CRP Introducation

Research Skills

(BPS) CRP logoBPS_CRP-MS.07 | BPS_CRP-HS.07 Research Skills

Employ Valid and Reliable Research Strategies

Career-ready individuals are discerning in accepting and using new information to make decisions, change practices, or inform strategies. They use a reliable research process to search for new information. They evaluate the validity of sources when considering the use and adoption of external information or practices. They use an informed process to test new ideas, information, and practices in their workplace situation.

Individual Competences


Not Yet Reached







CRP LogoCreating ideas
Evaluate information critically and competently.

Does not evaluate information.

Evaluates information researched, but not thoroughly.

Thoroughly evaluates information researched, using internal and external validation.

Thoroughly evaluates the reliability of the source and the information researched, using internal and external validation.

CRP LogoCollecting data thru technology
Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, and communicate information.

Does not use technology effectively to collect, organize, evaluate, and/or communicate information.

Uses technology to collect, organize, evaluate, and/or communicate information, but does not do so on a consistent basis.

When collecting, organizing, evaluating, and communicating research, technology is effectively utilized.

Effectively and consistently applies the use and understanding of technology as a tool for learning and communicating.

CRP LogoAccessing diverse sources
Access information efficiently (time) and effectively (sources).

Completes simple research strategies and sources, often not retrieving accurate or complete information.

Demonstrates an attitude of adaptability to respond to inconclusive or ineffective search results.

Considers more than one strategy or tool when engaged in the digital information fluency process if the first strategy or tool is ineffective.

Identifies key concepts of research conducted, acts on informed decisions to revise the search, and selects information based on reliability of resource efficiently and effectively.

CRP LogoAnalyzing source bias
Effectively analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs.

Does not complete analysis or evaluation of evidence, arguments, claims, or beliefs.

Is not thorough at analyzing and/or evaluating evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs.

Is effective in analyzing and evaluating evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs.

Consistently is successful at analyzing and evaluating evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs.

CRP LogoAnalyzing one's own bias
Effectively analyze and evaluate major alternative points of view.

Does not respect the view point of others while analyzing and evaluating material from a different point of view.

Believes they are able to analyze and evaluate material from a different point of view without being biased, but is not successful.

When analyzing and evaluating material is unbiased.

Embraces learning about material from different points of view and is unbiased in analyzing the material.

CRP LogoConnect data to argument
Effectively synthesize and make connections between information and arguments.

Does not attempt to understand the connection between information and arguments.

Is able to understand there is a connection between information and arguments, but is not able to determine what it is on their own.

Is able to understand and make the connections between information and arguments.

Is able to apply the connections between information and arguments in order to support a perspective.

CRP LogoDrawing conclusions
Effectively interpret information and draw conclusions based on the best analysis.

Looks at information and rarely is able to draw a conclusion.

Looks at information and sometimes is able to draw conclusions.

Is able to look at information and successfully draw conclusions.

Is able to look at complex information and successfully draw conclusions and apply to situation.

CRP LogoReflecting on research
Reflect critically on learning experiences and processes.

Does not reflect on learning experiences and processes.

Attempts to reflect on learning experiences and processes.

Reflects critically on learning experiences and processes.

Thoroughly reflects critically on learning experiences and processes and applies to future work.