.e1    Create a strong sense of self-identity by connecting with one’s emotions, thoughts, and values.
    • Students effectively manage stress and anxiety levels, including areas such as in preparation for and during tests.
    • Students apply self-awareness strategies and skills with a variety of academic challenges.
  • AVI-11.(SA)AKS.e2    Develop and activate leadership traits and behaviors.
    • Students pursue leadership and/or mentorship opportunities across the school and community.
    • Students reflect on conflict situations to strengthen ability to deal with the emotions that accompany conflict in leadership roles.
  • AVI-11.(SA)AKS.e3    Think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in the digital world.
    • Students assess personal traits connected to integrity and ethical leadership.
    • Students explore and pursue leadership opportunities in extracurricular and community service activities within the school, local and/or global community.
    • Students identify ways to be an upstander or ally to someone being bullied.

 AVI-11.(RAP) (RAP) Rigorous Academic Preparedness Outcomes

 Students develop academic skills and can successfully complete rigorous college and career preparatory curriculum and experiences.
(RAP)W Writing (subset)
  • AVI-11.(RAP)W.e1    Communicate thoughts and ideas through the writing process.
    • Students develop writing skills related to expository research writing, incorporating MLA or APA format.
    • Students gather information related to the writing prompt to generate a bank of resources and information.
    • Students compose first drafts with a focus on establishing a clear purpose for the writing.
    • Students utilize inquiry strategies to develop additional questions as needed.
    • Students independently create and execute a plan for the revision process.
    • Students analyze the language of writing and edit for voice, flow, and clarity.
    • Students publish writing to an audience outside of the classroom, such as an online forum.
  • AVI-11.(RAP)W.e2    Write as a tool to demonstrate learning and deepen understanding of content.
    • Students take notes, with an emphasis on selecting the appropriate format for note-taking based on the note-taking objective.
    • Students take notes, with an emphasis on using strategies to organize notes (e.g., indentation, bullets, outlines, skipping lines, color-coding).
    • Students reflect on how notes help to meet the learning objective and contribute to academic and personal success.
(RAP)I Inquiry (subset)
  • AVI-11.(RAP)I.e1    Use questioning to demonstrate critical thinking and clarify learning.
    • Students use questioning techniques to think critically about content and concepts.
    • Students generate questions based on a misunderstood concept or problem.
    • Students determine modifications to the process that would be needed to solve similar problems.
    • Students reflect on learning to make connections between new learning and the broader world.
    • Students reflect throughout learning on progress and continually adjust actions on major tasks or assignments.
    • Students reflect throughout a process on progress and continually adjust actions.
  • AVI-11.(RAP)I.e2    Conduct proficient, academic investigation through the research process.
    • Students develop research questions/claim statements that effectively address the research prompt.
    • Students determine the perspective, validity, and reliability of information found within sources by multiple sources (such as books, articles, and websites).
    • Students synthesize information, sources, and data that support the research prompt.
    • Students construct written claims and support them with reasoning and evidence.
    • Students publish research to an audience outside of the classroom.
(RAP)C Collaboration (subset)
  • AVI-11.(RAP)C.e1    Communicate clearly through effective speaking and active listening.
    • Students adjust ineffective verbal and non-verbal communication into effective communication.
    • Students demonstrate active listening by asking clarifying questions.
    • Students demonstrate command of grammar when communicating.
    • Students speak effectively before whole class.
  • AVI-11.(RAP)C.e2    Work productively and effectively in groups in blended learning environments.
    • Students utilize technology with the global community to explore topics from multiple perspectives.
(RAP)O Organization (subset)
  • AVI-11.(RAP)O.e1    Manage materials using physical and digital organizational systems and routines.
    • Students develop efficient, individualized routines related to using organizational tools and planning strategies to enhance academic performance.
    • Students reflect on activity log or tracking system of community extracurricular activities and hours.
  • AVI-11.(RAP)O.e2    Manage time to plan and prioritize appropriately.
    • Students understand and demonstrate the concepts and practices of backwards mapping.
    • Students identify upcoming events to proactively avoid time management conflicts.
  • AVI-11.(RAP)O.e3    Organize information and thinking.
    • Students manage varied visual frameworks to organize language, and show relationships between key concepts.
(RAP)R Reading (subset)
  • AVI-11.(RAP)R.e1    Deepen understanding of a variety of texts by engaging in the critical reading process.
    • Students select texts and justify if they meet the reading purpose.
    • Students build background knowledge related to the text preview.
    • Students connect vocabulary within texts to broader concepts of the text.
    • Students create text dependent questions while reading that align with the reading purpose.
    • Students extend beyond the text analyzing how to best apply key learning.

 AVI-11.(OK) (OK) Opportunity Knowledge Outcomes

Students research opportunities, set goals, make choices that support their long-term aspirations, and successfully navigate to the next level.
(OK)ACP Advancing College Preparedness (subset)
  • AVI-11.(OK)ACP.e1    Explore education and college path based on personal strengths, skills, and interests.
    • Students refine key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to college selection.
  • AVI-11.(OK)ACP.e2    Explore college admission requirements, including financing, testing, and application.
    • Students reflect on their current GPA and how it relates to college selection criteria.
    • Students compare various college campus structures, services, and opportunities.
    • Students research and evaluate scholarship offerings (FAFSA).
  • AVI-11.(OK)ACP.e3    Plan education and college path based on personal goals.
    • Students produce long-term academic plans that align with goals.
    • Students plan for a successful transition to the next step in the academic journey.
    • Students gain exposure to pathways offering work opportunities (credentials, certifications, internships, etc.).
    • Students engage in a variety of information gathering to determine match, reach and safety schools to mitigate summer melt and undermatching during the selection process.
    • Students determine whether additional test prep and testing is needed to reach scholarships goals.
(OK)BCP Building Career Preparedness (subset)
  • AVI-11.(OK)BCP.e1    Build awareness of personal fit related to career readiness and selection.
    • Students develop an authentic and personal definition of success.
    • Students refine key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to career selection"
    • Students gain awareness of how academic performance links to career performance and success.
    • Students expand thinking of potential career fields by encouraging discovery of a variety of career fields and the opportunities therein.
    • Students develop knowledge and gain exposure to credentials or post-secondary education needed for career goals.
    • Students identify best fit career fields based on academic, social, and financial fit to develop short- and long-term career pathways.
  • AVI-11.(OK)BCP.e2    Plan education and career path based on personal goals.
    • Students engage in real-world experiences within career fields of interest, such as service learning projects, job shadowing opportunities, or internship possibilities in career fields of interest.
(OK)DFR Developing Future Readiness (subset)
  • AVI-11.(OK)DFR.e1    Develop personal financial literacy to make appropriate financial choices.
    • Students create a systematic decision-making model for personal financial decisions and circumstances.
  • AVI-11.(OK)DFR.e2    Develop a professional profile and monitor digital footprint.
    • Students gather information on interests, experiences, and goals to build a digital profile.
    • Students identify and address gaps in profile.
    • Students define "digital reputation" and identify examples of social media posts that can have a positive or negative effect.

Grade 12

Grade Level LogoAVID (Advancement via Individual Determination)

Grade Placement: 9, 10, 11, 12
1 credit
Full Year

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is an elective course which provides students with an intensive preparation for higher education. AVID focuses on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading (WICOR). Students also learn strategies in organization, note taking, and goal setting to enhance skills in preparation for college. Students participate in group tutorials, college visits, test prep, team building, service learning and research. AVID is for students who have the desire to go to college and the willingness to work hard. These are students who are capable of completing rigorous curriculum and utilize AVID to fulfill their own potential. Enrollment in AVID requires an application, interview and contract. Applications are available in Student Services.

Note: Standards Identifiers auto-link to popup a detailed description with "I can ..." and Proficiency Scales.
Prioritized Sub-Standards Identifiers are highlighted a sky-blue.

