ELA Strands

(IR) Inquiry and Research


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ELA (IR) Inquiry and Research Strand Icon(IR) Inquiry and Research

Learners will pose and revise complex questions, identify and connect pertinent information, plan and prepare an inquiry process, and arrive at a plausible conclusion or solution.


Select and Develop Research
Locate and Select Information
Organize Research Results
Determine Credibility and Evaluate Sources
Citing Sources
ELA-02.IR.02 ELA-02.IR.03

3rd ELA-03.IR.01 ELA-03.IR.02 ELA-03.IR.03 ELA-03.IR.04
4th ELA-04.IR.01 ELA-04.IR.02 ELA-04.IR.03 ELA-04.IR.04 ELA-04.IR.05
5th ELA-05.IR.01 ELA-05.IR.02 ELA-05.IR.03 ELA-05.IR.04 ELA-05.IR.05
6th ELA-06.IR.01 ELA-06.IR.02 ELA-06.IR.03 ELA-06.IR.04 ELA-06.IR.05
7th ELA-07.IR.01 ELA-07.IR.02 ELA-07.IR.03 ELA-07.IR.04 ELA-07.IR.05
8th ELA-08.IR.01 ELA-08.IR.02 ELA-08.IR.03 ELA-08.IR.04 ELA-08.IR.05
9th ELA-09.IR.01 ELA-09.IR.02 ELA-09.IR.03 ELA-09.IR.04 ELA-09.IR.05
10th ELA-10.IR.01 ELA-10.IR.02 ELA-10.IR.03 ELA-10.IR.04 ELA-10.IR.05
11th ELA-11.IR.01 ELA-11.IR.02 ELA-11.IR.03 ELA-11.IR.04 ELA-11.IR.05
12th ELA-12.IR.01 ELA-12.IR.02 ELA-12.IR.03 ELA-12.IR.04 ELA-12.IR.05

(S1) Select a Research Topic and Develop Research Question(s)

  • Standard IR.01: (begins in third grade)
    • ELA-03.IR.01    Choose a topic of interest to research.
    • ELA-04.IR.01    Choose a topic of interest and develop several questions about it for research.
    • ELA-05.IR.01    Choose a topic of interest and develop a focus question for research.
    • ELA-06.IR.01    Develop a research question based on a given topic, problem, or need.
    • ELA-07.IR.01    Develop a research question based on a given topic, problem, or need.
    • ELA-08.IR.01    Develop research questions based on self-generated topics, problems, or needs.
    • ELA-09.IR.01    Develop pertinent research questions and narrow or broaden the inquiry.
    • ELA-10.IR.01    Develop pertinent research questions and narrow or broaden the inquiry.
    • ELA-11.IR.01    Develop complex, pertinent research questions and narrow or broaden the inquiry.
    • ELA-12.IR.01    Develop complex, pertinent research questions and narrow or broaden the inquiry.

(S2) Locate and Select Information

  • Standard IR.02: (begins in second grade)
    • ELA-02.IR.02    Locate important information on a topic in a provided source during a shared or interactive experience.
    • ELA-03.IR.02    Locate relevant information on a topic from a provided credible source or database.
    • ELA-04.IR.02    Locate relevant information on a topic from a provided credible source or database.
    • ELA-05.IR.02    Locate relevant information from a pair of provided, credible sources.
    • ELA-06.IR.02    Locate relevant information from a provided set of credible sources.
    • ELA-07.IR.02    Locate relevant information from a variety of credible sources.
    • ELA-08.IR.02    Gather and interpret relevant information for a variety of purposes.
    • ELA-09.IR.02    Gather and interpret relevant information from primary and secondary sources for a variety of purposes.
    • ELA-10.IR.02    Gather and interpret relevant information from primary and secondary sources for a variety of purposes.
    • ELA-11.IR.02    Gather and interpret relevant information, from both primary and secondary sources, for a variety of purposes.
    • ELA-12.IR.02    Gather and interpret relevant information, from both primary and secondary sources, for a variety of purposes.

(S3) Organize Research Results

  • Standard IR.03: (begins in second grade)
    • ELA-02.IR.03    Use organizational tools to track information from a provided pair of sources relevant to a topic in a shared or interactive experience.
    • ELA-03.IR.03    Use organizational tools to track information from a provided credible source relevant to a topic.
    • ELA-04.IR.03    Use organizational tools and a notetaking strategy to track relevant information from a provided credible source on a topic.
    • ELA-05.IR.03    Use organizational tools and notetaking strategies to track relevant information from a provided pair of credible sources on a topic.
    • ELA-06.IR.03    Organize main concepts from provided sources using a given notetaking strategy.
    • ELA-07.IR.03    Organize main concepts from provided and self-selected sources using given and self-generated notetaking strategies.
    • ELA-08.IR.03    Organize main concepts from a variety of sources using multiple notetaking strategies.
    • ELA-09.IR.03    Organize relevant information from a variety of sources.
    • ELA-10.IR.03    Organize relevant information from a variety of sources.
    • ELA-11.IR.03    Organize relevant information from a variety of sources.
    • ELA-12.IR.03    Organize relevant information from a variety of sources.

(S4) Determining Credibility and Evaluating Sources

  • Standard IR.04: (begins in third grade)
    • ELA-03.IR.04    Identify a fact or an opinion based on information provided by the author.
    • ELA-04.IR.04    Determine a fact or opinion based on information provided by the author.
    • ELA-05.IR.04    Identify facts and multiple perspectives from credible sources.
    • ELA-06.IR.04    Analyze information from credible sources considering multiple perspectives.
    • ELA-07.IR.04    Analyze information from credible sources considering multiple perspectives and identifying biases.
    • ELA-08.IR.04    Analyze the credibility of a source based on bias, perspective, and purpose.
    • ELA-09.IR.04    Evaluate the credibility of a source based on bias, perspective, and purpose.
    • ELA-10.IR.04    Evaluate the credibility of a source based on bias, perspective, and purpose.
    • ELA-11.IR.04    Evaluate the credibility of a source based on bias, argumentative reasoning, perspective, and purpose.
    • ELA-12.IR.04    Evaluate the credibility of a source based on bias, argumentative reasoning, perspective, and purpose.

(S5) Citing Sources

  • Standard IR.05: (begins in fourth grade)
    • ELA-04.IR.05    Cite and reference sources with a bibliography page using an approved citation format to avoid plagiarism.
    • ELA-05.IR.05    Cite and reference sources with a bibliography page using an approved citation format to avoid plagiarism.
    • ELA-06.IR.05    Integrate information from sources using a standardized format.
    • ELA-07.IR.05    Integrate information from sources using a standardized format.
    • ELA-08.IR.05    Integrate information from sources using a standardized format.
    • ELA-09.IR.05    Integrate information from sources using a standardized format.
    • ELA-10.IR.05    Integrate information from sources using a standardized format.
    • ELA-11.IR.05    Integrate information from sources using a standardized format.
    • ELA-12.IR.05    Integrate information from sources using a standardized format.