CRP Introducation

Leadership / Management

(BPS) CRP logoBPS_CRP-MS.09 | BPS_CRP-HS.09 Leadership / Managment

Model Integrity, Ethical Leadership, and Effective Management

Career-ready individuals consistently act in ways that align to personal and community-held ideals and principles while employing strategies to positively influence others in the workplace. They have a clear understanding of integrity and act on this understanding in every decision. They use a variety of means to positively impact the direction and actions of a team or organization, and they apply insights into human behavior to change others’ actions, attitudes and/or beliefs. They recognize the near-term and long-term effects that management’s actions and attitudes can have on productivity, morale and organizational culture.

Individual Competences


Not Yet Reached







CRP LogoManaging information
Manage the flow of information from a wide variety of sources.

Is not able to apply quality information.

Accesses only one or two sources of information with some application.

Is able to collect and apply large amounts of quality information from a variety of sources.

Is able to apply large amounts of quality information from a variety of sources to make decisions and/or conclusions.

CRP LogoManaging respectfully through listening
Collaborate and cooperate effectively with teams.

Is argumentative with others; does not listen to group’s opinions and ideas; wants things done their way and does not listen to alternate approaches.

Sometimes listens to others, and often assumes others’ ideas will not work; tries to work well with the team.

Listens to other points of view; always uses appropriate and respectful language; tries to make a definite effort to understand others' ideas.

Consistently listens to others and their ideas; helping them to develop their ideas while giving them full credit; helping the team reach its full potential.

CRP LogoManaging through communication
Use interpersonal and problem- solving skills to influence and guide others toward a goal.

Shows no sign of interest in achieving a goal.

Attempts to work with others to reach a goal, but fails to communicate effectively to solve a problem or motivate others.

Effectively communicates and motivates others to work toward a goal.

Effectively communicates and motivates others to solve group problems while accomplishing a goal.

CRP LogoManaging through insight
Leverage the strengths of others to accomplish a common goal.

Is negative towards others in achieving a common goal.

Shows limited encouragement to others in achieving a common goal.

Encourages others to use their strengths to contribute to and achieve a common goal.

Consistently encourages and motivates others to use their strengths to contribute to and achieve a common goal.

CRP LogoManaging through inspiration
Inspire others to reach their very best via example and selflessness.

Fails to inspire others.

Sometimes inspires others to perform at their best abilities but sometimes allows selfish needs to take precedent.

Provides inspiration by demonstrating to others to perform at their best abilities no matter the obstacles before them.

Sets aside personal needs and inspires others to perform to their best abilities no matter the obstacles or considering their own success.

CRP LogoManaging with integrity
Demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior in using influence and power.

When in position of power, shows no signs of integrity or ethical behavior.

At times puts personal needs first and does not apply ethics and integrity to their decisions or actions.

Does not abuse their leadership position to benefit themselves by being ethical and demonstrating integrity.

When in a position of power, behaves ethically and with integrity to motivate others to work to their full potential.