 AVI-12.(SA) (SA) Student Agency Outcomes

Students believe in themselves and act intentionally to build relationships, persist through obstacles, and activate their academic, social, emotional, and professional knowledge and skills to reach their potential.
(SA)BR Building Relationships (subset)
  • AVI-12.(SA)BR.e1    Establish and maintain relational capacity with others.
    • Students share responsibility among group members.
    • Students work productively and effectively in diverse teams with diverse perspectives.
    • Students establish and maintain relational capacity with others.
    • Students respect individual contributions.
    • Students support group members in clarifying confusion and checking for understanding.
    • Students evaluate the impact of decisions on others and the world.
  • AVI-12.(SA)BR.e2    Activate a physical and digital network of support for current and future success.
    • Students generate and maintain a physical and digital network of support for current and future success.
(SA)PTO Persisting Through Obstacles (subset)
  • AVI-12.(SA)PTO.e1    Monitor progress towards long-term goals and aspirations.
    • Students identify and plan for the steps necessary to accomplish various types of goals.
    • Students monitor progress towards goals and revise appropriately, leveraging technology.
  • AVI-12.(SA)PTO.e2    Seek help and feedback when necessary.
    • Students self-monitor and seek help when necessary.
    • Students demonstrate persistence, flexibility, and adaptability.
  • AVI-12.(SA)PTO.e3    Develop a strong student voice to self-advocate.
    • Students develop, demonstrate, and maintain motivation.
    • Students apply learning to demonstrate knowledge and achieve success.
(SA)AKS Activating Knowledge and Skills (subset)
  • AVI-12.(SA)AKS.e1    Create a strong sense of self-identity by connecting with one’s emotions, thoughts, and values.
    • Students attend to personal health, safety and balance (including digital security).
    • Students demonstrate self-awareness strategies and skills.
  • AVI-12.(SA)AKS.e2    Develop and activate leadership traits and behaviors.
    • Students pursue leadership opportunities and hold leadership positions.
    • Students manage and resolve conflict with others.
  • AVI-12.(SA)AKS.e3    Think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in the digital world.
    • Students demonstrate integrity and ethical leadership, including online.
    • Students act as a globally and digitally aware, responsible, and contributing citizen.
    • Students analyze how the internet has contributed to an increase in hate speech and extremist views.

 AVI-12.(RAP) (RAP) Rigorous Academic Preparedness Outcomes

 Students develop academic skills and can successfully complete rigorous college and career preparatory curriculum and experiences.
(RAP)W Writing (subset)
  • AVI-12.(RAP)W.e1    Communicate thoughts and ideas through the writing process.
    • Students compose a variety of text types.
    • Students analyze a writing task.
    • Students revise writing to improve clarity and accomplish the writing purpose.
    • Students polish writing through editing and proof-reading.
    • Students publish writing by distributing to varied audiences.
  • AVI-12.(RAP)W.e2    Write as a tool to demonstrate learning and deepen understanding of content.
    • Students take notes to meet the note-taking objective.
    • Students summarize and Reflect to synthesize learning and identify next steps.
(RAP)I Inquiry (subset)
  • AVI-12.(RAP)I.e1    Use questioning to demonstrate critical thinking and clarify learning.
    • Students use questioning techniques to engage in discussions and think critically about content and concepts.
    • Students identify specific questions based on a misunderstood concept or problem.
    • Students upon arriving at a solution, identify generalized steps/processes that could be used to solve similar problems.
    • Students make connections between new learning and previous learning, their experiences, themselves, and/or their world.
    • Students continuously reflect, and refine strategies to promote learning and academic success.
    • Students reflect and modify actions related to successful utilization of a process.
  • AVI-12.(RAP)I.e2    Conduct proficient, academic investigation through the research process.
    • Students identify topics/questions to be investigated, with source material on opposing sides of the topic.
    • Students evaluate the validity and reliability of both digital and print sources.
    • Students synthesize and organize information effectively, including usage of digital tools.
    • Students cite evidence and support claims.
    • Students present research findings, customizing presentation for the intended audience.
(RAP)C Collaboration (subset)
  • AVI-12.(RAP)C.e1    Communicate clearly through effective speaking and active listening.
    • Students clearly communicate verbally and non-verbally, including appropriate usage of technology.
    • Students listen effectively to decipher meaning.
    • Students demonstrate command of language and grammar usage when communicating.
    • Students adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks.
  • AVI-12.(RAP)C.e2    Work productively and effectively in groups in blended learning environments.
    • Students utilize technology as a tool for collaboration both synchronously and asynchronously.
(RAP)O Organization (subset)
  • AVI-12.(RAP)O.e1    Manage materials using physical and digital organizational systems and routines.
    • Students routinely utilize organizational systems to access and archive materials efficiently.
  • AVI-12.(RAP)O.e2    Manage time to plan and prioritize appropriately.
    • Students organize and allocate time based on priorities and task completion.
  • AVI-12.(RAP)O.e3    Organize information and thinking.
    • Students organize information, indicating relationships between ideas.
(RAP)R Reading (subset)
  • AVI-12.(RAP)R.e1    Deepen understanding of a variety of texts by engaging in the critical reading process.
    • Students select a text according to the reading purpose.
    • Students preview text to connect with or build background knowledge.
    • Students examine key academic and content-related vocabulary to deepen comprehension of texts.
    • Students interact with the text to process information as it is read.
    • Students extend beyond the text by using academic thinking skills (applying, analyzing, evaluating, and/or synthesizing key learning).

 AVI-12.(OK) (OK) Opportunity Knowledge Outcomes

Students research opportunities, set goals, make choices that support their long-term aspirations, and successfully navigate to the next level.
(OK)ACP Advancing College Preparedness (subset)
  • AVI-12.(OK)ACP.e1    Explore education and college path based on personal strengths, skills, and interests.
    • Students develop an awareness of personal abilities, skills and interests related to college selection.
  • AVI-12.(OK)ACP.e2    Explore college admission requirements, including financing, testing, and application.
    • Students apply understanding of key college selection criteria to academic performance to determine best-fit colleges.
    • Students understand scholarships and the role they play in college financing.
  • AVI-12.(OK)ACP.e3    Plan education and college path based on personal goals.
    • Students plan education and college path aligned to personal goals.
    • Students complete college admission requirements, including testing and application.
(OK)BCP Building Career Preparedness (subset)
  • AVI-12.(OK)BCP.e1    Build awareness of personal fit related to career readiness and selection.
    • Students develop an awareness of personal abilities, skills, and interests related to career readiness and career selection.
    • Students apply understanding of potential careers in areas of personal interest to career goals.
    • Students develop skills and attitudes related to career readiness.
  • AVI-12.(OK)BCP.e2    Plan education and career path based on personal goals.
    • Students plan education and career path aligned to personal goals.
(OK)DFR Developing Future Readiness (subset)
  • AVI-12.(OK)DFR.e1    Develop personal financial literacy to make appropriate financial choices.
    • Students make appropriate personal financial choices.
  • AVI-12.(OK)DFR.e2    Develop a professional profile and monitor digital footprint.
    • Students develop and maintain a professional digital profile to demonstrate skills and competencies.
    • Students identify ways that digital footprints can make a positive impact on the world.


AVID image What Students Needs:

AVID students receive intentional support and mentoring in three major areas that help them become confident individuals who can successfully navigate life and career.

AVID (SA) Student Agency Outcome image (SA) Student Agency

Students believe in themselves and act intentionally to build relationships, persist through obstacles, and activate their academic, social, emotional, and professional knowledge and skills to reach their potential.

AVID (RAP) Rigorous Academic Preparedness Outcome (RAP) Rigorous Academic Preparedness

Students develop academic skills and can successfully complete rigorous college and career preparatory curriculum and experiences.

AVID (OK) Opportunity Knowledge Outcome image (OK) Opportunity Knowledge

Students research opportunities, set goals, make choices that support their long-term aspirations, and successfully navigate to the next level.


(SA) Student Agency logoStudent Agency

Students believe in themselves and act intentionally to build relationships, persist through obstacles, and activate their academic, social, emotional, and professional knowledge and skills to reach their potential.

Building Relationships
Persisting Through Obstacles
Activating Knowledge and Skills

(SA)BR Building Relationships

Essential Skill BR.e1

Establish and maintain relational capacity with others.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • establish norms and expectations around shared responsibility among group members.
  • establish norms and expectations around appreciating diversity among group members.
  • develop a foundational familiarity and comfort with classmates.
  • identify respectful and disrespectful actions of self and others.
  • check group members' level of understanding.
  • evaluate the impact of decisions on others.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • hold self and peers accountable to following group norms about shared responsibility.
  • summarize points of agreement and disagreement from varying perspectives.
  • deepen relational capacity with classmates through effectively managing conflict.
  • establish norms and expectations around respectful interactions among group members.
  • ask clarifying questions to group members to facilitate understanding.
  • evaluate the impact of decisions on the environment.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • negotiate roles within a collaborative group through the adoption of effective elements of collaboration.
  • integrate multiple perspectives into group products.
  • deepen relational capacity through creation of novel ideas and solutions.
  • interact with peers in complex situations (providing feedback, conflict management, academic discourse) while maintaining a focus on respect, trust, and empathy.
  • support all group members' understanding of key concepts.
  • evaluate the impact of decisions on the world.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • share responsibility among group members.
  • work productively and effectively in diverse teams with diverse perspectives.
  • establish and maintain relational capacity with others.
  • respect individual contributions.
  • support group members in clarifying confusion and checking for understanding.
  • evaluate the impact of decisions on others and the world.
Essential Skill BR.e2

Activate a physical and digital network of support for current and future success.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • identify the characteristics of positive, healthy relationships.
  • explore individual peer relationships and identify those that are positive and healthy.
  • reflect on how relationships are affected by devices and the internet.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • develop a support network, including peers and adults, for academic and future success.
  • identify the risks and benefits of social media and online activity.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • maintain a strong support network for academic and career success.
  • identify mentors who influence, support, and guide future transitions and success.
  • monitor and maintain positive relationships in a digital space.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • generate and maintain a physical and digital network of support for current and future success.

