Students have the academic skills and can successfully complete rigorous college and career preparatory curriculum and experiences.
AVI-07.AP.01: Writing
A tool for communication, reflection, and learning
Visible organization of thought
Communication with authentic audiences
AVI-07.AP.02: Inquiry
Uncovering one’s understanding
Critical thinking and questioning
Exploring a variety of ways to solve problems
Engaging in thinking, learning, and discussion to inspire innovation
AVI-07.AP.03: Collaboration
Positive group interactions
Teamwork with shared responsibility
Sharing of ideas, information, and opinions
AVI-07.AP.04: Organization
Managing materials, time, and self
Practicing methodical study habits
Planning and prioritizing school, work, and social tasks
Engaging in goal-setting, planning, and reflection
Strategically and intentionally taking responsibility for one’s own learning
AVI-07.AP.05: Reading
Making connections between texts, self, and the world
Navigating and comprehending rigorous texts
Evaluating information from a variety of formats
Organizing and applying text-based learning
Calculation Method for Domains
Frameworks are larger groups of related student standards. So the Framework Score is a calculation of all the related student competencies. So click on the student standards identifiers name below
each Framework to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each standard.