AVI-06.AP.01: Writing is a learning tool, a personal and public communication tool, and serves as a record of thinking. Students who write consider audience and purpose, engage in various writing processes to address specific situations, support their thinking, and demonstrate understanding.
(a) Develop writing skills related to argumentative and narrative modes of writing (b) Plan and structure writing based on the mode (descriptive, narrative, expository, argumentative) (c) Draft initial writing (d) Analyze a writing task by identifying key vocabulary and audience (e) Gather and analyze feedback from peers and instructors (f) Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
(g) Analyze the organizational structure of writing (h) Publish writing to a small group audience within the classroom, such as a formal written paper (i) Take notes with an emphasis on identifying and recording the note-taking objective and/or Essential Question (j) Take notes with an emphasis on setting up notes, including all required components (k) Summarize by pulling together the most important information related to the objective and/or Essential Question
Students who write can:
Engage frequently, in every content area and classroom
Cite evidence to support their thinking
Deepen their understanding of content
Demonstrate command of academic vocabulary
Communicate as a content expert
Communicate their thinking competently and confidently