(SA)PTO Persisting Through Obstacles

Essential Skill PTO.e1

Monitor progress towards long-term goals and aspirations.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • set personal, academic, and career goals.
  • monitor progress towards goals.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • identify the steps necessary to accomplish goals.
  • identify reasons for why progress is or isn't being made towards accomplishing goals.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • create short and mid-range goals that support achievement of long-term goals.
  • modify goals and actions appropriately based on progress.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • identify and plan for the steps necessary to accomplish various types of goals.
  • monitor progress towards goals and revise appropriately, leveraging technology.
Essential Skill PTO.e2

Seek help and feedback when necessary.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • self-monitor to diagnose areas of need (e.g., academic, personal, social-emotional).
  • gain awareness of skills that increase mental flexibility.
  • explore the relationship between grit and perseverance.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • seek help related to areas of need.
  • determine personal levels of grit and perseverance in relation to growth mindset.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • strengthen ability to self-advocate related to areas of need.
  • leverage support network to assist within areas of need.
  • reflect on current status and skills to strengthen mental flexibility now and in the future.
  • recognize and overcome obstacles that could hinder future success.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • self-monitor and seek help when necessary.
  • demonstrate persistence, flexibility, and adaptability.
Essential Skill PTO.e3

Develop a strong student voice to self-advocate.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • gain awareness of motivators that positively impact performance.
  • determine key points from learning experiences.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • explore how individual motivators and self-monitoring of motivation impact academic performance.
  • make connections between key learning points and new contexts.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • apply strategies to support motivation, especially when lacking intrinsic motivation.
  • employ key learning points to real-world applications.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • develop, demonstrate, and maintain motivation.
  • apply learning to demonstrate knowledge and achieve success.

(SA)AKS Activating Knowledge and Skills

Essential Skill AKS.e1

Create a strong sense of self-identity by connecting with one’s emotions, thoughts, and values.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • explore the importance of healthy, balanced lifestyles, including aspects such as good sleeping, eating, and exercise habits.
  • identify strategies and skills that promote self-awareness.
  • identify individual strengths and areas of challenge related to academic skills and performance.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • identify activities that assist with self-care and healthy habits.
  • identify areas that need attention and develop goals to address those areas.
  • establish self-awareness strategies and skills.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • effectively manage stress and anxiety levels, including areas such as in preparation for and during tests.
  • apply self-awareness strategies and skills with a variety of academic challenges.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • attend to personal health, safety and balance (including digital security).
  • demonstrate self-awareness strategies and skills.
Essential Skill AKS.e2

Develop and activate leadership traits and behaviors.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • identify leadership opportunities and positions across the school and community.
  • determine formal and informal leadership opportunities that could be pursued.
  • select tools to analyze a conflict and identify a positive solution.
  • classify passive, assertive, and aggressive statements.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • pursue leadership opportunities across the school.
  • identify personal conflict management style.
  • transform passive and aggressive statements into constructive, assertive statements.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • pursue leadership and/or mentorship opportunities across the school and community.
  • reflect on conflict situations to strengthen ability to deal with the emotions that accompany conflict in leadership roles.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • pursue leadership opportunities and hold leadership positions.
  • manage and resolve conflict with others.
Essential Skill AKS.e3

Think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in the digital world.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • identify traits connected to personal integrity and ethics.
  • determine personal interest for extracurricular and community service activities within the school and community.
  • gain awareness of extracurricular and community service activities within the school and community.
  • identify examples of online behaviors that may hurt, embarrass, or offend others.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • assess personal traits connected to integrity and ethical leadership
  • explore and pursue leadership opportunities in extracurricular and community service activities within the school, local and/or global community
  • identify ways to be an upstander or ally to someone being bullied.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • assess personal traits connected to integrity and ethical leadership.
  • explore and pursue leadership opportunities in extracurricular and community service activities within the school, local and/or global community.
  • identify ways to be an upstander or ally to someone being bullied.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • demonstrate integrity and ethical leadership, including online.
  • act as a globally and digitally aware, responsible, and contributing citizen.
  • analyze how the internet has contributed to an increase in hate speech and extremist views.


(RAP) Rigorous Academic Preparedness logoRigorous Academic Preparedness

Students develop academic skills and can successfully complete rigorous college and career preparatory curriculum and experiences.


(RAP)W Writing

Essential Skill W.e1

Communicate thoughts and ideas through the writing process.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • develop writing skills related to argumentative and narrative modes of writing.(gr 6)
  • develop writing skills related to expository, timed, and descriptive modes of writing.(gr 9)
  • plan and structure writing based on the mode (descriptive, narrative, expository, argumentative).(gr 9)
  • draft initial writing.(gr 9)
  • analyze a writing task by identifying key vocabulary and audience.
  • gather and analyze feedback from peers and instructors.
  • edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
  • analyze the organizational structure of writing.
  • publish writing to a small group audience within the classroom, such as a formal, written paper.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • develop writing skills related to descriptive and expository modes of writing.(gr 7)
  • develop writing skills related to the argumentative mode of writing.(gr 10)
  • generate multiple ideas that support, explain, or enhance the writing topic or theme.(gr 10)
  • compose first drafts using ideas and information gathered during prewriting.(gr 10)
  • analyze a writing task to determine the purpose, format/style, and audience.
  • write multiple drafts with increased depth, based on feedback and observations.
  • analyze and edit the sentence structure of writing to create interest and complexity.
  • publish writing to entire class, such as an oral presentation.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • develop writing skills related to timed, argumentative, and descriptive modes of writing.(gr 8)
  • develop writing skills related to expository research writing, incorporating MLA or APA format.(gr 11)
  • gather information related to the writing prompt to generate a bank of resources and information.(gr 11)
  • compose first drafts with a focus on establishing a clear purpose for the writing.(gr 11)
  • utilize inquiry strategies to develop additional questions as needed.
  • independently create and execute a plan for the revision process.
  • analyze the language of writing and edit for voice, flow, and clarity.
  • publish writing to an audience outside of the classroom, such as an online forum.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • compose a variety of text types.
  • analyze a writing task.
  • revise writing to improve clarity and accomplish the writing purpose.
  • polish writing through editing and proof-reading.
  • publish writing by distributing to varied audiences.
Essential Skill W.e2

Write as a tool to demonstrate learning and deepen understanding of content.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • take notes, with an emphasis on identifying and recording the note-taking objective and/or Essential Question.
  • take notes, with an emphasis on setting up notes, including all required components.
  • summarize by pulling together the most important information related to the objective and/or Essential Question.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • take notes, with an emphasis on recording main ideas and important information.
  • take notes, with an emphasis on condensing information by using abbreviations/symbols/paraphrasing.
  • summarize by pulling together the most important information and personal connections related to the objective and/or Essential Question.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • take notes, with an emphasis on selecting the appropriate format for note-taking based on the note-taking objective.
  • take notes, with an emphasis on using strategies to organize notes (e.g., indentation, bullets, outlines, skipping lines, color-coding).
  • reflect on how notes help to meet the learning objective and contribute to academic and personal success.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • take notes to meet the note-taking objective.
  • summarize and Reflect to synthesize learning and identify next steps.

