1st Grade (SCI) Science Standards [LS1] From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
SCI-01.LS1.01 Construct an evidence-based argument with the use of a drawing or a
model that illustrates how structures of plants or animals help them
survive in their habitat.
Clarification Statement: Examples could include a turtle shell protects its body and an acorn shell protects its seed. Disciplinary Core Ideas LS1.A: Structure and Function
-All organisms have external parts. Different
animals use their body parts in different ways
to see, hear, grasp objects, protect
themselves, move from place to place, and
seek, find and take in food, water and air.
Plants also have different parts (roots, stems,
leaves, flowers, fruits) that help them survive
and grow.
LS1.D: Information Processing
-Animals have body parts that capture and
convey different kinds of information needed
for growth and survival. Animals respond to
these inputs with behaviors that help them
survive. Plants also respond to some external