CRP Introducation

Technical Skills

(BPS) CRP logoBPS_CRP-MS.02 | BPS_CRP-HS.02 Technical Skills

Apply Appropriate Academic and Technical Skills

Career-ready individuals readily access and use the knowledge and skills acquired through experience and education to be more productive. They make connections between abstract concepts with real-world applications and they make correct insights about when it is appropriate to apply the use of an academic skill in a workplace situation.

Individual Competences


Not Yet Reached







CRP LogoMath skills
Demonstrate mathematics skills by using mathematical reasoning to accomplish tasks.

Does not understand how to apply mathematical reasoning and processes to accomplish job- specific tasks. (e.g., using geometry and algebra to complete career computations).

Uses mathematical reasoning and processes to accomplish job- specific tasks with occasional errors. (e.g., using geometry and algebra to complete career computations).

Correctly uses mathematical reasoning and processes to accomplish job- specific tasks with occasional aid. (e.g., using geometry and algebra to complete career computations).

Correctly uses mathematical reasoning and processes to accomplish job- specific tasks without aid (e.g., using geometry and algebra to complete career computations).

CRP LogoUsing past knowledge
Demonstrate resourcefulness by contributing new ideas and working with initiative.

Rarely contributes new and innovative ideas as previous skills and resources are not developed enough.

Contributes some new and innovative ideas based on known resources and skills.

Often contributes new and innovative ideas based on known and reliable resources and skills.

Appropriately contributes new and innovative ideas based on known and reliable resources and skills with great effect.

CRP LogoReading and interpreting
Demonstrate effective reading skills by interpreting workplace documents.

Incorrectly reads, interprets, and applies workplace documents (e.g., instructional manuals, work orders, invoices, memorandums).

Sometimes reads, misinterprets, and misapplies workplace documents (e.g., instructional manuals, work orders, invoices, memorandums).

Reads, interprets, and applies workplace documents (e.g., instructional manuals, work orders, invoices, memorandums).

Correctly reads, interprets, and applies workplace documents with ease (e.g., instructional manuals, work orders, invoices, memorandums).

CRP LogoWriting
Demonstrate effective writing skills by interpreting workplace documents and writing clearly.

The document produced is unclear, often using incorrect language, and with general misunderstanding of the intended audience.

The document produced is usually clearly written, sometimes using incorrect language, and with general understanding of the intended audience.

Writes clearly, often using correct language, and understands the intended audience of a document produced.

Consistently writes clearly, uses correct language, and understands the intended audience of documents that are produced.

CRP LogoProblem solving and critical thinking
Demonstrate critical-thinking and problem-solving skills by analyzing and resolving problems that arise in completing assigned tasks.

Neither identifies resources that may help solve a specific problem nor applies critical thinking to aid in problem solving.

Sometimes identifies resources that may help solve a specific problem but does not apply critical thinking to using that resource.

Identify resources that may help solve a specific problem and apply critical thinking to using that resource correctly.

Easily and quickly identify resources that may help solve a specific problem and apply critical thinking to using that resource effectively.

CRP LogoUsing resources to complete work
Demonstrate proficiency with job- specific technologies by selecting and using technological resources to accomplish work responsibilities in a productive manner.

Rarely selects and uses correct technological resources (e.g., equipment, machines, tools, electronics) to accomplish work.

Selects and uses technological resources (e.g., equipment, machines, tools, electronics) to accomplish work.

Selects and uses technological resources (e.g., equipment, machines, tools, electronics) to accomplish work productively.

Consistently selects and uses technological resources (e.g., equipment, machines, tools, electronics) to accomplish work efficiently and productively.