(RAP)I Inquiry

Essential Skill I.e1

Use questioning to demonstrate critical thinking and clarify learning.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • create questions based on Costa’s Levels of Thinking .
  • identify misunderstood concepts or problems.
  • determine the steps/process that led to a solution.
  • reflect on learning to make connections between new learning and previous learning.
  • reflect on learning strategies that were employed and if those strategies were effective.
  • identify processes that are utilized.
  • reflect on a process that was utilized and if that process was effective.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • develop inquiry skills through focused observations and analyses.
  • identify the specific point of confusion related to a misunderstood concept or problem.
  • determine if similar problems could be solved using the same steps/process.
  • reflect on learning to make connections between new learning and previous experiences.
  • reflect on learning strategies that were employed, if those learning strategies were effective, and how they could adjust their methods in the future.
  • reflect on a process that was utilized, if that process was effective, and how they could adjust their methods in the future.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • use questioning techniques to think critically about content and concepts.
  • generate questions based on a misunderstood concept or problem.
  • determine modifications to the process that would be needed to solve similar problems.
  • reflect on learning to make connections between new learning and the broader world.
  • reflect throughout learning on progress and continually adjust actions on major tasks or assignments.
  • reflect throughout a process on progress and continually adjust actions.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • use questioning techniques to engage in discussions and think critically about content and concepts.
  • identify specific questions based on a misunderstood concept or problem.
  • upon arriving at a solution, identify generalized steps/processes that could be used to solve similar problems.
  • make connections between new learning and previous learning, their experiences, themselves, and/or their world.
  • continuously reflect, and refine strategies to promote learning and academic success.
  • reflect and modify actions related to successful utilization of a process.
Essential Skill I.e2

Conduct proficient, academic investigation through the research process.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • analyze a research prompt.
  • locate sources that are relevant to the topic and support the purpose of the research assignment.
  • distinguish between primary and secondary sources.
  • plan and structure the writing based on the research prompt.
  • integrate quotes and reference text with proper citations.
  • publish research to a small group audience within the classroom, such as a formal, written paper.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • brainstorm ideas for research topics to address a research prompt.
  • determine the relevance, validity, and reliability of information found within sources.
  • organize information, sources, and data that support the research prompt.
  • integrate quotes to support claims and reference text, while citing location.
  • publish research to entire class, such as an oral presentation.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • develop research questions/claim statements that effectively address the research prompt.
  • determine the perspective, validity, and reliability of information found within sources by multiple sources (such as books, articles, and websites).
  • synthesize information, sources, and data that support the research prompt.
  • construct written claims and support them with reasoning and evidence.
  • publish research to an audience outside of the classroom.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • identify topics/questions to be investigated, with source material on opposing sides of the topic.
  • evaluate the validity and reliability of both digital and print sources.
  • synthesize and organize information effectively, including usage of digital tools.
  • cite evidence and support claims.
  • present research findings, customizing presentation for the intended audience.

(RAP)C Collaboration

Essential Skill C.e1

Communicate clearly through effective speaking and active listening.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • apply basic understanding of effective public speaking.
  • incorporate visual aids and/or technology when appropriate.
  • describe the characteristics of effective listening, such as eye contact and mirroring.
  • monitor word choice when speaking.
  • identify formal and informal language registers.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • distinguish between effective and ineffective language during interactions.
  • refine usage of non-verbal communication when speaking, including body language and eye contact.
  • demonstrate active listening skills during academic conversations.
  • utilize academic vocabulary when communicating.
  • speak effectively before small groups of peers.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • adjust ineffective verbal and non-verbal communication into effective communication.
  • demonstrate active listening by asking clarifying questions.
  • demonstrate command of grammar when communicating.
  • speak effectively before whole class.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • clearly communicate verbally and non-verbally, including appropriate usage of technology.
  • listen effectively to decipher meaning.
  • demonstrate command of language and grammar usage when communicating.
  • adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks.
Essential Skill C.e2

Work productively and effectively in groups in blended learning environments.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • utilize technology to collaborate with classmates.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • utilize technology to collaborate with classmates and community members.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • utilize technology with the global community to explore topics from multiple perspectives.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • utilize technology as a tool for collaboration both synchronously and asynchronously.

(RAP)O Organization

Essential Skill O.e1

Manage materials using physical and digital organizational systems and routines.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • begin implementing organizational tools (e.g., binders/eBinders, portfolios, or digital folders) that support academic success.
  • create an activity log or tracking system of community extracurricular activities and hours.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • refine usage of organizational tools (e.g., binders/eBinders, portfolios, or digital folders) and systems that support academic success.
  • maintain an activity log or tracking system of community extracurricular activities and hours.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • develop efficient, individualized routines related to using organizational tools and planning strategies to enhance academic performance.
  • reflect on activity log or tracking system of community extracurricular activities and hours.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • routinely utilize organizational systems to access and archive materials efficiently.
Essential Skill O.e2

Manage time to plan and prioritize appropriately.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • explore a variety of organizational formats for calendaring/planning.
  • determine how to utilize time effectively.
  • assess complex assignments and break them into smaller tasks.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • utilize an organizational tool to record obligations and constraints on time.
  • demonstrate the process of backwards mapping.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • understand and demonstrate the concepts and practices of backwards mapping.
  • identify upcoming events to proactively avoid time management conflicts.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • organize and allocate time based on priorities and task completion.
Essential Skill O.e3

Organize information and thinking.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • utilize visual frameworks to organize information.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • apply visual frameworks to organize language and comprehend key concepts.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • manage varied visual frameworks to organize language, and show relationships between key concepts.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • organize information, indicating relationships between ideas.

(RAP)R Reading

Essential Skill R.e1

Deepen understanding of a variety of texts by engaging in the critical reading process.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • determine the characteristics of a quality text in relation to the reading purpose.
  • preview text features.
  • identify prior knowledge that may be relevant to the reading.
  • assess knowledge of academic and content vocabulary words.
  • mark the text to accomplish the reading purpose.                                                                        
  • identify the key components of a text related to the reading purpose.
  • extend beyond the text by applying key learning. 
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • assess if a text is appropriate according to the reading purpose.
  • make predictions about the text using text features.
  • assess relevant prior knowledge and identify gaps.
  • utilize tools to deepen understanding of vocabulary.
  • mark the text to accomplish the reading purpose through the lens of a content expert.
  • extend beyond the text evaluating and synthesizing key learning. 
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • select texts and justify if they meet the reading purpose.
  • build background knowledge related to the text preview.
  • connect vocabulary within texts to broader concepts of the text.
  • create text dependent questions while reading that align with the reading purpose.
  • extend beyond the text analyzing how to best apply key learning.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • select a text according to the reading purpose.
  • preview text to connect with or build background knowledge.
  • examine key academic and content-related vocabulary to deepen comprehension of texts.
  • interact with the text to process information as it is read.
  • extend beyond the text by using academic thinking skills (applying, analyzing, evaluating, and/or synthesizing key learning).


(OK) Opportunity Knowledge logoOpportunity Knowledge

Students research opportunities, set goals, make choices that support their long-term aspirations, and successfully navigate to the next level.

Advancing College Preparedness
Building Career Preparedness
Developing Future Readiness

(OK)ACP Advancing College Preparedness

Essential Skill ACP.e1

Explore education and college path based on personal strengths, skills, and interests.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • identify personal interests and skills related to future college aspirations, such as through an interest inventory.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • define key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to college selection.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • refine key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to college selection.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • develop an awareness of personal abilities, skills and interests related to college selection.

Essential Skill ACP.e2

Explore college admission requirements, including financing, testing, and application.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • know how to determine GPA.
  • develop familiarity with college terminology.
  • classify the various types/categories of colleges.
  • understand scholarships and the role they play in college financing.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • explore the significance of GPA at different stages of the academic journey.
  • explore college options and terminology.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • reflect on their current GPA and how it relates to college selection criteria.
  • compare various college campus structures, services, and opportunities.
  • research and evaluate scholarship offerings (FAFSA).
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • apply understanding of key college selection criteria to academic performance to determine best-fit colleges.
  • understand scholarships and the role they play in college financing.

Essential Skill ACP.e3

Plan education and college path based on personal goals.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • articulate the importance of long-term academic plans as a part of goal setting and achievement.
  • identify what is meant by match schools, reach schools, and safety schools in order to determine the best academic fit during the selection process.
  • understand the different college entrance exams: PSAT, PreACT, SAT, ACT.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • reflect on how academic plans and course completion support progress toward desired major.
  • determine which courses or opportunities align with college goals and plans.
  • explore campus-, district-, or community-based opportunities to earn college credit in high school (dual credit, online learning, etc.).
  • explore match schools, reach schools, and safety schools in order to determine the best academic fit during the selection process.
  • prepare for college entrance exams.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • produce long-term academic plans that align with goals.
  • plan for a successful transition to the next step in the academic journey.
  • gain exposure to pathways offering work opportunities (credentials, certifications, internships, etc.).
  • engage in a variety of information gathering to determine match, reach and safety schools to mitigate summer melt and undermatching during the selection process.
  • determine whether additional test prep and testing is needed to reach scholarships goals.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • plan education and college path aligned to personal goals.
  • complete college admission requirements, including testing and application.

