K-12 Grade Levels

Grade 01

1st GradeELA-01 Standards

ELA Strand Clusters

Note: Standards Identifiers auto-link to popup a detailed description and Proficiency Scales.
Prioritized Standards Identifiers are highlighted a sky-blue.

ELA-01.F (F) Foundations of Literacy

  • ELA-01.F.01 is mastered in kindergarten
  • ELA-01.F.02 is mastered in kindergarten
  • ELA-01.F.03    Identify the distinguishing features of a sentence.
  • ELA-01.F.04 is mastered in kindergarten
  • ELA-01.F.05    Segment one-syllable spoken words into four or more phonemes.*
  • ELA-01.F.06    Blend four or more phonemes to produce a spoken word or syllable.*
  • ELA-01.F.07    Manipulate parts of spoken words.*
  • ELA-01.F.08    Decode words with phoneme-grapheme correspondences:*
  • ELA-01.F.09    Encode words with phoneme-grapheme correspondences:*
  • ELA-01.F.10    Determine the meaning of multiple-meaning words with phonics patterns that have been taught.
  • ELA-01.F.11    Use new academic, content-specific, grade-level vocabulary, make connections to previously learned words, and relate new words to background knowledge.
  • ELA-01.F.13    Write uppercase and lowercase letters accurately and automatically.*
  • ELA-01.F.14    Write simple sentences using subject and predicate, with capital letters, punctuation, and appropriate word spacing.

ELA-01.C (C) Communication

  • ELA-01.C.01    Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details expressing ideas orally to a targeted audience.
  • ELA-01.C.02    Speak audibly in complete sentences to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas.
  • ELA-01.C.03    Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading, being read to, and responding to texts, including frequently occurring conjunctions to signal simple relationships.
  • ELA-01.C.04    Use grade-appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain-specific words and phrases.
  • ELA-01.C.05 begins in sixth grade
  • ELA-01.C.06    Participate in conversations by listening to others and taking turns speaking about topics, continuing through multiple exchanges.
  • ELA-01.C.07    Work collaboratively by following agreed-upon rules and simple two- and three-step oral directions and offering one- and two-step verbal directions.

ELA-01.R (R) Reading

  • ELA-01.R.01 is met in 1.R.2-5.
  • ELA-01.R.02    Ask and answer questions about a variety of texts, genres, photographs, or illustrations before, during, and after shared reading or other text-listening experiences to compare, contrast, predict, or infer.
  • ELA-01.R.03a    Identify the topic of an informational text, photograph, or illustration during or after a shared reading or other text-listening experiences.*
  • ELA-01.R.03b    Identify characters, setting, and plot in a literary text during or after a shared reading or other text-listening experience.*
  • ELA-01.R.04 begins in fourth grade
  • ELA-01.R.05    Determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases through read-alouds or other text-listening experiences.*
  • ELA-01.R.06    Recognize basic text features during or after a shared reading or other text-listening experience.
  • ELA-01.R.07 begins in third grade
  • ELA-01.R.08    Use a variety of fiction texts.
  • ELA-01.R.09 begins in third grade

ELA-01.Wr (Wr) Writing

  • ELA-01.Wr.01    Produce writing through shared and interactive experiences in which the development and organization are appropriate to the task, purpose, or audience.*
  • ELA-01.Wr.02 begins in second grade
  • ELA-01.Wr.03    Write informative pieces that detail the topic.
  • ELA-01.Wr.04    Write opinion pieces on a topic using a reason to support the opinion.
  • ELA-01.Wr.05    Write narrative pieces that describe a single event with a beginning, middle, and end.
  • ELA-01.Wr.06    Develop and strengthen writing utilizing the five steps appropriate to the task.
  • ELA-01.Wr.07    Produce writing with emotion or personality expressed through word choice.

ELA-01.IR (IR) Inquiry and Research

(IR) Standards for Research begin in second grade