Separating Behavior from Academic Grades

Why are middle schools also assessing student behavior?

A behavior rubric is used to assess middle school students on the 2 Rs: Being Responsible and Being Respectful. These behaviors are part of a student’s educational responsibility and important for student learning, but they are reported separate from a student’s academic achievement. For example, a student could be doing exceptional work but not handing assignments in on time. Instead of reducing the student’s grade for late work, the student the student will receive an additional report that he/she “Needs Improvement” in the area of responsibility.

What is listed on the elementary behavior scale?

Elementary teachers are reporting* on the following behavior indicators: ·

  • Responsibility for learning
  • Responds to teacher-directed activities
  • Demonstrates self-monitoring
  • Interacts positively with peers and adults
  • Puts forth effort · Creating, imagining and innovating
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving

* 'N' = Needs Improvement, 'P' = Progressing Towards the Goal, 'M' = Meets the Goal