(OK)BCP Building Career Preparedness

Essential Skill BCP.e1

Build awareness of personal fit related to career readiness and selection.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • identify personal interests and skills related to future career aspirations.
  • increase familiarity with career terminology.
  • distinguish between jobs, careers, and career fields.
  • establish initial knowledge around the characteristics that contribute to academic, social, and financial fit.
  • explore the net cost of attending college to inform decisions and budget plans.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • define key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to career selection.
  • explore career fields and career pathways, including what resources and opportunities are available locally.
  • investigate best fit career fields based on academic, social, and financial fit.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • develop an authentic and personal definition of success.
  • refine key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to career selection"
  • gain awareness of how academic performance links to career performance and success.
  • expand thinking of potential career fields by encouraging discovery of a variety of career fields and the opportunities therein.
  • develop knowledge and gain exposure to credentials or post-secondary education needed for career goals.
  • identify best fit career fields based on academic, social, and financial fit to develop short- and long-term career pathways.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • develop an awareness of personal abilities, skills, and interests related to career readiness and career selection.
  • apply understanding of potential careers in areas of personal interest to career goals.
  • develop skills and attitudes related to career readiness.

Essential Skill BPC.e2

Plan education and career path based on personal goals.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • request assistance in selecting career elective courses and pathways that match interests and goals.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • reflect on how academic plans and course completion support progress toward desired career field.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • engage in real-world experiences within career fields of interest, such as service learning projects, job shadowing opportunities, or internship possibilities in career fields of interest.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • plan education and career path aligned to personal goals.

(OK)DFR Developing Future Readiness

Essential Skill DFR.e1

Develop personal financial literacy to make appropriate financial choices.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • establish understanding of concepts and content-specific vocabulary related to personal finance.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • increase awareness and apply basic concepts of budgeting, spending, and making responsible financial decisions.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • create a systematic decision-making model for personal financial decisions and circumstances.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • make appropriate personal financial choices.

Essential Skill DFR.e2

Develop a professional profile and monitor digital footprint.

Grade 6 image link Grade 9 image link

Students can ...

  • identify the benefits of developing a professional profile.
  • discuss what it means to accurately represent yourself online.
Grade 7 image link Grade 10 image link

Students can ...

  • identify the elements of a strong digital profile.
  • identify ways to make the most of social media while still maintaining a responsible digital footprint.
Grade 8 image link Grade 11 image link

Students can ...

  • gather information on interests, experiences, and goals to build a digital profile.
  • identify and address gaps in profile.
  • define "digital reputation" and identify examples of social media posts that can have a positive or negative effect.
Grade 12 image link

Students can ...

  • develop and maintain a professional digital profile to demonstrate skills and competencies.
  • identify ways that digital footprints can make a positive impact on the world.

Intro Archive

AVID Standards

The BPS-S (AVI) AVID Standards course in Learnbps is Bismarck Public School District's current progress on prioritizing and deconstructing standards to provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn. The standards are designed to provide guidance so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help students. Plus help students reflect on the knowledge and skills that they need for success.

Identifier Explanation


The Bismarck Public School District Standards-Based Progress Report displays grades at the concept level. Therefore Bismarck Public School District has modified the AVID Identifiers to fit into our student information system PowerSchool for Standards-Based grading. Above is a AVID-Standards identifier with smaller muted text showing the addition  to the identifier that are the components that BPS adds to the State code.

AVID logo


click on the identifier components for more explanations

AVID grade-specific standards can be identified by their grade and domain.
So that 8.AP for example, stands for Grade 8 and Academic Preparedness with the descriptors.

Standards Global Glossaries glossary icon

Navigation Tips

AVI Book Navigation

Below is a screenshot of the first page of the BPS (AVI) AVID Standards Book.

Press on the H5P interactive hotspots to learn more about how to navigate the book module in Learnbps. A popup will display the header and the explanation.

Note: Fullscreen option 

Grade Levels

AVID Grade Level Navigation

Below is a screenshot of the Grade 7 AVID page of the (AVI) AVID Standards Book.

Press on the H5P interactive hotspots to learn more about how to navigate the book module in Learnbps. A popup will display the header and the explanation.

Note: Fullscreen option 

Grade 6

BPS-S AVI Logo glossary icon6th Grade AVID
"I can ... statements"
(SA) (AP) (OK)

Grade Level LogoIn 6th grade, students apply skills they learned in AVID.


Note: Standards Identifiers auto-link to popup a detailed description with "I can ..." and Proficiency Scales.
Prioritized Sub-Standards Identifiers are highlighted a sky-blue.

 AVI-06.SA Grade 7Student Agency Domain

AVI-06.SA.01: Student Empowerment
AVI-6.SA.01.a  Determine personal interest for extracurricular and community service activities within the school and community
AVI-6.SA.01.b  Gain awareness of extracurricular and community service activities within the school and community
AVI-6.SA.01.c  Evaluate the impact of decisions on others
AVI-6.SA.01.d  Explore the importance of healthy, balanced lifestyles, including aspects such as good sleeping, eating, and exercise habits
AVI-6.SA.01.e  Establish understanding of concepts and content-specific vocabulary related to personal finance
AVI-6.SA.01.f  Identify the characteristics of positive, healthy relationships
AVI-6.SA.01.g  Explore individual peer relationships and identify those that are positive and healthy

AVI-6.SA.01.h  Gain awareness of motivators that positively impact performance
AVI-6.SA.01.i  Self-monitor to diagnose areas of need (e.g., academic, personal, social-emotional)
AVI-6.SA.01.j  Gain awareness of skills that increase mental flexibility
AVI-06.SA.01.k  Explore the relationship between grit and perseverance
AVI-6.SA.01.l  Identify strategies and skills that promote self-awareness
AVI-06.SA.01.m  Identify individual strengths and areas of challenge related to academic skills and performance
AVI-6.SA.01.n  Determine key points from learning experiences
AVI-06.SA.02: Leadership of Others
AVI-6.SA.02.a  Identify traits connected to personal integrity and ethics
AVI-6.SA.02.b  Identify leadership opportunities and positions in the school and community
AVI-6.SA.02.c  Determine formal and informal leadership opportunities that could be pursued
AVI-6.SA.02.d  Select tools to analyze a conflict and identify a positive solution
AVI-6.SA.02.e  Classify passive, assertive, and aggressive statements

AVI-06.AP Grade 7Academic Preparedness Domain

AVI-06.AP.01: Writing
AVI-06.AP.01.a  Develop writing skills related to argumentative and narrative modes of writing
AVI-6.AP.01.b  Plan and structure writing based on the mode (descriptive, narrative, expository, argumentative)
AVI-6.AP.01.c  Draft initial writing
AVI-6.AP.01.d  Analyze a writing task by identifying key vocabulary and audience
AVI-6.AP.01.e  Gather and analyze feedback from peers and instructors
AVI-6.AP.01.f  Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
AVI-6.AP.01.g  Analyze the organizational structure of writing
AVI-6.AP.01.h  Publish writing to a small group audience within the classroom, such as a formal written paper
AVI-06.AP.01.i Take notes with an emphasis on identifying and recording the note-taking objective and/or Essential Question
AVI-06.AP.01.j  Take notes with an emphasis on setting up notes, including all required components
AVI-06.AP.01.k  Summarize by pulling together the most important information related to the objective and/or Essential Question

AVI-06.AP.02: Inquiry
AVI-06.AP.02.a  Create questions based on Costa’s Levels of Thinking
AVI-6.AP.02.b  Identify misunderstood concepts or problems
AVI-6.AP.02.c  Determine the steps/process that led to a solution
AVI-6.AP.02.d  Reflect on learning to make connections between new learning and previous learning
AVI-6.AP.02.e  Reflect on learning strategies that were employed and whether those strategies were effective
AVI-6.AP.02.f  Identify processes that are used
AVI-6.AP.02.g  Reflect on a process that was used and whether that process was effective
AVI-06.AP.02.h  Analyze a research prompt
AVI-6.AP.02.i  Locate sources that are relevant to the topic and support the purpose of the research assignment
AVI-6.AP.02.j  Distinguish between primary and secondary sources
AVI-6.AP.02.k  Plan and structure the writing based on the research prompt
AVI-6.AP.02.l  Integrate quotations and references to texts, using proper citations
AVI-06.AP.02.m  Publish research to a small group audience within the classroom, such as a formal written paper

AVI-06.AP.03: Collaboration
AVI-6.AP.03.a  Establish norms and expectations around shared responsibility among group members
AVI-6.AP.03.b  Establish norms and expectations around appreciating diversity among group members
AVI-06.AP.03.c  Develop a foundational familiarity and comfort with classmates
AVI-6.AP.03.d  Identify respectful and disrespectful actions of self and others
AVI-6.AP.03.e  Check group members’ level of understanding
AVI-6.AP.03.f  Utilize technology to collaborate with classmates
AVI-06.AP.03.g  Apply basic understanding of effective public speaking
AVI-06.AP.03.h  Incorporate visual aids and/or technology when appropriate
AVI-6.AP.03.i  Describe the characteristics of effective listening, such as eye contact and mirroring
AVI-6.AP.03.j  Monitor word choice when speaking
AVI-6.AP.03.k  Identify formal and informal language registers

