Glossary of SBE Terms:

Assessment: Gathering and interpreting information about student achievement using a variety of tools.

Common Assessment: The same assessment that is given and graded by common grade level/subject classrooms at about the same time to collect data.

Curriculum: The lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course or program

Feedback: Feedback is not evaluative or generic; instead, it offers specific comments regarding student progress toward proficiency and next steps (academic or behavioral) for reaching the goal of the standards.

Formative Assessment: Periodic assessment tool for learning that is used to adjust instruction for individual students or a whole class.

Grade: A simple, clear, and concrete summary representation of student achievement based on what a student knows at the end of a given time period. The number (or letter) reported at the end of a period of time as a summary statement of student performance.

Learning Target: Concise, written descriptions of what students are expected to know and be able to do at a specific stage of their education.

Prioritized Standards: power standards or prioritized standards refers to a subset of learning standards that educators have determined to be the highest priority or most important for students to learn, based on endurance, leverage, readiness, and professional judgment.

Proficiency: Marked when a student reaches the expectations of the standard.

Proficiency Scale: Articulates learning progressions and expectations for each prioritized standard.

Score: To mark, evaluate, or place a value on a single product as compared to a standard or objective. The number (or letter) “score” given to any student test or performance.

Standard: Statement that describes what and/or how well students are expected to understand and perform.

Standards-based practices: A wide gamut of classroom practices that involve prioritized standards, learning targets and proficiency scales, assessments, student self-monitoring, and feedback directly related to proficiency of the standards.

Standards-based Reporting: Achievement level based on mastery of essential standards—a grading system where scores denote progress toward the understanding of a specific standard. Summative Assessment: An evaluation tool designed to show information about a student’s achievement at the end of a period of instruction.

4.0 Rubric: A grading tool used to provide feedback on an identified learning goal. The score signifies the knowledge a student has towards that learning goal. It moves from simple (2.0) to more complex (3.0) with a score of 4.0 requiring synthesis and analysis or performance above the grade-level target. A score of 3.0 is the proficient level of the targeted learning goal.