K-12 Grade Levels

Grade 06

6th Grade logoSixth grade is a launching pad for powerful communication and critical thinking!

Your child will become a confident speaker, crafting engaging presentations and participating actively in discussions.
They'll hone their research skills, formulating questions, gathering information from credible sources, and analyzing it from different angles.  Get ready to be impressed by their writing prowess –– this year, they'll master a variety of writing styles, from informative essays to persuasive arguments and captivating narratives.  They'll learn to structure their writing effectively, using clear transitions and evidence to support their ideas. 
Reading will also take on a whole new level of depth.  Your child will analyze complex texts, both fiction and non-fiction, identifying themes, figurative language, and author's craft. 
By the end of the year, you'll witness a blossoming communicator and researcher, ready to tackle any challenge middle school throws their way!

Note: Standards Identifiers auto-link to popup a detailed description and links to Proficiency Scales with Prioritized Standards Identifiers being highlighted a sky-blue.

ELA-06.C (C) Communication

  • ELA-06.C.01    Construct and deliver formal and informal presentations considering the provided audience and purpose, including multimedia components when appropriate.
  • ELA-06.C.02    Present ideas using proper eye contact, body language, volume, and pronunciation in formal and informal presentations.
  • ELA-06.C.05    Prepare for discussions by finding relevant connections to the topic or text.
  • ELA-06.C.06    Engage in a range of discussions and/or debates using active listening skills to be focused and present.
  • ELA-06.C.07    Collaborate cooperatively with peers to accomplish a common goal or purpose.

ELA-06.R (R) Reading

  • ELA-06.R.02    Comprehend a variety of texts while developing inferences and providing supportive textual evidence.
  • ELA-06.R.03a    Summarize nonfiction texts objectively, including relevant details.
  • ELA-06.R.03b    Summarize literary texts objectively, including relevant details.
  • ELA-06.R.04    Determine main idea(s), claim(s), or theme(s) and provide supporting textual evidence.
  • ELA-06.R.05    Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative, denotative, and connotative meanings.
  • ELA-06.R.06    Describe how a paragraph, chapter, stanza, or section fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of ideas.
  • ELA-06.R.07    Describe how an author uses figurative language and specific word choice to affect meaning in a text.
  • ELA-06.R.08    Analyze a variety of fiction texts using textual evidence for support.
  • ELA-06.R.09    Analyze a variety of nonfiction texts using textual evidence for support.

ELA-06.Wr (Wr) Writing

  • ELA-06.Wr.01    Produce clear writing organized according to the task, purpose, and audience.
  • ELA-06.Wr.02    Write using a clear organizational structure incorporating an introduction, transitions, body paragraph(s), and a conclusion appropriate to the task.
  • ELA-06.Wr.03    Write using informative/explanatory techniques to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information utilizing different mediums when appropriate.
  • ELA-06.Wr.04    Write using argumentative techniques to develop claims using supporting evidence and logical reasoning.
  • ELA-06.Wr.05    Write using narrative techniques to develop real or imagined experiences or events using well-chosen details and structured event sequences.
  • ELA-06.Wr.06    Develop and strengthen writing by planning, drafting, revising, and editing to provide clarity to the audience.
  • ELA-06.Wr.07    Produce writing that uses intentional word choice and voice to match the writing purpose.
  • ELA-06.wL.01    Apply language knowledge for a specific task, purpose, intention, and audience, resolving issues of usage as needed.

ELA-06.IR (IR) Inquiry and Research

(IR) Customize to Gr
  • ELA-06.IR.01    Develop a research question based on a given topic, problem, or need.
  • ELA-06.IR.02    Locate relevant information from a provided set of credible sources.
  • ELA-06.IR.03    Organize main concepts from provided sources using a given note taking strategy.
  • ELA-06.IR.04    Analyze information from credible sources considering multiple perspectives.
  • ELA-06.IR.05    Integrate information from sources using a standardized format.