AVI-06.AP.04: Organization
AVI-06.AP.04.a  Begin implementing organizational tools that support academic success
AVI-6.AP.04.b  Create an activity log or tracking system for community extracurricular activities and hours
AVI-06.AP.04.c  Explore a variety of organizational formats for calendaring/planning
AVI-6.AP.04.d  Determine how to use time effectively
AVI-6.AP.04.e  Assess complex assignments and break them into smaller tasks
AVI-06.AP.04.f  Set personal, academic, and career goals
AVI-6.AP.04.g  Monitor progress toward goals
AVI-6.AP.04.h  Utilize visual frameworks to organize information

AVI-06.AP.05: Reading
AVI-6.AP.05.a  Determine the characteristics of a high-quality text in relation to the reading purpose
AVI-6.AP.05.b  Preview text features
AVI-6.AP.05.c  Identify prior knowledge that may be relevant to the reading
AVI-6.AP.05.d  Assess knowledge of academic and content-specific vocabulary words
AVI-06.AP.05.e  Mark the text to accomplish the reading purpose
AVI-6.AP.05.f  Identify the key components of a text related to the reading purpose
AVI-06.AP.05.g  Extend beyond the text by applying key learning

 AVI-06.OK Grade 7Opportunity Knowledge Domain

AVI-06.OK.01: Advancing College Preparedness
AVI-6.OK.01.a  Identify personal interests and skills related to future college aspirations, such as through an interest inventory
AVI-06.OK.01.b  Know how to determine GPA
AVI-06.OK.01.c  Develop familiarity with college terminology
AVI-6.OK.01.d  Classify the various types of colleges
AVI-6.OK.01.e  Understand scholarships and the role they play in college financing
AVI-6.OK.01.f  Articulate the importance of long-term academic plans as a part of goal setting and achievement
AVI-6.OK.01.g  Identify what is meant by match schools, reach schools, and safety schools in order to determine the best academic fit during the selection process
AVI-06.OK.02: Building Career Knowledge
AVI-06.OK.02.a  Identify personal interests and skills related to future career aspirations
AVI-6.OK.02.b  Increase familiarity with career terminology
AVI-6.OK.02.c  Distinguish between jobs, careers, and career fields
AVI-6.OK.02.d  Establish initial knowledge around the characteristics that contribute to academic, social, and financial fit
AVI-6.OK.02.e  Explore the net cost of attending college to inform decisions and budget plans
AVI-6.OK.02.f  Request assistance in selecting career elective courses and pathways that match interests and goals.

Grade 7

BPS-S AVI Logo glossary icon7th Grade AVID
"I can ... statements"
(SA) (AP) (OK)

Grade Level LogoIn 7th grade, students apply skills they learned in AVID.


Note: Standards Identifiers auto-link to popup a detailed description with "I can ..." and Proficiency Scales.
Prioritized Sub-Standards Identifiers are highlighted a sky-blue.

 AVI-07.SA Grade 7Student Agency Domain

AVI-07.SA.01: Student Empowerment
AVI-7.SA.01.a Explore and experience extracurricular and community service activities within the school and community
AVI-7.SA.01.b Evaluate the impact of decisions on the environment
AVI-7.SA.01.c Identify activities that assist with self-care and healthy habits
AVI-07.SA.01.d Identify areas that need attention and develop goals to address those areas
AVI-7.SA.01.e Increase awareness and apply basic concepts of budgeting, spending, and making responsible financial decisions
AVI-7.SA.01.f Develop a support network that includes peers and adults for academic and future success

AVI-7.SA.01.g Explore how individual motivators and self-monitoring of motivation impact academic performance
AVI-7.SA.01.h Seek help related to areas of need
AVI-07.SA.01.i Determine personal levels of grit and perseverance in relation to growth mindset
AVI-07.SA.01.j Establish self-awareness strategies and skills, including SLANT
AVI-7.SA.01.k Make connections between key learning points and new contexts
AVI-07.SA.02: Leadership of Others
AVI-7.SA.02.a Identify traits connected to responsibility, integrity, and ethical interactions with others
AVI-7.SA.02.b Pursue leadership opportunities across the school
AVI-7.SA.02.c Identify personal conflict-management style
AVI-07.SA.02.d Transform passive and aggressive statements into constructive, assertive statements

AVI-07.AP Grade 7Academic Preparedness Domain

AVI-07.AP.01: Writing
AVI-07.AP.01.a Develop writing skills related to descriptive and expository modes of writing
AVI-7.AP.01.b Generate multiple ideas that support, explain, or enhance the writing topic or theme
AVI-7.AP.01.c Compose first drafts using ideas and information gathered during pre-writing
AVI-07.AP.01.d Analyze a writing task to determine the purpose, format/style, and audience
AVI-7.AP.01.e Write multiple drafts with increasing depth based on feedback and observations
AVI-7.AP.01.f Analyze and edit sentence structure to create interest and complexity
AVI-07.AP.01.g Publish writing to entire class, such as an oral presentation
AVI-07.AP.01.h Take notes with an emphasis on recording main ideas and important information
AVI-7.AP.01.i Take notes with an emphasis on condensing information by using abbreviations/symbols/paraphrasing
AVI-7.AP.01.j Summarize by pulling together the most important information and personal connections related to the objective and/or Essential Question

AVI-07.AP.02: Inquiry
AVI-7.AP.02.a Develop inquiry skills through focused observation and analysis
AVI-07.AP.02.b Identify the specific point of confusion related to a misunderstood concept or problem
AVI-7.AP.02.c Determine whether similar problems could be solved using the same steps/process
AVI-7.AP.02.d Reflect on learning to make connections between new learning and previous experiences
AVI-7.AP.02.e Reflect on learning strategies that were employed, whether those strategies were effective, and how methods could be adjusted in the future
AVI-7.AP.02.f Reflect on a process that was used, whether that process was effective, and how methods could be adjusted in the future
AVI-7.AP.02.g Brainstorm ideas for research topics to address a research prompt
AVI-7.AP.02.h Determine the relevance, validity, and reliability of information found within sources
AVI-07.AP.02.i Organize information, sources, and data that support the research prompt
AVI-7.AP.02.j Integrate quotations to support claims, citing locations and references for texts
AVI-07.AP.02.k Publish research to entire class, such as an oral presentation

AVI-07.AP.03: Collaboration
AVI-7.AP.03.a Hold self and peers accountable for following group norms about shared responsibility
AVI-7.AP.03.b Summarize points of agreement and disagreement from varying perspectives
AVI-7.AP.03.c Deepen relational capacity with classmates through effective conflict management
AVI-7.AP.03.d Establish norms and expectations around respectful interactions among group members
AVI-07.AP.03.e Ask clarifying questions to group members to facilitate understanding
AVI-7.AP.03.f Utilize technology to collaborate with classmates and community members
AVI-07.AP.03.g Distinguish between effective and ineffective language during interactions
AVI-07.AP.03.h Refine usage of nonverbal communication when speaking, including body language and eye contact
AVI-07.AP.03.i Demonstrate active listening skills during academic conversations
AVI-7.AP.03.j Utilize academic vocabulary when communicating
AVI-07.AP.03.k Speak effectively before small groups of peers

AVI-07.AP.04: Organization
AVI-07.AP.04.a Refine usage of organizational tools and systems that support academic success
AVI-7.AP.04.b Maintain an activity log or tracking system for community extracurricular activities and hours
AVI-07.AP.04.c Utilize an organizational tool to record obligations and constraints on time
AVI-7.AP.04.d Demonstrate the process of backward mapping
AVI-07.AP.04.e Identify the steps necessary to accomplish goals
AVI-7.AP.04.f Identify reasons for why progress is or isn’t being made toward accomplishing goals
AVI-7.AP.04.g Apply visual frameworks to organize language and comprehend key concepts

AVI-07.AP.05: Reading
AVI-7.AP.05.a Assess whether a text is appropriate according to the reading purpose
AVI-7.AP.05.b Make predictions about the text using text features
AVI-7.AP.05.c Assess relevant prior knowledge and identify gaps
AVI-7.AP.05.d Utilize tools to deepen understanding of vocabulary
AVI-07.AP.04.e Mark the text to accomplish the reading purpose through the lens of a content expert
AVI-07.AP.05.f Extend beyond the text by evaluating and synthesizing key learning

 AVI-07.OK Grade 7Opportunity Knowledge Domain

AVI-07.OK.01: Advancing College Preparedness
AVI-7.OK.01.a Define key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to college selection
AVI-07.OK.01.b Explore the significance of GPA at different stages of the academic journey
AVI-07.OK.01.c Explore college options and terminology
AVI-7.OK.01.d Evaluate personal level of readiness for scholarship eligibility
AVI-7.OK.01.e Reflect on how academic plans and course completion support progress toward desired major
AVI-07.OK.01.f Determine which courses or opportunities align with college goals and plans
AVI-7.OK.01.g Explore campus-, district-, or community-based opportunities to earn college credit in high school (dual credit, online learning, etc.)
AVI-7.OK.01.h Explore match schools, reach schools, and safety schools in order to determine the best academic fit during the selection process
AVI-07.OK.01.i Prepare for college entrance exams
AVI-07.OK.02: Building Career Knowledge
AVI-7.OK.02.a - Define key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to career selection
AVI-07.OK.02.b - Explore career fields and career pathways, including what resources and opportunities are available locally
AVI-07.OK.02.c - Investigate best-fit career fields based on academic, social, and financial fit
AVI-7.OK.02.d - Reflect on how academic plans and course completion support progress toward desired career field

Grade 8

BPS-S AVI Logo glossary icon8th Grade AVID
"I can ... statements"
(SA) (AP) (OK)

Grade Level LogoIn 8th grade, students apply skills they learned in AVID.


