What's new for teachers in moodle v4.4

Editor and course view changes

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Tiny editor - new features, fixes assignment grading bug
Tiny editor screenshot

Improved image handling in Tiny editor
Image Upload improvements in Tiny
Image handling is more streamlined, giving a better user experience.

Tiny MCe Documentation

To try it out, go to your User charm in the upper right, Preferences, Editor Preferences

More clearly defined activities and sections

Section view option in edit mode

Topics format renamed to Custom Sections

Activity icons revamped

Updated activity icon color palette to improve accessibility

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New Ordering question type

Rearrange words or phrases

Reorder Images

A modal window allows for more efficient adding and editing of grade items.

Quiz Improvements

Display "last saved"

Learners can see when their responses were last saved
Section grading

Teachers can allocate grades to groups of questions in a quiz.