Note: Standards Identifiers auto-link to popup a detailed description with "I can ..." and Proficiency Scales.
Prioritized Sub-Standards Identifiers are highlighted a sky-blue.

 AVI-08.SA Grade 6Student Agency Domain

AVI-08.SA.01: Student Empowerment
AVI-8.SA.01.a Explore and pursue leadership opportunities in extracurricular and community service activities within the school and local and/or global community
AVI-8.SA.01.b Evaluate the impact of decisions on the world
AVI-8.SA.01.c Effectively manage stress and anxiety levels, including areas such as test preparation and test taking
AVI-8.SA.01.d Create a systematic decision-making model for personal financial decisions and circumstances
AVI-8.SA.01.e Maintain a strong support network for academic and career success
AVI-8.SA.01.f Identify mentors to influence, support, and guide future transitions and success
AVI-8.SA.01.g Apply strategies to support motivation, especially when lacking intrinsic motivation
AVI-8.SA.01.h Strengthen ability to self-advocate related to areas of need
AVI-8.SA.01.i Leverage support network to assist with areas of need
AVI-8.SA.01.j Reflect on current status and skills to strengthen mental flexibility now and in the future
AVI-8.SA.01.k Recognize and overcome obstacles that could hinder future success
AVI-08.SA.01.l Apply self-awareness strategies and skills with a variety of academic challenges
AVI-8.SA.01.m Employ key learning points in real-world applications
AVI-08.SA.02: Leadership of Others
AVI-8.SA.02.a Assess personal traits connected to integrity and ethical leadership
AVI-8.SA.02.b Pursue leadership and/or mentorship opportunities in the school and community
AVI-8.SA.02.c Reflect on conflict situations to strengthen ability to deal with the emotions that accompany conflict in leadership roles

AVI-08.AP Grade 6Academic Preparedness Domain

AVI-08.AP.01: Writing
AVI-08.AP.01.a Develop writing skills related to timed, argumentative, and descriptive modes of writing
AVI-8.AP.01.b Gather information related to the writing prompt to generate a bank of resources and information
AVI-8.AP.01.c Compose first drafts with a focus on establishing a clear purpose for the writing
AVI-08.AP.01.d Utilize inquiry strategies to develop additional questions as needed
AVI-8.AP.01.e Independently create and execute a plan for the revision process
AVI-8.AP.01.f Analyze the language of writing and edit for voice, flow, and clarity
AVI-8.AP.01.g Publish writing to an audience outside of the classroom, such as an online forum
AVI-08.AP.01.h Take notes with an emphasis on selecting the appropriate format for note-taking based on the note-taking objective
AVI-8.AP.01.i Take notes with an emphasis on using strategies to organize notes (e.g., indentation, bullets, outlines, skipping lines, color-coding)
AVI-08.AP.01.j Reflect on how notes help to meet the learning objective and contribute to academic and personal success
AVI-08.AP.02: Inquiry
AVI-08.AP.02.a Use questioning techniques to think critically about content and concepts
AVI-08.AP.02.b Generate questions based on a misunderstood concept or problem
AVI-8.AP.02.c Determine modifications to the process that would be needed to solve similar problems
AVI-8.AP.02.d Reflect on learning to make connections between new learning and the broader world
AVI-8.AP.02.e Reflect throughout learning on progress and continually adjust actions on major tasks or assignments
AVI-08.AP.02.f Reflect throughout a process on progress and continually adjust actions
AVI-8.AP.02.g Develop research questions/claim statements that effectively address the research prompt
AVI-8.AP.02.h Determine the perspective, validity, and reliability of information found within sources with the use of multiple sources (such as books, articles, and websites)
AVI-8.AP.02.i Synthesize information, sources, and data that support the research prompt
AVI-08.AP.02.j Construct written claims and support them with reasoning and evidence
AVI-8.AP.02.k Publish research to an audience outside of the classroom
AVI-08.AP.03: Collaboration
AVI-8.AP.03.a Negotiate roles within a collaborative group through the adoption of effective elements of collaboration
AVI-08.AP.03.b Integrate multiple perspectives into group products
AVI-08.AP.03.c Deepen relational capacity through the creation of novel ideas and solutions
AVI-08.AP.03.d Interact with peers in complex situations while maintaining a focus on respect, trust, and empathy
AVI-8.AP.03.e Support all group members’ understanding of key concepts
AVI-8.AP.03.f Utilize technology to connect to the global community and to explore topics from multiple perspectives
AVI-08.AP.03.g Adjust ineffective verbal and nonverbal communication into effective communication
AVI-08.AP.03.h Demonstrate active listening by asking clarifying questions
AVI-8.AP.03.i Demonstrate command of grammar when communicating
AVI-08.AP.03.j Speak effectively before the whole class
AVI-08.AP.04: Organization
AVI-08.AP.04.a Develop efficient, individualized routines related to using organizational tools and planning strategies to enhance academic performance
AVI-8.AP.04.b Reflect on the use of an activity log or tracking system for community extracurricular activities and hours
AVI-8.AP.04.c Understand and demonstrate the concepts and practices of backward mapping
AVI-08.AP.04.d Identify upcoming events to proactively avoid time-management conflicts
AVI-08.AP.04.e Create short- and mid-range goals that support achievement of long-term goals
AVI-8.AP.04.f Modify goals and actions appropriately based on progress
AVI-8.AP.04.g Manage varied visual frameworks to organize language and show relationships between key concepts
AVI-08.AP.05: Reading
AVI-8.AP.05.a Select texts and justify how they meet the reading purpose
AVI-8.AP.05.b Build background knowledge related to the text preview
AVI-08.AP.05.c Connect vocabulary within texts to broader concepts in the text
AVI-08.AP.05.d Create text-dependent questions while reading that align with the reading purpose
AVI-08.AP.05.e Extend beyond the text by analyzing how to best apply key learning

AVI-08.OK Grade 6Opportunity Knowledge Domain

AVI-08.OK.01: Advancing College Preparedness
AVI-8.OK.1.a Refine key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to college selection
AVI-08.OK.01.b Reflect on current GPA and how it relates to choosing a college and career path
AVI-08.OK.01.c Compare various college campus structures, services, and opportunities
AVI-8.OK.1.d Research and evaluate scholarship offerings, including FAFSA
AVI-08.OK.01.e Produce long-term academic plans that align with goals
AVI-08.OK.01.f Plan for a successful transition to the next step in the academic journey
AVI-8.OK.1.g Gain exposure to pathways offering work opportunities (credentials, certifications, internships, etc.)
AVI-8.OK.1.h Engage in information gathering to determine match, reach, and safety schools in order to mitigate “summer melt” and under matching during the selection process
AVI-8.OK.1.i Determine whether additional test prep and testing is needed to reach scholarships goals
AVI-08.OK.02: Building Career Knowledge
AVI-08.OK.02.a Develop an authentic and personal definition of success
AVI-08.OK.02.b Refine key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to career selection
AVI-8.OK.2.c Gain awareness of how academic performance links to career performance and success
AVI-08.OK.02.d Expand thinking about potential career fields by encouraging discovery of a variety of career fields and the opportunities therein
AVI-8.OK.2.e Develop knowledge and gain exposure to transitional phases related to work life
AVI-08.OK.02.f Identify best-fit career fields based on academic, social, and financial fit to develop short- and long-term career pathways
AVI-8.OK.2.g Engage in real-world experiences within career fields of interest, such as service learning projects, job-shadowing opportunities, or internship possibilities.


What Students Need

AVID students receive intentional support and mentoring in three major areas that help them become confident individuals who can successfully navigate life and career:
Student Agency
AVID Student Agency Logo
Students believe in and activate their own potential, build relationships, persist through obstacles, and exercise their academic, social, emotional, and professional knowledge and skills.
Academic Preparedness
AVID-(AP) icon
Students have the academic skills and can successfully complete rigorous college and career preparatory curriculum and experiences.
Opportunity Knowledge
AVID-(OK) Opportunity Knowledge
Students research opportunities, set goals, make choices that support their long-term aspirations, and successfully navigate transitions to the next level.

AVID Frame Navigation

Below is a screenshot of the Student Agency AVID page of the (AVI) AVID Standards Book.

Press on the H5P interactive hotspots to learn more about how to navigate the book module in Learnbps. A popup will display the header and the explanation.

Note: Fullscreen option 


  MS Grade Level logo Student Empowerment

6th Grade AVI-06.SA.01

AVI-06.SA.01.k Explore the relationship between grit and perseverance
AVI-06.SA.01.m Identify individual strengths and areas of challenge related to academic skills and performance

7th Grade AVI-07.SA.01

AVI-07.SA.01.d Identify areas that need attention and develop goals to address those areas
AVI-07.SA.01.i Determine personal levels of grit and perseverance in relation to growth mindset
AVI-07.SA.01.j Establish self-awareness strategies and skills, including SLANT

7th Grade AVI-08.SA.01

AVI-08.SA.01.l Apply self-awareness strategies and skills with a variety of academic challenges

  MS Grade Level logo Leadership of Others

6th Grade AVI-06.SA.02

No Sub-Standards Identified

7th Grade AVI-07.SA.02

AVI-07.SA.02.d Transform passive and aggressive statements into constructive, assertive statements

7th Grade AVI-08.SA.02

No Sub-Standards Identified


  MS Grade Level logo Writing

6th Grade AVI-06.AP.01

AVI-06.AP.01.a Develop writing skills related to argumentative and narrative modes of writing
AVI-06.AP.01.i Take notes with an emphasis on identifying and recording the note-taking objective and/or Essential Question
AVI-06.AP.01.j Take notes with an emphasis on setting up notes, including all required components
AVI-06.AP.01.k Summarize by pulling together the most important information related to the objective and/or Essential Question

7th Grade AVI-07.AP.01

AVI-07.AP.01.a Develop writing skills related to descriptive and expository modes of writing
AVI-07.AP.01.d Analyze a writing task to determine the purpose, format/style, and audience
AVI-07.AP.01.g Publish writing to entire class, such as an oral presentation
AVI-07.AP.01.h Take notes with an emphasis on recording main ideas and important information

7th Grade AVI-08.AP.01

AVI-08.AP.01.a Develop writing skills related to timed, argumentative, and descriptive modes of writing
AVI-08.AP.01.d Utilize inquiry strategies to develop additional questions as needed
AVI-08.AP.01.h Take notes with an emphasis on selecting the appropriate format for note-taking based on the note-taking objective
AVI-08.AP.01.j Reflect on how notes help to meet the learning objective and contribute to academic and personal success

  MS Grade Level logo Inquiry

6th Grade AVI-06.AP.02

AVI-06.AP.02.a Create questions based on Costa’s Levels of Thinking
AVI-06.AP.02.h Analyze a research prompt
AVI-06.AP.02.m Publish research to a small group audience within the classroom, such as a formal written paper

7th Grade AVI-07.AP.02

AVI-07.AP.02.b Identify the specific point of confusion related to a misunderstood concept or problem
AVI-07.AP.02.i Organize information, sources, and data that support the research prompt
AVI-07.AP.02.k Publish research to entire class, such as an oral presentation

7th Grade AVI-08.AP.02

AVI-08.AP.02.a Use questioning techniques to think critically about content and concepts
AVI-08.AP.02.b Generate questions based on a misunderstood concept or problem
AVI-08.AP.02.f Reflect throughout a process on progress and continually adjust actions
AVI-08.AP.02.j Construct written claims and support them with reasoning and evidence

  MS Grade Level logo Collaboration

6th Grade AVI-06.AP.03

AVI-06.AP.03.c Develop a foundational familiarity and comfort with classmates
AVI-06.AP.03.g Apply basic understanding of effective public speaking
AVI-06.AP.03.h Incorporate visual aids and/or technology when appropriate

7th Grade AVI-07.AP.03

AVI-07.AP.03.e Ask clarifying questions to group members to facilitate understanding
AVI-07.AP.03.g Distinguish between effective and ineffective language during interactions
AVI-07.AP.03.h Refine usage of nonverbal communication when speaking, including body language and eye contact
AVI-07.AP.03.i Demonstrate active listening skills during academic conversations
AVI-07.AP.03.k Speak effectively before small groups of peers

7th Grade AVI-08.AP.03

AVI-08.AP.03.b Integrate multiple perspectives into group products
AVI-08.AP.03.c Deepen relational capacity through the creation of novel ideas and solutions
AVI-08.AP.03.d Interact with peers in complex situations while maintaining a focus on respect, trust, and empathy
AVI-08.AP.03.g Adjust ineffective verbal and nonverbal communication into effective communication
AVI-08.AP.03.h Demonstrate active listening by asking clarifying questions
AVI-08.AP.03.j Speak effectively before the whole class

  MS Grade Level logo Organization

6th Grade AVI-06.AP.04

AVI-06.AP.04.a Begin implementing organizational tools that support academic success
AVI-06.AP.04.c Explore a variety of organizational formats for calendaring/planning
AVI-06.AP.04.f Set personal, academic, and career goals

7th Grade AVI-07.AP.04

AVI-07.AP.04.a Refine usage of organizational tools and systems that support academic success
AVI-07.AP.04.c Utilize an organizational tool to record obligations and constraints on time
AVI-07.AP.04.e Identify the steps necessary to accomplish goals

7th Grade AVI-08.AP.04

AVI-08.AP.04.a Develop efficient, individualized routines related to using organizational tools and planning strategies to enhance academic performance
AVI-08.AP.04.d Identify upcoming events to proactively avoid time-management conflicts
AVI-08.AP.04.e Create short- and mid-range goals that support achievement of long-term goals

  MS Grade Level logo Reading

6th Grade AVI-06.AP.05

AVI-06.AP.05.e Mark the text to accomplish the reading purpose
AVI-06.AP.05.g Extend beyond the text by applying key learning

7th Grade AVI-07.AP.05

AVI-07.AP.05.e Mark the text to accomplish the reading purpose through the lens of a content expert
AVI-07.AP.05.f Extend beyond the text by evaluating and synthesizing key learning

7th Grade AVI-08.AP.05

AVI-08.AP.05.c Connect vocabulary within texts to broader concepts in the text
AVI-08.AP.05.d Create text-dependent questions while reading that align with the reading purpose
AVI-08.AP.05.e Extend beyond the text by analyzing how to best apply key learning


  MS Grade Level logo Advancing College Preparedness

6th Grade AVI-06.OK.01

AVI-06.OK.01.b Know how to determine GPA
AVI-06.OK.01.c Develop familiarity with college terminology

7th Grade AVI-07.OK.01

AVI-07.OK.01.b Explore the significance of GPA at different stages of the academic journey
AVI-07.OK.01.c Explore college options and terminology
AVI-07.OK.01.f Determine which courses or opportunities align with college goals and plans
AVI-07.OK.01.i Prepare for college entrance exams

7th Grade AVI-08.OK.01

AVI-08.OK.01.b Reflect on current GPA and how it relates to choosing a college and career path
AVI-08.OK.01.c Compare various college campus structures, services, and opportunities
AVI-08.OK.01.e Produce long-term academic plans that align with goals
AVI-08.OK.01.f Plan for a successful transition to the next step in the academic journey

  MS Grade Level logo Building Career Knowledge

6th Grade AVI-06.OK.02

AVI-06.OK.02.a Identify personal interests and skills related to future career aspirations

7th Grade AVI-07.OK.02

AVI-07.OK.02.b Explore career fields and career pathways, including what resources and opportunities are available locally
AVI-07.OK.02.c Investigate best-fit career fields based on academic, social, and financial fit

7th Grade AVI-08.OK.02

AVI-08.OK.02.a Develop an authentic and personal definition of success
AVI-08.OK.02.b Refine key personal attributes for academic, social, and financial fit related to career selection
AVI-08.OK.02.d Expand thinking about potential career fields by encouraging discovery of a variety of career fields and the opportunities therein
AVI-08.OK.02.f Identify best-fit career fields based on academic, social, and financial fit to develop short- and long-term career pathways